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Diei Diatsuolva


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enzie Rd
To Dan,
Tom & Sarah -
for their footprints in the snow,

Copyright © Mei Matsuoka, 2007

The rights of Mei Matsuoka to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work
have been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
First published in Great Britain in 2007 by Andersen Press Ltd, 20Vauxhall Bridge Road,
London SWIV 2SA. Published in Australia by Random House Australia Pty.,
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, Sydney, NSW 2060. All rights reserved.
Colour separated in Switzerland by Photolitho AG, Zurich.
Printed and bound in Singapore

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available.

ISBN: 978 I 84270 624 4

This book has been printed on acid-free paper

Andersen Press
It was a cold Winter’s da/.

sat I>y
All the

the storied
I think it’s time someLodx vrote a story
ai>out a NICE wolf, he said.
When it finally stopped snowing, a Mr Nice Wolf
stepped out of hiS house to go for a walk.
He decided to follow
the footprints to find out
who they l>elonged to, so that
he could mahe a new friend.


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And vith that he scampered off.

Next, Mr Nice Wolf came across'
Lunny raLLit, poItfiiQ Ker Hose out
of her Lurrow. “Excuse me, ma^am.
Are these yours
he asEed her cheerfully.
I don t Lei/eVe
You re

to find S05;e ■ ^

iacf; Jovn '^"4 Yj'.
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Mr Nice Wolf (vKo v/asn’t feeling too Dice
at all hy this point) trie<3 to ignore v/hat
she said and carried on. He soon came to
a l>ig lake in the middle of the forest.

Oh, could these footprints i>e yours?

Mr Wolf asked the frog.
No, sai^ the frog. And there’s no way I would
tell you whose they were, even if I hnewf
Right over on the other side of the lake,
Mr Wolf saw a l>ig, Lrovn duch.
These must l>e YOUR footprints/’ he said.
“Yes,” answered the duch, sv/inrmin^ over.
Oh Qoodf I Ve Leen looking for you, said
Mr Wolf. “I was hoping we could l>e..
And as he spohe Mr Wolf tooh a good, long,
look at the duck and forgot all akout
what he was saying.

[^■WiiiiliMrw'ny'K n»«>.

For the duck looked

so fat. Juicy...

i9iWi»ll»«llli«»a8WM<t»l»ilM5 lam «i,»i»»wi*l'ii'"

and mouthwateringly TASTY


>we:_ »f “'


flBdh iJnseJp
o'^D house!
I almost let my story end
With Mr Nice Wolf Lein^
just as Lad as all the
other v/olvesf

Wolf ^ot out of the

Lath to dry himself
off when suddenly,
there was a Lnoch
at the door.

. v.... - -.*»*«*'
Wolf called.

He opened
the door..
1243 Mackenzie Rd.
Port Elgin ON NOH 2C6
v blf is Feeling offended and indignant - all the wolves he has
ever read about are nasty, scary and greedy, so to set the
record straight he decides to write a story about a nice wolf, but
Will his wolfish instincts ^et the better of him after all?

Another quirhy story for youn^ children from

the highly acclaimed illustrator of Burner Boy.

Praise for Burner Boy=

Witty rhymes and sprightly illustrations

Will definitely entertain everyone.”
London Evening Standard

A hilarious, cautionary tale with a twist

Publishing News
ISBN 978-1-84270-624-4

Great fun?
781842 70624 4"
Mother and Saby

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