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Can a pessimistic nation be led by an optimistic leader

As we all be pessimistic at some point in life we donot have courage or hope we arenot seeing any life of
hope and we are feeling low and slowly losing our control in life that what happenend with all of us are
naturally pessimistic at some point but what will happen if whole nation turn into pessimism and they
haven’t any direction any kind of hope for good . if people fail to get there basic necessities which is
food, education, shelter in not an hectic way there they will turn into lesser hope and they need a leader
of optimistic approach.

Leaders who are optimistic and are quick to conclude why something can be done and they tend to
focus first on whats wrong they typically donot appreciate or acknowledge any negative thoughts and
focus for the betterment of people and positive sees opportunity where nations sees uncertainity and
despair. when the economy is down like is today and millions of people are out of work the optimistic
leader manage to cross the hurdle and give the perspective to his people and give strong statement and
try to seek opportunity in difficult time leaders who are optimistic have the ability to envision a better
future and they are able to inspire and motivate people to work towards achieving that shared vision of
their leader towards success they shouldnot allow people to wallow in the dark and difficult times

Optimism can be relearnt and leader can empowers people by their positive thought he should influence
people easily by his authority

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