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English for Design 1


Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun oleh

Fakultas Desain Desain 2A5235EL Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra, SE.,BS.,MS
dan Seni Kreatif Communication

Abstract Kompetensi
Pembahasan mengenai teknik Mahasiswa dapat memberikan impresi
memperkenalkan diri dalam situasi yang baik dalam memperkenalkan diri
formal dan informal dan membuka percakapan dengan
bahasa Inggris
Introduction is the very first step in presenting someone’s self, both in social and
professional situation. When people introduce themselves, they not only present themselves,
they also make first impression. The importance of this step lies in the fact that people
generally make assumption or even judgement on someone else based on the first
impression, and sometimes it also influences their further action, either they accept or even
completely reject someone to their social or professional circle. Therefore, it is necessary to
make a good impression by using good and polite language or expression, showing open
and honest personality, and giving positive sign that reinforce others to know more.

Reading 1


Sometimes, meeting new people in new situation and giving personal introduction could be
quite difficult, especially when it has direct impact on someone’s future. Robin Bortner in, an English learning site, propose six simple steps to make more positive
impression on an introductory conversation.

Break the Ice

The hardest part in a conversation is to begin it, particularly when it involves new
people or foreign circumstance, although the difficulty level could be varied. In
socializing events, for example in a party, gathering, or conference, where people are
expected to find new people and make acquaintances, starting a conversation could
be quite easy. But in other situation where people naturally have higher defense
toward strangers, in a street or a park for instance, begin a conversation could be
challenging. People may get nervous, or find the situation awkward, thus withheld the
flow of the conversation. Therefore, a good “ice breaking” strategy is necessary to
avoid those situations.

“Break the ice” is a common English expression, which means “do or say something
to relieve tension or get comfortable with someone.” When meet new people, a
simple but good ice-breaking expression can be used to break the barrier and start a
conversation, but not overly friendly that overstep someone else’s boundary.

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The easiest way to break the ice is simply say “Hi”, followed by extending your hand
to offer a handshake if possible. Although this practice is quite common in Western
and Western-influenced world, the habit in another custom may be different.

Another way to break the ice is by using common greetings, for example “good
morning”, “good afternoon, “good day”, and “good evening”. It is also common to ask
a basic information as an opener or reason to start a conversation. For instance, in a
public setting, people can ask about time or place. An opening statement or question
about current issues or a simple compliment is also acceptable, but a careful assess
of the situation is needed to ensure that the statements, questions, or compliments
do not regarded as offensive, sensitive, or overly-friendly.

Exemplifications for opening topics or compliments are:

Excuse me, do you know what time it is?

Sorry to bother you, but do you know where the meeting take place?
Excuse me, are you going to the café?
I love your dress.
You have a very beautiful daughter.

Ask Follow-up Questions

To continue a conversation after an opening sentence or question is delivered, it is

customary to ask follow-up questions. Questions are considered better than
comments, because it makes the other person feel engaged and respected by given
a chance to do an active part in a conversation. It also gives the initiator some time
to think about next topic. Questions that lead to brief explanations is considered
better than single-word answer questions.

Listen and Ask More Questions

Not everyone have a natural skill in active communication, even though they have
enough confidence in their language proficiency. Even though not all people have
lively and attractive personality, it is not a reason why a conversation could turn to
be sour and flat. Listening actively to other person’s speaking, and react accordingly,
can also keep the conversation run smoothly. We can also pay attention to the
answers from our first questions and ask for more details. By listen and ask
questions, we can encourage the other people to talk more, and also learn more

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3 Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra, SE.,BS.,MS
about them.
The difficult part in this stage of conversation is to choose a suitable topic. Common
topic such as weather is considered as a neutral topic, especially when we meet
new people and we do not have any idea what their interest are. In a business
travel, asking their jobs or their travelling experiences are also considered as safe
bets. One thing to remember is to keep the conversation positive, by avoiding any
negative comment about politics, controversial issues, and judgment about their
works or appearances. Of course, this rule is not applied in certain circumstances
where those particular topics are discussed openly, for example in a conference or
symposium about certain issues.

Prepare Basic Answers

In a conversation, sometimes we do not always ask questions, we also have to

provide answers. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the answers to basic
questions, especially considering basic information about ourselves such as our
origins, jobs, former experiences, family, etc. Keep the answers short and simple,
and prepare to make a polite warning or avoidance when the questions touch the
subjects we do not want to talk about.

