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Task description & scene summary

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas "ESPE-L"

Name: Toapanta Gilson

Curse: Level 7-8

Date: Thuesday,08th, june ,2021

1. Which animals have the highest annual death statistic?

1. Wolves
2. Elephants
3. Snakes
4. Crocodiles

2. Which animals below have the bad eyesight?

1. Lions
2. Bulls
3. Jellyfish
4. Rhinocheros

3. Which of these animals are not venomous or poisonous?

1. Alligators
2. Snakes
3. Bees
4. Jellyfish

4. Which of these animals are clever and friendly?

1. Gorillas
2. Bears
3. Kangaroos
4. Elephants

5. Which of these animals have horns?

1. Elephants
2. Rhinoceroses
3. Bulls
4. Bears

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