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Detailed Explanations for

“The Six Adventurers”

"The Six Adventurers" is a suite which took characters from a role-play story to a musical level of
interpretation. Each pieces are named after the characters. The suite is inspired and dedicated to a
part of a role-play storyline from a role-play server called "Wild West RP" set in 1899 on the game
Red Dead Redemption 2. Here are the titles for each pieces:

No. 1: Bery, The Huntsman.

No. 2: Susie, The Gunslinger.
No. 3: Calvin, The Carolina Ranger.
No. 4: Enola, The Nightstalker.
No. 5: Shadow, The Chief of Wapiti.
No. 6: Eva, The Mysterious Herbal Wanderer.

The puppet masters:

1. Bizcotto (Bery):
2. PeachTreeMcGee (Susie):
3. Ross (Calvin):
4. RevieReyes (Enola):
5. SprayNprayErik (Shadow):
6. MinksOfMars (Eva):

No.1: Bery, The Huntsman.

0:00 A fraction of theme I introduced on the lower register of the piano. The rhythm sounds like Bery riding
on a horse travelling into various places. Bery Quigley was a self-proclaimed adventurer, with the intuition
of a budding detective at first. He has soon migrated into another profession, which is being a Huntsman.
He once joined a criminal gang which was created because of an accidental felonies, conducted by Lorna
Forcer. However, the gang slowly vanished. He uses a hunting bow given by a native and he is very precise
with it. At his early life, Bery never knew his real parents, and spent a great deal of time hopping from
orphanage to orphanage. It was during this time that he got into the habit of dressing nicely. It was a fact
known to most of the orphans that the well-dressed children had a greater chance of being adopted, and
adopted by wealthier families. After he became a huntsman, he was more becoming one with nature. His
nicely dressed behavior soon changed to him only wearing a vest and trousers made from buck pelts. Bery
roams the countryside of New Alexandria.
0:02 Motif 1, “The Ritual” motif introduced. Bery had a ritual conducted by some natives to remove an
evil spirit (Jacob) that has been on him since he was a child. This spirit has wrongly guided him and has
been on him for so long, it almost feel like they are one. But the spirit's intention were not good and it has
to be removed from his body. The distorted melody is an excerpt to a song/hymn a native sung before the
0:12 A fraction of Theme I developed into something dissonant. Bery was very unsure about what his true
purpose are in life. A part of him is gone. He wondered if the decision he made before the ritual was his
decision, or Jacob’s.
0:27 Theme II, the “Hope Theme” introduced on the lower register of the piano, accompanied by some
dissonant ostinato. He wondered whether there is hope in his situation.
0:42 Theme I properly introduced briefly, distorted. The theme became more destroyed with wrong
harmonies and dissonant. Bery was even more uncertain of himself.
0:59 A fraction of theme III, “Susie’s Theme”, introduced. Susie is Bery’s girlfriend who was a farmer that
sells tobacco cigarettes. She was very naïve, well, sometimes. She didn’t swear, she warned people that
swore by saying “Language!” But because of Bery’s influence, she was becoming more accepting about
swearing, even swearing herself in some situation. Bery was her first boyfriend, so it’s a learning experience
for her. She worked for an evil company named Rogers and Talbet. The theme itself is a jingle made by
herself that she sung to customers.
1:04 Theme III introduced more.
1:09 Theme III melody fully introduced, but in a wrong rhythm. The theme is accompanied by a new motif
on the lower register of the piano, Motif II “The Rogers and Talbet” motif introduced, the evil company
that was trying to destroy her business and her family, even killing Susie.
1:16 A development of Theme 1, Motif II, and Theme III.
1:36 A talk with Bery and Susie on a town named Strawberry. Theme I and Theme III played together.
Bery told Susie about his uncertainty after the ritual. Bery wanted to help Susie to get rid of the evil
company, but he was uncertain whether that decision, and every decisions he made before the ritual are