Have an Exit Plan

Even a very good conversation needs to come to an end. Even though we try to
make the conversation as lively as possible, sometimes we find difficulties to connect
to the other person. If you find you have nothing more to say or you’re not connecting
with the person you’re talking with, you need a way to leave politely. Otherwise, there
could be a lot of awkward silences.

Here are a few key lines for leaving politely:

                Excuse me, I need to (find my friend/go to a meeting)

                Well, it’s been lovely talking to you.
                Best of luck.
                Nice to meet you, Brian.
                I hate to run off, but I need to go.
                Let me give you my card before I go.
                Enjoy your time here!

As you say these phrases, hold out your hand for a handshake, making it clear that
you’re ending the conversation.
2018 English for Design 1 PusatBahan Ajar dan eLearning
4 Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra, SE.,BS.,MS
Smile and Be Confident

The key to every successful introductory conversation is our attitude and personality.
Your smile and confidence are considered more likely to make a good impression on
people, even if you make some grammar mistakes, especially if people know that
you are not a native speaker. Speaking politely, showing your enthusiasm, and
sometimes trying to mimic the other person’s gestures are also can make them feel
more connected to you.

Reading 2


While tips mentioned above seem to be appropriate in non-formal setting, basically it can be
useful in general setting with proper modification. In formal situation, especially in an
interview or business meeting, we need more suitable introduction. As in informal setting,
first impression in formal situation is also important. The main thing to be consider is, during
formal situation, first impression can determine your future relationship with the other party.
Either you want to be hired or get a client, it depends on how you present yourself.

During the interview process, there may be several times when you have to introduce
yourself: at the front desk or reception area, to a recruiter, to the hiring manager and
potentially additional interviewers. There are a few guidelines you can follow on how to
introduce yourself in any interview setting. To help you navigate the process, in Indeed
Career Guide ( you will find some tips that can be useful, started by
identifying best practices when introducing yourself, followed by examples and tips.

Introducing Yourself in an Interview Guide

1. Start by researching the company and your interviewers.

2. Dress appropriately for the interview.

3. Avoid distractions and keep eye contact.

4. Be confident and comfortable.

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5. Be aware of body language.

6. Prepare what to say.

7. Rehearse your introduction with a friend.

8. Follow our examples below.

The best ways to introduce yourself in an interview


 Before the interview

When you first enter the building where your job interview will take place, you may
need to check in with reception. Step forward and introduce yourself with your full
name, interview time and job title of the role you’re interviewing for. This can be
quick and simple, such as,

“Hi, my name is Max Taylor. I’m here for a 12 pm job interview

for the Program Manager role.”

Once you’ve checked in, you may be asked to wait while the recruiter or another HR
representative comes to meet you. It’s good etiquette to avoid taking out your phone
to pass the time while you wait. If you’re seated, place your arms on the armrests or
in your lap. Your feet can rest on the floor or cross at the ankles.

When someone arrives to greet you, stand to meet them and follow these steps
when introducing yourself:

During the interview

Typically you’ll be seated in a room to wait until your interviewer comes to meet you.
You may want to use this time to get out your pen and paper for notes, take a drink
of water and a couple of deep breaths to relax your body. When your interviewer
enters the room, greet them confidently by standing up, extending your hand to
shake theirs, stating your name and smiling.

It’s likely that your interviewer knows the role you are applying for and has seen your
resume. Still, you should prepare a short statement to make sure you’re they know
who you are and what role you’re applying for. Something like,

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“It’s great to meet with you to talk about the associate role on
your events team.”

Once introductions have been made, you can give them a hard copy of your
resume, if they don’t already have one. You will likely exchange a few pleasantries
and get into the interview questions—especially if they’ve got a busy day. If they
begin the conversation, let them take the lead.

If there’s a bit of silence, don’t be afraid to lead with a description that quickly

summarizes your professional background and interest in the job. Here’s an
example that someone applying for a Graphic Design position might use:

“I’m a graphic designer with over five years of experience

specializing in creating beautiful, unique website experiences
that make users’ time with a brand more enjoyable. I’m looking
forward to growing my management skills to hopefully develop
and inspire a team of my own.”

One common interview question you may be asked early on is, “Tell me about
yourself.” Having an internal outline (or written, if helpful—but avoid reading it
directly to keep things conversational) can help guide your answer. Keep it concise
and focused on why your background makes you the best fit for this job opportunity.

Being prepared ahead of time can help calm your nerves, so do some research on
the company and, if possible, your interviewers. This will help guide the rest of the
conversation, set you up to answer questions intelligently and ask solid, informed
questions of your own. Presenting yourself as knowledgeable and confident shows
your potential employers that you’re the right choice for the opportunity.

