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(By The Students of SMPS APPIS Lamalera)

This is a creation of students SMPS APPIS Lamalera. They will dance together to tell about the life of
Lamalera village especially the life of mothers or women of Lamalera, widows and orphans.
When the fathers and husbands returned to the mainland to bring catches of Whales and other large fish, it’s time
the mothers and women carry out their duties. When the fish are dry, they will immediately package them rush from
this beloved village at dawn, when the roosters crow, when they are still dark. They carry torches as light. They
walk for many miles until they arrived at their destination. In the mountains is their destination. There they will meet
with mountain mothers and women.
There, they exchange fish with corn, fish with rice, fish with potatoes, fish with bananas, and with other
natural product. From this moment, there are sense of family relationship with mountain mothers and women.
That’s called “Prefo”.
Then, they returned to the village on foot under the exchange. Everything/all that is done based on love/caused of
love. Love for their husbands, children and families.


(By The Students of SMPS APPIS Lamalera)

This is a creation of students SMPS APPIS Lamalera. They will dance together to tell about the life of
Lamalera village especially the life of mothers or women of Lamalera, widows and orphans.
When the fathers and husbands returned to the mainland to bring catches of Whales and other large fish, it’s time
the mothers and women carry out their duties. When the fish are dry, they will immediately package them rush from
this beloved village at dawn, when the roosters crow, when they are still dark. They carry torches as light. They
walk for many miles until they arrived at their destination. In the mountains is their destination. There they will meet
with mountain mothers and women.
There, they exchange fish with corn, fish with rice, fish with potatoes, fish with bananas, and with other
natural product. From this moment, there are sense of family relationship with mountain mothers and women.
That’s called “Prefo”.
Then, they returned to the village on foot under the exchange. Everything/all that is done based on love/caused of
love. Love for their husbands, children and families.
Baleo.... Baleo.... Baleo....!!! Baleo.... Baleo.... Baleo....!!! Baleo.... Baleo.... Baleo....!!!

Demikianlah pekikan heroik yang tersembul dari jiwa para pemberani pengais nafkah hidup pada
samudera lepas di pusaran pertiwi Lamalera. Pekikan yang menyingkap tabir kerinduan setiap hati cinta untuk
melaut guna memberi harapan rezeki pada kampung permai Lamalera. Pekikan yang merangkul setiap kalbu
pengais rezeki lautan untuk mengambil utas-utas tali Leo dan bambu-bambu bermata Kav’e (Tempuling) demi
menjemput pahala kampung yang dirindukan. Pekikan yang menandai munculnya Kotoklema (Paus) di laut lepas;
sekaligus membersitkan adanya harapan kehidupan pada semua insan penghuni kampung Lamalera.

Pekikan heroik ini kemudian terhenti tatkala para pencari rezeki hidup telah mendorong dan
mengayuh Tena Laja (Peledang), mengarungi lautan dan membelah gelombang untuk menjumpai pahala kampung
– Srikandi nan elok ini. Sementara di kejauhan lautan membiru, serpihan udara bercampur air tersembur di
permukaan laut, seraya memberi tanda bagi para ksatria lautan sejati untuk terus bersemangat mengayuh dan
melajukan Tena Laja menghampiri Srikandi berkulit legam nan mulus itu tanpa peduli sengatan terik mantari yang

Kisah pemberian diri Srikandi pahala kampung alias Kotokelema pun berakhir dengan semburan
nafas terakhirnya ketika kekuatan doa bersama para awak Tena dan tempuling cinta Lamafa menembus tubuhnya.
Ia bersandar pasrah pada bibir-bibir Tena Laja dan mengatup mata untuk selamanya demi bahagia para janda dan
yatim di kampung Lamalera. Ia menjadi rezeki kampung yang siap dibawa pulang ke daratan demi menyambung
hidup anak cucu Levo.

Setelah dibawa kembali, Kotoklema kemudian dibagi sesuai dengan aturan tradisional yang ketat agar
tidak ada kecurangan dan bahkan ketamakan. Hasil pembagian kemudian diawetkan dengan bantuan cahaya
mentari dan siap untuk dipasarkan secara tradisional. Di sinilah wanita-wanita hebat dari kampung Lamalera
membaktikan diri mereka demi keluarga. Bertemankan temaramnya cahaya lampu bersumbu kapas yang
beroleskan Lala (Minyak Paus), wanita-wanita Lamalera berjalan dari kampung ke kampung di wilayah pedalaman
untuk menukarkan daging dan kulit Paus yang sudah diawetkan dengan jagung, padi, sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Di saat itulah, Prefo terbentuk guna mengikrarkan ikatan persaudaraan dan kekeluargaan yang tak terputuskan
oleh karena telah terjadi perkenalan dan pertukaran rezeki cinta atas nama kehidupan. Ikatan persaudaran tanpa
akhir inilah yang kemudian dirayakan sebagai sebuah kemenangan kasih dalam dolo bersama di akhir tarian Baleo
dan Fula Pneta ini.


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