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Elaine Givandra Louisa / 2019130043

TOEIC WORD LIST (1001-1050)

1. Words Lighter
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Korek api, Pemantik api
Sentence Keep matches and lighters away from the

2. Words Loudly
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Dengan keras
Sentence Adel burped loudly

3. Words Loyalty
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Kesetiaan
Sentence They have sworn an oath of loyalty to the

4. Words Microwave
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Oven, memasak dengan oven gelombang
mikro (v)
Sentence We have microwave dinners every night

5. Words Misidentify
Part of Speech Verb
Translate Salah mengidentifikasi
Sentence People will consistently misidentify you as a
man, woman, female impersonator or some
incorrect label.

6. Words Neat
Part of Speech Adjective, Noun
Translate Rapih / bersih (adj) lembu/sapi/banteng (n)
Sentence Her dresses and hairstyle were very neat

7. Words Nomination
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Pencalonan,pengangkatan
Sentence He get a nomination for best supporting

8. Words Officially
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Secara resmi
Sentence You officially broke it off.

9. Words Outfit
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Perlengkapan, pakaian, busana (n)
memperlengkapi (v)
Sentence He was wearing an outfit he’d bought the
previous day

10. Words Pastry

Part of Speech Noun
Translate Adonan, kue-kue kering
Sentence Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem

11. Words Personalize

Part of Speech Verb
Translate Mewujudkan, mempribadikan
Sentence Gift certificates are personalized with both
the recipient and giver names.

12. Words Poorly

Part of Speech Adverb, Adjective
Translate Jelek (adv), kurang sehat, kurang baik (adj)
Sentence Food rations were meager and poorly

13. Words Prestigious

Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Bergengsi, berwibawa
Sentence The challenge was held every year and it
was very prestigious

14. Words Purser

Part of Speech Noun
Translate Kepala keuangan di kapal, bendaharawan
Sentence Glorio was the purser on a cruise ship up
South and one of his jobs was to organize
show time

15. Words Reassure

Part of Speech Verb
Translate Meyakinkan, menenteramkan, menjamin
Sentence Bank are built to look solid to reassure their

16. Words Resume

Part of Speech Verb, noun
Translate Memulai lagi, melanjutkan (v), ringkasan,
simpulan, rangkuman (n)
Sentence The next summer he was back, ready to
resume his study

17. Words Reunion

Part of Speech Noun
Translate Reuni, penyatuan Kembali
Sentence The association holds an annual reunion

18 Words Revolutionize
Part of Speech Verb
Translate Merombak keadaan, memperbaharui
Sentence One day virtual reality will revolutionize the
entertainment industry

19 Words Seafood
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Makanan hasil laut, makanan laut
Sentence We’ll eat dinner at a seafood restaurant

20 Words Signify
Part of Speech Verb
Translate Menandakan, menyatakan, menunjukan,
Sentence World conditions signify this

21 Words Slot
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Lubang, celah (n) melubangi, menetapkan,
memampatkan (v)
Sentence She dropped a coin into the slot and dialled

22 Words Steer
Part of Speech Verb, Noun
Translate Mengemudikan, menyetir, mengendalikan
(v) nasihat, lembu muda (n)
Sentence The wind blows so hard the men can’t steer
the boat

23 Words Sue
Part of Speech Verb
Translate Menggugat, menuntut, mengadukan
Sentence She wants to sue the magazine for

24 Words Superb
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Hebat, bermutu tertinggi, agung
Sentence With superb skill he managed to make
perfect landing

25 Words Traditionally
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Menurut tradisi, secara tradisional
Sentence Sons are traditionally expected to emulate
their fathers

26 Words Tremendous
Part of Speech Adjective, Adverb
Translate Besar sekali, hebat sekali (adj) sangat (adv)
Sentence It’s a tremendous improvement

27 Words Underway
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Berlangsung
Sentence An investigation is underway to find out
how the disaster happened.

28 Words Unpleasant
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Tidak menyenangkan
Sentence House searches were very unpleasant

29 Words Violin
Part of Speech noun
Translate Biola
Sentence Dince used to play the violin

30 Words Ward
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Bangsal, orang yang dibawah perwalian (n)
menangkis, menjaga, menepis, menghindari
Sentence She pointed up the ward

31 Words Worthwhile
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Berguna, bermanfaat, layak diperhatikan
Sentence Hard work involved in completing such an
assignment are worthwhile

32 Words Adapter
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Penyadur, pencocok, alat untuk
mengadaptasi tegangan listrik
Sentence The adapter can be used as a high-speed
bootable source for operating systems,
33 Words Advisable
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Sebaiknya, bijaksana, dianjurkan
Sentence It is advisable to wait a few minutes so that
the teeth recover their strength

34 Words Archive
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Arsip (n) mengarsip, menyimpan dokumen
Sentence A quarter of this vast archive has been

35 Words Artistic
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Berseni, mempunayi rasa seni
Sentence The campaign for artistic freedom

36 Words Assurance
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Jaminan, kepastian, keyakinan, janji,
Sentence Hellen surely treasured his kind assurances
of love

37 Words Athletic
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Atletis, keolahragaan
Sentence That’s unusually athletic of you

38 Words Attire
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Pakaian (n), berpakaian (v)
Sentence They wear vintage attire with colorfull
ribbons in their hair

39 Words Auditor
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Akuntan, pemeriksa keuangan
Sentence During the pandemic, auditor had already
been struggling inder extra poundage in
placings this season

40 Words Bankruptcy
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Kebangkrutan, kepailitan
Sentence United stated had filed for banktuptcy
41 Words Bulk
Part of Speech Noun, Verb, Adjective
Translate Ukuran besar, jumlah besar, bagian terbesar,
mayoritas (n) kelihatan seolah-olah penting,
mengumpulkan (v) Borongan (adj)
Sentence We need more mineral water, buy in bulk.

42 Words Butter
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Mentega
Sentence We need Milk, butter, and sugar to make a
fla of pudding

43 Words Centimeter
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Sentimeter
Sentence They were maturing at seven centimeters

44 Words Circulate
Part of Speech Verb
Translate Beredar, berputar
Sentence Rumours were already beginning to
circulate that the project might have to be

45 Words Comb
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Sisir, sarang lebah, sarang madu, sikat,
jengger (n) menyisir, menyikat, memeriksa,
menggeledah (v)
Sentence Comb is thus a marvel of engineering

46 Words Comfortably
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Dengan senang, dengan nyaman
Sentence They talked comfortably of their works

47 Words Compliance
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Pemenuhan, penyesuaian, kepatuhan
Sentence Willing compliance will make you get a

48 Words Contraction
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Singkatan, kepadatan, penyusutan
Sentence SBY, being a contraction of the President
name Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
49 Words Cookbook
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Buku masak, buku masakan
Sentence Open any cookbook, and you’ll find dozens
of cake recipes to bring the best our of every

50 Words Cushion
Part of Speech Noun, Verb
Translate Bantalan, alas duduk (n) melindungi dengan
bantalan, menahan (v)
Sentence Cushion words of counsel with warm and
sincere commendation

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