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Be The Master of Your Reality

“What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”

– Buddha

We all “float” along with the experiences we face in life. When things are going nicely like

we want, we say “I did it.” But, when we end up in a “bad” situation we throw a fit and take on

the role of the victim. With the use and knowledge of the Law of Attraction we can understand

that we determine every outcome by what we are constantly feeling and thinking. We can use

this law to manifest our desired reality and our desired partner. People should have faith in

manifesting and incorporate it into their daily lives because it has scientific research backing it

up, it’s very simple to use, and it has been shown to lead to success in many ways including love.

Like Neale Donald Walsh —author of the series Conversations with God — said, “the purpose of

a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom

you might share your completeness.”

The Law of Attraction has always been viewed as “the secret,” when in reality it’s just

science. There are many ways to prove that the law of attraction is real with science, for instance:

the placebo effect or your Reticular Activating System (more on that later), but the most

important one is Quantum physics. According to Chad Orzel — an Associate Professor in the

Department of Physics and Astronomy at Union College — Quantum physics is the “study of

matter and energy at its more fundamental level.” Everything in the universe is made up of and

“acts like a particle and wave at the same time” (Orzel). This fact is very important for proving

the law of attraction. Mark Haugton — the author of Manifest it with Quantum Physics — ties
everything together by saying that, “Quantum physics deals with the tiniest particles of energy

called quanta. You know that the Law of Attraction works thanks to vibration and alignment of

energy” (Haughton). The energy that he is referring to is the particles and waves that Orzel

stated. “Research into quantum mechanics has shown that the act of observing reality creates it,”

This phenomenon is called The Observer Effect, which shows that the behavior of particles can

be changed just by observing them. Also, “attempting to observe something causes it to appear

out of nothing” (Haughton). This means that if you are not aware of -- or observing --

something, then it does not exist in your reality. And, light and matter don’t exist until something

occurs to make “real,” which is called collapse of the wave function. This shows us that, “it is

consciousness, which performs this action to manifest reality.” All of the possible outcomes of a

situation is in the wave function, but “only one appears in the real world when it is collapsed by

an attending consciousness.” So, instead of clusters of energy, we see a person because of the

speed of the energy, and our “set of senses perceives the sea of energy from a certainly limited

standpoint and makes up an image from that.” Haughton describes it as a movie reel: “A movie

is a collection of about 24 frames a second. Each frame is separated by a gap.” But, because of

the speed that each frame replaces the next, our eyes “get cheated” and we think we are seeing a

continuously moving picture. Therefore, our thoughts are connected to invisible energy, and our

thoughts then determine what the energy forms into on a, “particle-by-particle basis to create

your physical life.” And, because of this we can change the results or outcomes of situations in

our lives, “through our observation and views of it.” Quantum physics also suggests that your

thoughts combined with your feelings form a magnet-like reaction, according to Marc Bruin —

an certified life/business coach and master NLP Practitioner. “This magnet pulls in experiences

that match your thoughts and feelings” (Bruin). This magnet metaphor connects back to, “what
we feel we attract.” If we feel or think negatively, we attract negative outcomes or results.

Understanding the science behind the law of attraction can now help us develop and use

techniques to manifest what we desire.

Even though our thoughts and feelings are an important part of manifestation, taking action

is also needed to achieve what we desire, and this can be done with very simple-to-follow steps.

Before you do anything you first have to decide on what you want! According to Jessica Dimas

—the author of Anything Can Be — doing this first step is very difficult, especially when you’re

first starting out. Dimas suggests, “spend[ing] a few days thinking about it … mainly you want to

think about how it is you want to feel.” Dimas also says that thinking about what you don’t want

can help, “give you an idea for what you do want.” A simple way of doing this is to write down

everything you don't like and underneath it you write what you wish the situation was. Also, you

should make sure it’s something you genuinely want, not something you think you should want.

