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Name : Adinda Dara Dzahabiyah

NIM : 2223190094
Class : 3A
Course : Advance English Grammar
Lecturer : Ledy Nurlely, S.Pd., M.Pd

Assalamualaikum wr wb,today you are to make ten sentences using inseparable phrasal
verbs. Send the compilation of your class to my email. May Allah bless us , aamiin. Good
luck! <3
Topic : Free

1. Get off that clothes if you don't have the matching bag. You are a model after all.
2. I hope I can run into his house. It would be really great to see his lovely family.
3. Could you please look after my cat while I'm studying? I have an exam tomorrow.
4. Oh no, it looks like you've running out of time. Should I invite you for the next
5. Sometimes we have to put up with stressful situations at college, because of
6. I’m counting on you to send me the group project by the end of the day.
7. I think the barbie doll just turned into anabelle.
8. She backed out of the date at the last hour.
9. While exploring the room, I came across a book I had forgotten to return.
10. We have coakcroches in the house, we need to get baygon spray to get rid of them.

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