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Question 1: Why we are studying the subject “Arts, crafts and calligraphy”?

Give at least four reasons to support your answer?

Arts, crafts and calligraphy

Art, in its broadest sense, is a form of communication. It means whatever the artist
intends it to mean, and this meaning is shaped by the materials, techniques, and forms
it makes use of, as well as the ideas and feelings it creates in its viewers. Art is an act
of expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations.
The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a
visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily
for their beauty or emotional power.

Components supporting Arts:

 Expression
 Way of expression
 Style of expression.

The definition of art has evolved over time and varies based on context; anything can
be made into art, and the term continues to evolve. Art gives us the ability to express
ourselves. Through that expression, we communicate by drawing on our own unique
emotions, thoughts, and experiences. When you see and study another's art, you're
seeing the world through their eyes. When you create, you're letting the world see
through yours.

Reason to support Art:

Arts improve academic performance. Students engaged in arts learning have higher
GPAs, standardized test scores, and college-going rates as well as lower drop-out
rates. These academic benefits are reaped by students across all socio-economic
strata. Yet, the Department of Education reports that access to arts education for
students of color is significantly lower than for their white peers. 91% of
Americans believe that arts are part of a well-rounded K-12 education.

1. Arts spark creativity and innovation. Creativity is among the top five applied skills
sought by business leaders—per the Conference Board’s Ready to
Innovate report—with 72% saying creativity is of “high importance” when hiring.
Research on creativity shows that Nobel laureates in the sciences are 17 times
more likely to be actively engaged as an arts maker than other scientists.
2. Arts have social impact. University of Pennsylvania researchers have
demonstrated that a high concentration of the arts in a city leads to higher civic
engagement, more social cohesion, higher child welfare, and lower poverty
3. Arts improve healthcare. Nearly one-half of the nation’s healthcare institutions provide arts
programming for patients, families, and even staff. 78% deliver these programs because of
their healing benefits to patients—shorter hospital stays, better pain management, and less
4. Arts for the health and well-being of our military. The arts heal the mental, physical,
and moral injuries of war for military service members and Veterans, who rank
the creative arts therapies in the top four (out of 40) interventions and
treatments. Across the military continuum, the arts promote resilience during pre-
deployment, deployment, and the reintegration of military service members,
Veterans, their families, and caregivers into communities.
5. Arts Strengthen Mental Health. The arts are an effective resource in reducing
depression and anxiety and increasing life satisfaction. Just 30 minutes of active
arts activities daily can combat the ill effects of isolation and loneliness
associated with COVID-19.

Definition of crafts:

It is an activity involving the skill of making things by hand. Craft is a form of making that
generally produces an object that has a function such as something we can wear, or eat
or drink from.

Reasons to support craft:

 Craft improves their coordination and fine motor skills.

 Craft helps them express themselves.

 It makes them more creative and productive.

 Craft helps them develop other skills.


Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering
with a pen, ink brush, or another writing instrument. A contemporary calligraphic
practice can be defined as the art of giving form to signs in an expressive and skillful
Reasons to support calligraphy:

1. Calligraphy is meditative and relaxing.

2. It helps to develop fine motor skills and memory retention.

3. It helps us to make sense of our thoughts.

4. It Increase productivity and creativeness

Question 2:
Enlist the names of Persons from Pakistan that provide services
in the field of “Arts, crafts and calligraphy”? Write at least services
of four such persons?

Personalities of Pakistan that provide services in the field of art,

crafts, and Calligraphy

Here are some names of notable Pakistan artists:

Muhammad Qasim Malik

He has had no formal training in this particular field of art and

craft. He started off by making a few oil paintings of different
Services of Muhammad Qasim Malik:

1) He held and hosted two successful art and calligraphy


2) He gave his painting depth and a look of conventional Muslim

art whilst clearly depicting the modern methods of painting

3) He introduced oil painting all over the world which is his main
service and achievement.

4) He introduced different styling of art and calligraphy.

Jamil Naqsh

He was a person who was well known for his painting and
calligraphy in Pakistan. He also created numerous abstract
calligraphic paintings apart from his signature figurative oeuvre.
But the greatest practitioner of calligraphic modernism is
Pakistan's most celebrated artist Sadequain.

Services of Jamil Naqsh:

1) He introduced a new style of paintings like he mostly painted


2) He introduced a solo exhibition in Pakistan.

3) His art and calligraphic style maintained the basic elements of

4) He introduced modern style with unique and bold brush
Anwar Shemza

Services of Anwar Shemza:

1) He introduced different styles and methods of art.

2) He established a commercial art studio in Lahore and studied

the students.

3) He obtained a scholarship from the British council and

introduced Pakistan calligraphy all over the world.

4) He quickly became a leading figure in Pakistan's cultural life

and he depicted these aspects in his art and calligraphy.
Syed Sadequain Naqvi:

Services of Sadequain:

1) He was the person who introduced the best calligraphy and art
all over Pakistan.

2) He became the main source of introducing Islamic calligraphy

all around the world.

3) He presented his thinking or ideas through the murals.

4) The notable thing in his work was that he did not follow the
traditional concept of that time regarding calligraphy and
generated his own style of the script of work.

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