In addition, Bruin says that you should also be clear about what you want: “If you fail to get

clear on what you DO want, according to the Law of Attraction, you will keep on attracting what

you have been attracting, again and again” (Bruin). The second step is to visualize it.

“Imagination is everything; it is the preview of life’s coming attractions,” Albert Einstein said.

Visualization is a very powerful manifestation technique that we’ve all been using without

realizing it. Ever wonder why a negative situation that you imagined in your head came true?

Manifestation and visualization are the reasons why! Instead of visualizing a positive reality, you

visualized -- and ended up manifesting -- a negative reality. Because, “any thought you may

have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe and will attract back

what you are focusing on” (Bruin). Therefore, having the fear that your manifestation won’t

come true will end in exactly that. “Using your mind to see a future outcome is literally inviting
the essence of that thing into your experience,” wrote Dimas. So, don’t be afraid! Dimas suggests

that every night before you go to bed, you envision only the end result of what you want to

manifest. For example, if you want to have a bestselling book, you should envision yourself on

Good Morning America talking about your new bestselling book. “When you do this before

falling asleep, you’re imprinting this image onto your subconscious mind, basically retraining

what it perceives as your reality,” according to Dimas. Jack Canfield — the author of The

Success Principles and The Chicken Soup series — says that this is done with programming the

Reticular Activating System (RAS), “which serves as a mental filter for the 8 million bits of

information that are streaming into our brains at any one time” (Canfield). And, when your

subconscious or RAS sees an image that you think is your reality, “you will literally begin to

experience your reality shifting.” Canfield also shared his manifestation success story of how he

was able to achieve a life changing goal within a year with this step. Canfield’s mentor was W.

Clement Stone, whose net worth was $600 million when Canfield worked for him. Stone

coached him while he was a teacher in Chicago making $8,000 a year. Stone told him, “I want

you to set a goal that’s so big that if you achieve it, you’ll know it’s because of the secret I am

teaching you” (Stone). Then, Canfield decided to make a goal of making $100,000 that year. He,

“created an image of a $100,000 dollar bill and hung it on the ceiling above [his] bed. Every

morning [he’d] see the image. [And he’d] visualize what it would be like to have $100,000.” By

the end of the year, Canfield made $97,000! Finally, step three is to write it down. According to

the authors of the The Abracadabra Journal — Daryan Betram and Alexis Schroeder — writing

it down helps you get an understanding of what you want and it helps you organize your

thoughts. Also,“studies have shown that you are 1.4-1.8 x more likely to achieve what you write
down” (Daryan and Alexis). These manifestation steps are very simple and they can help you

manifest very quickly.

Everyone in the world is born with the same tools in order to be successful and have

abundance a.k.a. our minds! However, it’s what we do to achieve our goals that’s different from

person to person. With the law of attraction, there’s an unlimited number of outcomes, realities,

or materials that you can manifest. And, it has been shown through regular people, yourself, and

celebrities. Janine James is an example of a regular person who manifested love successfully.

Janine James participated in the Love Mastery Program created by Leeor Alexandra — a

YouTuber who helps people manifest. Janine was “constantly treated as a doormat by many of

[her] exes and often giving 100% only to get back 10%.” (James) She then discovered Leeor’s

YouTube channel and started the program. One exercise that she had to do involved creating a

list of her perfect partner. Her list included: must love nature, pretty eyes, animal lover, healthy,

drama free, and spiritual. She wanted to find a woman who was into new agey things like her, so

she downloaded Tinder. She also started to tell all her friends that she would be in a relationship

by September, and they thought she was crazy! Later on, she matched with someone named

Freddie and the first message she sent was: “wow you messaged me at 11:11” (an angel number).

Janine felt like she was connecting with an old friend, and Freddie had all the qualities that

Janine was looking for. Freddie was: a nature lover, gorgeous, healthy, drama free and spiritual.

