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to y ou
tem r
Fuck your totem! is a collection of five totem spirits 
for Werewolf the Apocalypse by Sebastian Lindeberg 
And I, I could have died last night 
But I heard the voice of a smaller god 
– Darling Violetta - A smaller God 

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: 
The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The 
Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The 
Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The 
Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The 
Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, 
Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles 
of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The 
Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, 
Hunter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The 
Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, 
Promethean: The Created, White Wolf, Storyteller 
System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ 
and their respective logos, icons and symbols are trademarks 
or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. 
All rights reserved. 
This work contains material that is copyright of White Wolf 
Entertainment. Such material is used with permission under 
the Community Content Agreement for the Storytellers 
©2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, 
SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden. 

This is a small collection of totem spirits for packs of Garou 
that have chosen a path less often tread. The totems here are 
outrageous, popcultury, trashy, freudian or all of the above 
at once. They are mostly meant for Glass Walkers, Bone 
Gnawers or otherwise non-traditional packs. 

The Shrew 
Background cost​: 3 
The spirit of all negative things men think about women 
they love. The old ball and chain, the nag, the bitch. Such 
misogyny is rampant in human society and a breeding 
ground for bane spirits. But The Shrew is not of the Wyrm. 
She represents the strength to be found in this double edged 
archetype. The woman nobody fucks with. Few packs have 
her as their totem and then only packs consisting entirely of 
female Garou. 
Individual traits​: The Shrew’s children gain 1 dot of 
manipulation, 1 dot of subterfuge and 1 dot of 
Pack traits​: The Shew’s pack can give orders that must be 
followed by any man who loves the pack member. This can 
be resisted for 1 scene by spending 1 willpower per order 
that is being resisted. 
Ban​: The Shrews children can never truly love a man. 

Florida man 
Background cost​: 5 
The lord of the awesome and the king of the free. The 
modern fool who wrestles alligators inside supermarkets and 
breaks into restaurants in order to make themselves a 
burger. Not crazy and awesome but awesome because of 
crazy. Some packs who are tired of the old stupid ways have 
bound themselves to this totem of the stupid new ways! 
Individual traits​: The children of Florida man gain 2 
dots of stamina and 2 dots of Athletics. 
Pack traits​: Florida man’s pack can soak aggravated 
damage from all sources (including silver) in homid or 
glabro form when trying to complete a dare or challenge 
issued by someone who is drunk/mad/high and not a 
member of their sept or pack. 
Ban​: Florida man’s children can never turn down a dare 
or challenge from someone who is drunk/high/mad. 

The Ghost House 
Background cost​: 5 
The Ghost House is the spirit of a specific and extremely 
haunted house. No mere murder house or house of horrors 
from the Wyrm. The Ghost House is not there to victimize, 
it's goal is to teach lessons! Like the ghosts from A 
Christmas Carol. The house is scary, sometimes even 
deadly, but it is so in order to teach lessons about morality 
and the value of struggle. 
​Individual traits​: The Ghost House's children can chose 
to cause or not cause delirium in any form. 
​Pack traits​: The Ghost House's pack can call on 5 dots of 
​Ban​: Each month under the new moon the pack needs to 
lure a group of at least four mortals into the Ghost House. 
Mortals who survive the Ghost House becomes kinfolk 
through the magics of the house. One in five mortals die if 
chosen randomly, if only good and pure (as judged by the 
House) victims are chosen then nobody dies. 

Background cost​: 2 
The Superhero is a new heroic archetype almost as 
powerful and as enduring as the fables of old. It speaks 
about hope, power and what is best in each and every one of 
us. The Superhero wants, no demands!, justice. Especially 
social justice is the goal of the Superhero and the spirit 
searches after those worthy to become its children. 
Superhero as a spirit is as of yet not that powerful but the 
Garou already have a lot of power so Superhero is not all 
that worried. 
​Individual traits​: Superhero’s children can hear when 
somebody they know is in physical danger at any distance 
(even in the umbra). They can not communicate back or 
hear details, just that someone is in danger. 
​Pack traits​: Superhero’s pack can use the Gift Predators 
arsenal 1 time per day. Superhero’s pack can also call on 1 
dot of strength. 
​Ban​: The members of Superhero’s pack can never reveal 
their Werewolf nature to somebody they are romantically 
involved with. 

Background cost​: 6 
The Confessor is the spirit of forgiveness for wrongs and 
the seeking of forgiveness for sins committed. He is the 
smiling Jesus who saves, the victim who loves her abuser, the 
family member accepting the prodigal son back with open 
arms and the stern catholic priest taking confession. The 
Confessor want truth to heal the world and wants to give 
everyone a second chance. But those who do not confess 
must be destroyed. 
​Individual traits​: Confessor’s children gain 3 dots of 
​Pack traits​: Confessor’s can use each of the following 
gifts: Truth of Gaia, Omen of Truth and Ma’at’s Feather.  
​Ban​: Confessor’s children must publicly confess all their 
transgressions against the litany at the next moot and accept 
the consequences of those confessions. 

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