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WORLD LITERATURE Preliminaries o Legend: an exaggerated story about

something that may have been real at one

GENRE time.
 A literary genre is a style of writing. Your o Tall Tale: stories set in the Wild West; the
favorite literary genre might be science fiction, main character’s strengths, skills, or size
for example. have been exaggerated and the tone is
 The word genre means "artistic category or funny.
style," and you can talk about a movie's genre,
or the genre of music that drives you crazy. CLASSIFICATION OF LITERATURE
 When you use the term literary genre, you make Characteristic
it clear that you're talking about books and  a feature or quality belonging typically to a
writing. person, place, or thing and serving to identify it
 Bookstores sometimes use literary genres as a  "inherited characteristics such as blood groups"
way to separate books into different sections,  Fiction
like "classics" or "mysteries." The word genre is o Novels, Short Stories, Myths, Tales, Legends
French, and it means "kind, sort, or style."  Non- Fiction
o Essay, Speeches, Auto/Biography, Diaries
 Fiction: stories that come from the author’s  Poetry
imagination. o Narrative
o Historical Fiction: based on a person or  Epic, Ballads, Metrical Tale, Metrical
event from history. Romance
o Science Fiction: dealing with aliens, the o Lyrics
distant future, or advanced technology.  Ode, Elegy, Sonnets, Song, Simple Lyric
o Fantasy: containing monsters, magic, or o Dramatic
other supernatural elements.  Comedy, Tragedy, Melodrama,
o Realistic Fiction: a story that could have Historical Play
happened, but didn’t.  Prose
 Nonfiction: writing that is true or factual. o Essays, Short Story, Novel, Novelette,
o Informational Writing: provides Legends, Speeches
information on a topic.
o Persuasive Writing: attempts to Narrative Poetry tells a long story in verse.
influence the reader.  Epic is a long narrative poem in which a series
o Autobiography: the story of one’s life told of heroic adventures are presented.
by oneself.  Ballad is a short narrative poem intended to be
o Biography: the story of one’s life told by sung. A well-known example of this is Lord
another. Randall, a traditional Scottish ballad, which
 Drama: writing that is meant to be acted on a employs a lot of repetition all throughout.
stage (a play).  Metrical Tale is a narrative poem written in
o Comedy: has a happy ending. verse. Its characters are ordinary people
o Tragedy: ends in death and sadness. concerned with ordinary events. Canterbury
 Poetry:  writing that is concerned with the Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is its best example.
beauty of language. Written in verses to form  Metrical Romance is a long rambling love
stanza. It has rhyme and rhythm for artistic story in verse. The themes of most stories are
purpose. chivalry or knighthood, romantic love, and
 Folklore: stories handed down through speech religious elements. Sir Gawain and the Green
from generation to generation. Knight
o Fairy Tale: a story with magic, monsters,
and/or talking animals (like fiction / Lyric Poetry
fantasy, but part of the oral tradition).  Ode is a song of praise for something or
o Fable: a very short story that has a moral or someone.
life lesson; usually has talking animals as  Elegy is a song of lamentation. Its usual theme
main characters. is about death of a loved one.
o Myth: has gods or goddesses and often  Song is also accompanied by music. Sacred
accounts for how something came to be. songs and Secular Songs
 Simple Lyric includes all lyric poems that do dramas are often performed on the modern
not fall under any of the four types. stage. His best well known dramas are Medea,
 Sonnet is a poem of 14 lines. Trojan Women, Orestes and Electra.
Shakespearean Sonnet
 English sonnet written in iambic pentameter  Melodrama presents sensational actions,
lines (pattern: bab- cdcd-efef-gg). It presents sentimental love stories, and extravagant
and develops its theme in in the first three emotions that usually end up happily.
quatrains and states a conclusion in the couplet, o Farce is an exaggerated comedy based on
or the last two lines. humorous situations. The characters use funny
lines or situations that are too ridiculous to be
Petrarchan or Italian Sonnet true. The characters seem to be caricatures and
 It contains an octave and a sestet (abbaabba- the motives are undignified and absurd.
cdecde pattern) where any of the following o Masque is a form of court pageantry that
themes are presented: octave (8lines) ; flourished in England in the 16th century but
problem, hope, or desire, sestet (6 lines) was not revived later. It had a prologue serving
presents the resolution or conclusion to introduce the group of actors who came in a
sort of decorative float.
Dramatic Poetry
 Portrays life and character in extreme  Historical Play / Histography is a drama
situations. based on the lives of outstanding figures in
 The characters present some actions in history.
powerful, emotion packed lines like those of o Herodotus and Thucydides are two important
Shakespeare’s plays historians who flourished during the classical
Poetic Plays age.
 Comedy is a type of drama which aims o Herodotus is commonly called the “Father of
primarily to amuse, hence it ends happily. It History,” and hid writings contain the first truly
started in a ritual in honor of Dionysius. literary use of prose in western literature. His
o Examples of comedies are Birds which ridiculed work presents a reverent spirit, giving a certain
Athenian democracy; Clouds which attacked the air of moral dignity to the entire composition.
philosopher Socrates; and Lysistrata which He is considered as the earliest and the best
denounced war. historian by scholars. His works describe the
o Menander is considered the best of the writers war between the Persians and the Greeks – the
of the new comedy. struggle for supremacy between Europe and
o The word comedy comes from a Greek term Asia, between civilization and barbarism,
“komos” which means festivity or revelry. freedom and despotism.
o Thucydides, they say, is a better historian
 Tragedy is a type of drama in which the chief because of his critical use of sources, inclusion
characters undergo a morally significant of documents and laborious research that made
struggle which ends disastrously. his History of Peloponnesian War a significant
o It presents humanity having a sense of dignity influence on later generations of historians.
and free will. o Xenophon was the third historian who wrote
o There are three great tragic writers. Aeschylus Hellenica. His writings were superficial but he
wrote 90 plays, out of which only 7 remained. wrote with authority on military matters.
Prometheus Bound, a well-known work, tells
the story of the great Titan Prometheus. He is a  PROSE is written in paragraphs. For example,
superhuman who stole fire from heaven and novels, novelettes, short stories, legends,
gave it to mankind. contemporary dramas, legends, essays,
o Sophocles is a “golden age” writer who anecdotes, and speeches. (fiction/nonfiction)
produced more than 100 plays. His drama,  does not observe metrical structure
Antigone, is a model of self- sacrifice. He also
wrote the famous play Oedipus the King. Fiction
o Eurepides had written 92 plays, only 19 of  Novel is a long narrative with considerable
which existed in full. His tragedies are about number of characters and setting.
real men and women instead of real characters.  Novelette is a prose narrative that is more
o Aristotle called him the “the most tragic” elaborate than a short story but can also be read
because his plays are the most moving. His in one sitting and can produce a single,
concentrated effect. Ernest Hemingway’s “The  also known as character sketch
Old Man and the Sea” is an example of a  In a biographical essay the writer talks about
novelette. the life and personality of a person who actually
 Short Story is a short narrative which usually lived.