They ended up having a first date on September 16th and on the same day they agreed to delete

their Tinder accounts. And, on September 19th Freddie looked Janine in the eyes and said “I love

you”. But, that’s not all. Freddie ended up asking Janine if she knew what the law of attraction

was and she told her that she manifested her! Janine told her that she did the same. Finally now,

they are happy and thinking of marriage. An example of a celebrity who manifested success is
Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has been a firm believer in the law of attraction, and she shared a success

story in an interview with Larry King. It all started when Winfrey got the book The Color Purple

and she became the story. She “ate, slept, and thought all the time about The Color

Purple''(Winfrey). She then moved to Chicago, she got a call from a casting agent and they

asked her if she would like to come and audition for a movie. She “never got a call in [her] life

from anybody for a movie or anything like that.” And she asked the casting agent if it was for

The Color Purple, but they say it's for Moon Song and she went: “well I’ve been praying for The

Color Purple”. She then went to the audition and “of course it was The Color Purple”. She

auditioned but didn’t hear anything for months. She went to a fat farm since she thinks “it’s

because [she’s] fat because [she] was about 212 pounds at the time. She was praying and crying,

saying to God to help her let this go. And she went on the track and sang the ‘I surrender all, I

surrender of all, all to my blessed surrender, I surrender all.’ While she was singing that song a

lady comes out and she says it’s raining and she says there’s a phone call for you.” On the phone

was Steven Spielberg, “saying I want to see you in my office in California”(Winfrey). She says

that moment absolutely changed my life forever because she “had drawn the color purple into

my life”. She didn’t know Steven Spielberg; she didn’t know Quincy Jones who saw her in

Chicago in 1984. “ He was there for a lawsuit that was being filed against Michael Jackson

because he’s been working on his thriller album”. And, he saw her on A.M. Chicago and said that

is Sofia. “I didn’t know anybody that had anything to do with that but I knew that I had drawn

that into my life and it changed the way I thought about my life forever” all because of The

Secret — a book and film about the law of attraction.

Ultimately, the law of attraction is a miracle, and nothing is a coincidence. You have the

power to create a life that you love with it, so use it to your advantage! Will it be easy? Nope.

But, will it be worth it? Absolutely.

Works Cited

Alexandra, Leeor, and Janine James. "Testimonials." Leeor Alexandra. Teachable, Leeor

Alexandra, 2018, Accessed 18 Mar. 2021.

Bertram, Daryan, and Alexis Schroeder. "Science of Manifesting and Law of Attraction." The

Abracadabra Journal, Accessed 7 Feb. 2021.

Canfield, Jack. "Law of Attraction Stories of Success That Will Inspire You." Jack Canfield,

Accessed 5 Feb. 2021.

Canfield, Jack. "Visualization Techniques to Affirm Your Desired Outcomes: A Step-by-Step

Guide." Jack Canfield, Accessed 5 Feb. 2021.

de Bruin, Marc. "The law of attraction: how it works, and how to make it work for you:

Universal Laws govern the Universe. They are basic principles of life and have been

around since Creation. Universal Laws apply to everyone, everywhere, and work in your

life, whether or not you believe they exist." Going Bonkers Magazine, vol. 1, no. 2,

Spring 2007, p. 16+. Gale OneFile: Psychology, Accessed 3 Feb. 2021.

Dimas, Jessica. "How to Effectively Use the Law of Attraction to Change Your Life." Dwell in

Magic, 17 Jan. 2020, Accessed 5 Feb. 2021.

Haughton, Mark. "Quantum Mechanics of the Law of Attraction." Marka Haughton Quantum

Vibrational Number, 24 Jan. 2019, Accessed 3 Feb. 2021.

"Oprah Winfrey Used The Law of Attraction for Success." YouTube, uploaded by Katherine

Hurst, 31 Oct. 2012, Accessed 21 Mar.


Orzel, Chad. "Six Things Everyone Should Know about Quantum Physics." Forbes, 8 July 2015.

Forbes, Accessed 3 Feb. 2021.

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