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Leadership Traits and Attributes

A. Leaders Are Strong Communicators

Ability to speak effectively and persuasively. In fact, many tend to practice
public speaking within their own businesses until they are ready to branch
out into professional paid speaking gigs. Although talking in front of crowds
is a top fear for the majority of us, conquering this fear is what makes a
good leader become a great leader.

B. Leaders Lead by Example

They also know that they must lead by example to truly earn the will of their

Remember: The most important contribution you can make to your

company is to be a leader, accept responsibility for results, and dare
to go forward.

C. Leaders Are Future Oriented

The predominant quality of great leaders is that they think about the

future most of the time. They think about where they are going rather than
where they have been. They maintain a positive attitude and think about the
opportunities of tomorrow rather than focusing on the problems of the past.

To think like a leader, you must practice “idealization” in each area of your
life. To get the most out of the use of idealization, you should begin by
imagining that you have no limitations at all on what you can be, do or
have. Imagine for a moment that you have all the time and money that you
need. You have all the education and knowledge. You have all the talent
and experience. You have all the friends and contacts. You are a “no-limit”
person who can do anything that you really put your mind to.

If you were the very best professional business person that you could
possibly be, what additional knowledge, skills, and leadership
qualities would you have developed to a high level? When you begin the
practice of idealization, you can then extend this exercise to your family,
your finances and your physical health. (How would you be different from
today?) When you begin to develop leadership qualities, you begin to
engage in what is called “long-term thinking.”

D. Leaders Keep a Positive Attitude

Top people maintain a positive attitude and are long-term thinkers.

Average thinkers think only about the present, and about immediate
gratification. But great leaders think about where they want to be in five and
ten years, and what they have to do each hour of each day to make their
desired futures a reality. Great leaders inspire other people, their friends,
customer, associates and even their children because they are inspired
themselves. They are excited about the possibility of creating an exciting
future for themselves. They get up every morning and they see every effort
they make as part of a great plan to accomplish something wonderful with
their lives and push forward with a positive attitude. If they are  writing a new
book, they understand that every page written is a step closer to their goal.
Even when progress comes slowly, they focus on the good that will come
out of it, rather than dwell on the feeling of foreverness. Leaders are
optimistic. They see opportunities and possibilities in everything that
happens, positive or negative. They look for the good in every situation and
in every person. They seek the valuable lessons contained in every
problem or setback. They never experience “failures;” instead, write them
off as “learning experiences.”

Most of all, great leaders have a sense of meaning and purpose in each
area of their lives. They have clear, written goals and plans they work on
every day. Leaders are clear about where they are going and what they will
have to do to get there. Their behaviour is purposeful and goal-directed. As
a result, they accomplish five and ten times as much as the average person
who operates from day to day with little concern about the future.

E. Leaders Take Responsibility

One of the most important leadership qualities is the acceptance of

personal responsibility. Leaders never complain, never explain. Instead of
making excuses, they make progress. Whenever they have a setback or
difficulty, they repeat to themselves, “I am responsible!!!” Great leaders see
themselves as victors over circumstances rather than victims of
circumstances. They don’t criticize or blame others when something goes
wrong. Instead, they focus on the solution, on what can be done. Leaders
are intensely action-oriented. They try something, and then something else,
and then something else again. They never give up.
Finally, leaders have integrity. They tell the truth at all times. They live in
truth with themselves, and they live in truth with others.

The acceptance of leadership is a great responsibility.

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