involves one or more major characters, one plot,  It has the following characteristics:
and a single conflict. o a real-life subject
 Legend is a story about the origin of things. o a thesis statement that states a specific idea
The characters are normally fictitious. about that person’s life and achievements
 Myth is a fictional tale about god and o an account of one or more major events in
goddesses the subject’s life
 Fables have animals and other inanimate o description of the subject’s key character
things that are gifted with human attributes as traits
 Anecdotes are short humorous stories about Descriptive Essays
animas or children.  present a vivid description of things, people,
 Fairy Tale is a story that presents folkloric events, feelings, places, experiences, or
characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, giants, situation
and other unusual creatures. The story usually  The best way to create a vivid description, the
presents a happy ending. writer should consider the five senses:
 Folk tales are also called “migratory tales.” A o sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste
folk tale is a story which consist of one or a
combination of many folklore themes (motifs). Nature Essay
They are handed from generation to generation  Attempts to picture the natural creations of God
through word of mouth and spread all over the like seas, mountains, skies, and everything on it.
world  Nature: soothing, serene, magnificent,
Non- Fiction overwhelming, spectacular, beautiful, peaceful.
 Autobiography is a combination of three Critical Essay
Greek words “auton” which means self, “bio”  a composition that offers an analysis,
means life, and “graphein” to write. It tells interpretation, and/or evaluation of a text,
about the author’s own life story. book, films, or even people’s behavior
 Biography is a written accounts of another
person’s life. Periodical Essay
 Diary /Journal is a chronological  generally published in periodicals and is also
presentation of life events. It includes the called journalistic essay
writer’s observations, feelings and experiences.
 Essays are classified into formal and informal. Didactic Essay
They usually express the opinions of the writer  Has a serious and instructive tone. It intends to
about an event, people, or things. Michel give moral lesson
Eyquem de Montaigne is considered the Father
of Modern Essay while other philosophers call
him the Father of Modern Skepticism. IMPORTANCE OF LITERATURE
TYPES OF ESSAY It is an agent of change.
Reflective Essays  The way we look at life and the manner in which
 Serious and dignified. we handle problems is greatly influenced by the
 The writer examines his or her experiences in literary pieces we have read and films we have
life, presents how he or she has changed, watched.
developed or grown from those experiences.  For example, an anxious and gang obsessed
 These types of essays usually employ aphorisms teenager could be transformed upon watching a
(a short clever saying that is intended to express bad guy meeting his horrible downfall.
a general truth.
 Oscar Wilde was famous for such aphorisms as It is a transmitter of values, aspirations,
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their customs, and traditions.
mistakes".  Ours characters are molded by the lessons we
get from our parents, teachers, and lessons we
Biographical Essay get from reading.
 The reader knows what has happened next and
It provides cathartic effect. if the conflict was resolved or not (events
 Catharsis is an extreme change in emotions like between climax and resolution).
happiness and sadness that results in renewal
and restoration.
 Literature aims at cleansing the reader’s
emotions. Resolution or Denouement
 Watching movies or reading stories that aids in  The part of the plot that concludes the falling
the expression of the readers intense emotions action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of
like love, hatred, fear, etc., will help a person be the conflict.
renewed and feel better.
It is our link to the past.  It refers to a textual representation of human
It provides vicarious experience. being.
 They are the person or personages in the story.
ELEMENTS OF FICTION  In fictional literature, authors use many
PLOT different types of characters to tell their stories.
 The summary of the story. It contains the  Different types of characters fulfill different
following parts: roles in the narrative process, and with a little
o Introduction/Exposition, Rising Action, bit of analysis, you can usually detect some or
Complications/Conflict, Climax, Falling all of the types below.
Action, And Resolution/ Denouement
 The beginning of the story where the characters Dynamic
and the setting is revealed.  A dynamic character is a person who changes
Conflict over time, usually as a result of resolving a
 This is the highest point of interest and the central conflict or facing a major crisis.
turning point of the story.  Most dynamic characters tend to be central
 The reader wonders what will happen next and rather than peripheral characters because
whether the conflict will be resolved or not. resolving the conflict is the major role of central
 It is the part where the obstacles, tension, characters.
predicament, problems, or challenges are
presented. Static
 A static character is someone who does not
Complications change over time; his or her personality does
 These are the plot events that plunge the not transform or evolve.
protagonists further into conflict.
Rising Action  A rounded character is anyone who has a
 The part of the plot wherein the conflict complex personality; he or she is often
intensifies. portrayed as a conflicted and contradictory
 This is where the events in the story become person.
complicated and the conflict in the story is
revealed (events between the introduction and Flat
climax).  A flat character is the opposite of a round
character. This literary personality is notable for
Climax one kind of personality trait or characteristic.
 It is the most dramatic and revealing moment,
usually the turning point of the story. Stock
 Stock characters are those types of characters
Falling Action who have become conventional or stereotypical
 It is the part where the drama subsides. through repeated use in particular types of
 The events and complications begin to resolve stories.
themselves.  Stock characters are instantly recognizable to
readers or audience members (e.g. the femme
fatale, the cynical but moral private eye, the  The author uses the pronoun “you” in the story
mad scientist, the geeky boy with glasses, and to show that the readers are part of the story.
the faithful sidekick).
 Stock characters are normally one-dimensional Omniscient or Third - Person Point of View
flat characters, but sometimes stock  The writer uses the third person pronoun to
personalities are deeply conflicted, rounded suggest that the writer knows everything about
characters (e.g. the "Hamlet" type). the characters thoughts and actions.
Protagonist SETTING
 The protagonist is the central person in a story,  It refers to the exact place, time, and condition
and is often referred to as the story's main when the story takes place.
character.  Social context and mood both affect the setting.
 He or she (or they) is faced with a conflict that  Social context refers to the cultural issues while
must be resolved. mood is the underlying feeling or atmosphere
 The protagonist may not always be admirable produced by the story.
(e.g. an anti-hero); nevertheless s/he must
command involvement on the part of the THEME
reader, or better yet, empathy.  It is the central idea of the story.
 It is the meaning or concept we are left with
Antagonist after reading a piece of fiction.
 The antagonist is the character(s) (or situation)  The theme maybe a word, a phrase, or a
that represents the opposition against which the sentence.
protagonist must contend.
 In other words, the antagonist is an obstacle IMAGERY and SYMBOLISM
that the protagonist must overcome.  Imagery is a sensory impression used to create
meaning in a story.

