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Julian Bernal
 embarrassed about their brother or sister?
R/: No, she was really proud of her brothers because of his specials abilities and his
way of being even when they are not “normal”.
 jealous of the attention that parents and others give their brother or sister?
R/: No, as she mentioned she was excited when her first brother born.
 stressed from looking after their brother or sister?
R/: Sometimes but she also remembers many things that she has learned from them
which are more valuable.
 more sensitive and understanding of people who are different?
R/: No, as she said they are commonly ignored and misunderstood for not being
consider as normal.

Hypercreative – Extremely active, always doing things.

Tell a lie – Say something that is not true.
Tantrum – A fit of anger and frustration
Greedy – Waiting more than you need.
Unique – The only one of its kind.
Cure – A solution to a disease or illness

1. What's the opposite of ordinary? Who does Faith Jegede describe in this way?
R/: Extraordinary. Her little brothers diagnosed with autism.
What are some examples of the way her brothers act and behave?
R/: Shout too much, don’t play with other babes, line up the cars around the room, stare at
the washing machine, tantrums.

Watch the first part (0.00-1.52) of the talk again. Complete the notes about Faith
Jegede's brothers
Age: 22
Appearance: Tall and handsome
Qualities: Shows a lot of love and joy for others and have never told a lie.

Age: 16
Appearance: Tall and handsome
Qualities: Has an incredible memory.

3. Watch the second part (1.52-3.51) of the talk again. Choose the correct option to
complete the sentences.
1. Faith Jegede says autism affects everyone in a similar/ different way.
2. According to Faith Jegede, autism. is becoming more and more common / difficult to
find. There is no cure.
3. Faith Jegede was very worried / excited when Remi was born.
4. Remi spent much of his time his own world / bedroom.
5. He often had tantrums and was hyperactive, but he also had a pure and innocent / kind
and gentle nature.

1.Normality overlooks the beauty that differences give us.
2.The fact that we are different doesn’t mean that one of us is wrong. It just means that 3.
there’s a different kind of right.
3.You don’t have to be normal. You can be extraordinary.
4.The chance for greatness for progress and for change dies the moment we try to be
someone else.
5.Please don’t tell me I’m Normal.
Its always a bad thing to try to be someone else?
Yes, is always bad try to be someone else because everyone of us has a different
personality and at some point, discuss with the other, so when you try to copy some person
and part of the way of being of that person discuss with yours, you no going to enjoy your
own life.
Is there someone you try to be like?
Following the last argument I’m not try to be like someone else but there is many people
that inspire my way of being which is completely different and much more healthier for

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