It’s appropriate to write down notes as the conversation progresses. You can refer to
these notes to ask any questions at the end of the interview and can reference them
when you follow-up after the interview to show them you were attentive and valued
your time with them.

The interviewer wants to hire someone who is qualified for the role, but also
someone who they genuinely want to work with and will be a good culture fit at the
company. As you’re answering their questions and preparing to ask your own,
remember to be yourself and let your personality show.

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Remember to breathe and take the conversation one step at a time. It’s appropriate
to pause to collect your thoughts and say, “Let me take a moment to think about
that” before beginning to answer—in fact, this can send a positive signal to your
interviewer that you are invested in giving them the best possible response.

After the interview

No introduction is complete without a goodbye. After your interview has ended,

follow the lead of your interviewer: stand when they stand, shake their hand again
and thank them for their time with a smile. You can prepare to say a few phrases
that will end the conversation on a positive note, like,

 “It was a pleasure meeting you, I appreciate your time today.”

 “Thanks for a great conversation, hope you enjoy the rest of
your day.”
 “It was great to hear more about your role here, I hope to be in
touch in the future.”

If you have multiple rounds of interviews, be prepared to stand and greet your next
interviewer, repeating the steps above.

After you’ve had some time to process and review your interview notes, remember
to send timely follow-up notes to your interviewers, whether that be via email or
handwritten. Sometimes recruiters don’t give out interviewer emails, so be sure to
ask for their business card or ask the recruiter if they can pass a thank you message
to the interviewer. If you’re sending handwritten notes, an easy way to get them to

your interviewers is to send to the office address under their name. 

Interview introduction tips

Here are a few additional items consider including your appearance and mindset

that can set you up for a successful introduction beforehand. 

1. Dress appropriately

Appearance plays an important role when meeting someone new. Choosing what
to wear on an interview will represent, in part, who you are to those you’ll be
meeting. Different offices have different dress codes, so you’ll want to do
some research on the company culture before you go to your job interview.

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For example, a financial consultant interview will likely require more formal dress
than that of a tech startup. If you’re unsure, reach out to your recruiter or office
contact beforehand and ask. This shows that you’re paying attention to the details
and care about making the right impression. Erring on the side of professional is
safe. Here are a few tips:

 Be yourself. What you wear is a part of who you are, so use it to

communicate your personality where appropriate.

 Keep the focus on you. Try and avoid distracting visuals like extravagant
jewelry or busy prints to ensure your interviewers pay attention to your

 Be comfortable. Being professional doesn’t mean you have to be

uncomfortable—make sure you’re feeling good in your clothes when you
leave the house.

2. Prepare what to say

After you’ve got the visuals down, plan on the first few speaking moments of your
introduction. Confidence is equally important as you begin to verbally introduce
yourself, so apply the same principles as you begin talking with the person at hand.

To establish a solid foundation, boldly state your name. Don’t be afraid to speak up,
you’ll want to avoid making people struggle to hear your name or ask for it again. A
solid volume shows you’re confident, excited about the opportunity, and want to be
respectful of their time.

It seems obvious, but be sure to learn and remember the name of the interviewer—
nerves can make it easy for that detail escape you. Listen and repeat their name in
your introduction to help you remember as you carry out the conversation. For

Interviewer: “Hi, my name is Max.” 

You: “Max, pleasure to meet you, my name is Sam.”

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3. Be aware of body language

Nonverbal communication is important to keep in mind. When you’re meeting people

during the interview process, remember the attributes you want your body language
to display. For example, if you want to communicate confidence, keep your
shoulders back, chin raised and chest high. Keeping eye contact as you introduce
yourself is another good practice, showing interviewers you’re engaged in the
conversation and capable of communicating well with your potential future

Pro-tip: Unsure about how you may be presenting yourself during introductions?

Try recruiting a friend or family member for a practice introducing yourself, including
your dress, body language, even your handshake. The mirror is a great practice
tool, too.

You’ve likely met hundreds of people in your life, and a job interview involves much
of the same etiquette you would use when meeting any new person. Your
interviewers want to hire a great teammate just as much as you want to be on the
team—which means they want you to succeed. When introducing yourself at your
next interview, confidence, preparing ahead of time and a smile will go a long way.

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10 Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra, SE.,BS.,MS
Daftar Pustaka
Bortner, Robin. (2018). 6 Simple Steps for Confidently Introducing Yourself in English.
Retrieved from

Indeed Career Guide. (2019). How to Introduce Yourself in An Interview. Retrieved from

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11 Ketut Nina Lestari Mastra, SE.,BS.,MS

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