 Types of Imagery
Foil o Visual Imagery - Sight
 A foil is any character (usually the antagonist or o Aural Imagery - Sound
an important supporting character) whose o Olfactory Imagery - Smell
personal qualities contrast with another
o Tactile Imagery -Touch
character (usually the protagonist). By
o Gustatory – Taste
providing this contrast, we get to know more
about the other character.  Symbolisms is a figure of speech that is used
when an author wants to create a certain mood
Symbolic or emotion in a work of literature. It is the use
 A symbolic character is any major or minor of an object, person, situation or word to
character whose very existence represents some represent something else, like an idea, in
major idea or aspect of society. literature
 For example, in Lord of the Flies, Piggy is a
symbol of both the rationality and physical
weakness of modern civilization; Jack, on the  Refers to the attitude or approach that the
other hand, symbolizes the violent tendencies author takes toward the work’s central theme or
(the Id) that William Golding believes is within subject.
human nature.  Tone is the attitude that an author takes toward
a work and the way characters say things, but
POINT OF VIEW mood is the effect produced in the reader.
First - Person Point of View
 The author is also the participant in the story. LANGUAGE
 The author uses the pronouns I, me, and we to  refers to the choice of words used by the author
represent the narrator’s role in the story.
 The readers see the action through the eyes of MYTHOLOGY - The Olympians
one character only Greek = Roman
 Zeus = Jupiter
Second - Person Point of View  Hera = Juno
 Poseidon = Neptune  Both have very strong religious and
 Hades = Pluto supernatural elements.
 Pallas Athena = Minerva  Its heroes descended from divine beings. They
 Phoebus Apollo/ Apollo = Apollo constantly offer sacrifices to the gods and
 Artemis = Diana consult priest and prophets to decide on their
 Aphrodite = Venus actions. Iliad covers only a few weeks of the
 Hermes = Mercury tenth and final year of the Trojan War.
 Ares = Mars

