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------BRITISH EMPIRE------- Subject: ENGLISH (ESOL)

TIMES: 150 minutes


1. Nikolai speaks Spanish ___________ . That’s is result of his practice. [excellent]

2. Some people consider ______ to release the prisoners. [safe]
3. The long run civil war has ________ the whole country. [stable]
4. Bad marks are _________ results of lazy study. [necessity]
5. Muslim is the _________ religion of Malaysia and Indonesia. [office]
6. More __________, who caused the accident ? [important]
7. In many countries it is _________ to smoke tobacco under the age of 16. [legal]
8. The burglar gained entry to the building after ____________ the alarm. [ability]
9. The weather is so ___________ that I do not know what to wear. [change]
10. Einstein’s ___________ was unnoticed at school. [brilliant]


Could this be the end of the shark in Western Australia? Sharks have been
persecuted for many years and movies such as Jaws have not exactly improved the
image of this amazing animal. In late 2013, the Government of Western Australia
(WA) announced a shark cull program. Their idea was to put protective lines in the
waters _________ (11) Perth and the South-West to catch large sharks and stop
them coming close to beaches. The government _________ (12) hired shark hunters
to patrol these areas and kill large sharks whether they looked threatening or not,
specifically great white, tiger and bull sharks over three metre long, in authorized 'kill
zones'. The lines also had the potential to catch many other shark species, including
the critically endangered gray nurse shark _________ (13) well as dolphins and other
threatened species, which needless to say is a big problem. Thanks to a community
outcry supported by the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) the WA abandoned its
shark cull in 2014. This was a victory for science, common sense and public opinion.
We remain concerned __________ (14) the state’s deeply flawed ‘imminent threat'
policy. This means that large sharks swimming past the WA coast can be deemed a
‘risk to human safety’ and killed on sight. Alternatives to the cull ___________ (15)
exist and are being employed or are under development. Surf Lifesavers monitor our
popular beaches around the country during the surf life saving season. They have
excellent programs __________ (16) provide detection and education. Aerial spotting
with helicopters and light planes also works effectively for popular beaches in WA. A
program has also been developed on the social media platform Twitter, where
tagged sharks “tweet” their location as they swim past underwater detectors. This is
a good __________ (17) of detecting sharks and studying their movement patterns
across the WA coast without the need to harm them. Many of these methods
improve our knowledge of sharks, and since so many of these magnificent species are
____________ (18) threat, findings aid in conservation efforts as well.

This group of small and relatively unknown islands ________ (19) be found
in the South Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles from the Argentinian coast and roughly
750 miles from Antarctica. The two main islands are called East and West Falkland,
with more than 700 hundred smaller islands making ________ (20) the archipelago,
totally 4,700 square miles. Most of ________ (21) is baron grassland that is unusable
for farming crops due to the wet weather resulting in boggy unstable ground. The
population of this remote British territory is in the region of 3,400. Mainly living in
the capital Port Stanely and other small towns dotted ________ (22) the coast, there
are however, a high number of sheep farmers. In fact, it has ________ (23) said that
the sheep population outnumbers the humans. Because of its close proximity to the
southern point of the planet, with an almost unthinkable climate, ________ (24) the
hardiest of wild animals are able to survive. Penguins and Sea Lions have a
permanent residence; in addition Killer Whales are regular visitors as the icy waters
make the perfect feeding ground. Recently, these fascinating creatures have caught
the ________ (25) of wildlife tourists wishing to catch sight of these any many more
wild species in one of the few remaining purely natural habitats left ________ (26)

SENTENCE (7.75pts)

27. I regret not speaking to Ms. Maria sooner [SPOKEN]

 I wish __________________________________________.
28. Yesterday, they cut down two old trees in the local park [WERE]
 Yesterday, two ___________________________________.
29. His daughter continued to cry until he couldn’t be seen [SIGHT]
 His daughter _____________________________________.
30. I thought parking was allowed here [IMPRESSION]
 I _______________________________________________.
31. The school has four classrooms. [ARE]
 There ___________________________________________.
32. We have to cancel the trip because of the COVID-19 pandemic. [WOULD]
 If_______________________________________________.
33. I realize that I make him annoyed. [MYSELF]
 I _______________________________________________.
34. I think they are largely responsible for what happened. [SMALL]
 I hold them ______________________________________.
35. There is no evidence for this theory. [FOUNDATION]
 The theory ______________________________________.

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