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The Penalty by E. E.


Before he was put on the spot, he was the man of the match.

After the brutal tackle, he’d struggled to his feet, dusting himself

He’d waved away the physio with the magic sponge. He was fine,

He’d shrugged at the manager; he didn’t need a substitution.

He’d even leaned in to the referee and asked him not to send the
other guy off.

His captain patted him on the back and told him he was the good
guy he knew himself to be. The crowd? Simply ecstatic.

It’d all been brilliant, before he took the penalty, and missed.

Physio - medical staff

Shrug (shoulders) - lift shoulders up and let them down
Substitution - replacement
Pat someone on the back - touch quickly
Ecstatic - extremely joyful, happy

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