Iliad is one of the most celebrated and well known
 Though Zeus (Jupiter or Jove) is the closest epics of the world. It is believed to be written by in
figure in mythology to an omnipotent ruler, he 9th century BC by Homer. This poem is based on
is far from all-powerful. the legend of Trojan War. Iliad means the tale of
 He also lacks the perfection we might expect in Ilios or the tale of Troy. It narrates the story of the
a divine ruler. Greek struggle to rescue Helen, from Trojans, the
 However, this imperfection is only a detriment wrath of Achilles and subsequent destruction of
if we view Zeus as a moral authority, which, Troy. Iliad covers only a few weeks of the tenth and
according to his stories, he is not. final year of the Trojan War.
Hamilton portrays Zeus as both an agent and victim THE GOLDEN APPLE
of fate. As ruler of the gods, Zeus is destined to
overthrow his father, Cronus, who himself became The story begins with the pairing of the mortal
lord of the universe after overthrowing his own Peleus and the immortal Thetis- the parents of
father, Heaven. Cronus’s inability to prevent his Achilles. All the gods and goddesses are invited,
overthrow is the first example we see of the except Eris, the goddess of Discord. During the
inevitability of fate—a recurring theme in ceremony, Eris appears but she is turned away and
mythological stories. Even Zeus himself is fated to in her anger throws out a golden apple inscribed
be overthrown by one who is yet unborn. with the words: “To the Fairest”. The three
goddesses Athena – the goddess of wisdom; Hera -
Zeus attempts to learn the identity of his future the queen of the gods; and Aphrodite – the goddess
overthrower from Prometheus but continues his of love, claim the title. Zeus is asked to mediate but
daily habit of revelry, sometimes at the expense of because all the goddesses are important to him he
innocent mortals and other gods. Always conscious commands Hermes, the winged god, to lead
of what he sees as an insurmountable difference
between gods and humans, he has no pity for Hera is the wife of Zeus, Aphrodite is the daughter
mortals. It is perhaps this essential lack of of Zeus to a sea nymph, while Athena is the
sympathy that enables Zeus to toy with humans daughter of Zeus with Metis. Zeus was told that his
heartlessly, raping and ruining the lives of many son would take his throne from him, just as he had
women, who seem to exist only for his pleasure. Yet taken power from his father Cronus. Accordingly,
this behavior only represents one side of Zeus’s when Metis was pregnant, he swallowed her and
character; the other, more evolved side is his role as Athena was born from Zeus’ head, wearing armor
the divine upholder of justice for both gods and and fully grown. Each goddess offers Paris a bribe.
humans. Athena offers him an infinite wisdom and an equal
amount of influence over men; Hera promises a
ILIAD AND ODYSSEY by Homer great kingdom and lordship over men; Aphrodite
 Homer was an ancient Greek poet. Traditions offers him the love of the most beautiful woman in
say that Homer was blind. the world. Paris accepts the bribe of Aphrodite.
 In Greek, his name is “Homeros” which is Greek
for “hostage.” Incidentally, Helen, the daughter of Zeus, is
 Some say that his name was derived from the considered as the most beautiful woman in the
name of society of poets called “Homeridan” world and who has a squadron of suitors ready to
which literally means “sons of hostages,” or avenge and protect her. Aphrodite helps Paris to
descendants of prisoners of war. steal Helen from her husband, Menelaus, who is
 The two important works of Homer are Iliad also the brother of the most powerful king in
(The Wrath of Achilles and the Trojan War) and Greece, Agamemnon. The suitors of Helen, who are
the Odyssey (Travel of Odysseus)
true to their pledge of protecting Helen, sail to
retrieve her. They besiege Greece for nine years.

1ST Year 2ND Semester Prelims

NURS 1 – 3
Sources: PPT (Dr. Velarde)

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