made by Jacob or him. Susie told Bery that Jacob doesn’t define him. Quotes from the stream:
Susie : “Okay, well. Bery, here’s a decision, do you still want to help me in my situation? Is that something
you want to do?”
Bery : “With all of my heart.”
Susie : “There you go. That’s your first Bery decision”
Bery : *smirks* “Yeah..”
Susie : “You don’t have to worry, Bery. I’m here for you, and so are your friends. If you can’t remember
much your past decisions as Bery or Jacob, well, now you have the choice of making decisions as Bery and
only Bery. And we’re gonna help you as best as we can. I’m gonna help you as best as I can, okay?”
Bery : “Okay.”
2:39 A development of the introduction. Bery becomes surer about himself.
2:59 Theme II properly introduced. There is a hope in every situation.
3:11 A development on 1:16.
3:42 Theme I turned into minor, while a fraction of Theme III introduced. Bery found out how he can help
Susie with the help of Calvin, The Carolina Ranger. He found out more about Rogers and Talbet. His anger
became more uncontrollable.
3:51 Motif II played. Showing that R&T’s people were always watching them in the shadows.
3:56 He found out one of R&T’s partner, Dallas Chamberlain. Bery, Susie, Enola, and Calvin traveled
through a boat to the island of Guarma. They found Dallas, tied him up, and asked some questions.
4:14 Theme II played in the lower register of the piano. Bery’s anger became uncontrollable as Dallas
answered every question they asked.
4:22 Bery slits Dallas Chamberlain’s throat with a knife without asking too much question. Susie passed
out because of the immediate shock.
4:26 Muddy, dark, uneasy, and unsatisfying bits. Bery’s feeling became a mess. His anger has overthrown
him. He realizes his mistakes after Calvin talked to him. Calvin reassured Bery that this was not their plan.
Their plan was to save Susie and her business and her parents, not becoming a reckless criminal.
4:50 After some incidents and things happening, Bery and Susie decided to leave the state for now. Theme
I being played in the pattern on a fraction of Theme III.
5:09 Before leaving, Calvin showed Bery his old friend’s house near the docks before leaving the state to
Mexico. Calvin found a wedding ring. This wedding ring was supposed to be given to his girlfriend when
he was still young. His girlfriend died because of giving birth to supposedly his son. Both her and his son
died. He has now learned his mistake and gave the ring to Bery. He wanted Bery to use this on the perfect
time. A rising and exciting pattern is occurring.
5:14 Motif I played, a callback to the introduction.
5:18 Theme II, The “Hope Theme” reharmonized and developed.
5:41 The marriage proposal of Bery Quigley to Susie Quincy on the docks before their leaving. Theme I is
finally triumphantly introduced on its fullest, accompanied by fractions of Theme III. Susie accepted the
proposal. Bery is now sure about himself, he is on the best shape after a long time of adventure.
6:04 Theme II, The “Hope Theme”. He believed in hope in every situation.
6:11 Motif II is being played with the distorted “Hope Theme”, accompanied by a diabolical waltz. A
flashback on an incident between a trip to Guarma and the marriage proposal. Will be explained on No.2:
Susie, The Gunslinger.
6:42 A fraction of Theme I and a fraction of Theme III. Bery and Susie is now together in one, and taking
a vacation in Mexico, until of course, the comeback.

No. 4: Enola, The Nightstalker.

0:00 An introduction to Theme I. A slow, soft, and ominous harmony appeared. Enola is a short native girl
who escaped from The Crawfords, the ones who enslaved her for a long period of time. Her escape led to
the state of New Alexandria where she discovered new friends and family. As she ventured more deeply
into the state however, The Crawfords slowly found their way to New Alexandria where they would gather
more information and planned an abduction to recapture her.
0:08 One of the effect from their way of torturing was her voice. They have forced Enola to eat a boiling
hot soup into her mouth, resulting to a damage on her voice box. She sounds soft and raspy.
0:20 A development on Theme I, the adventure has begun.
0:36 Theme II, Enola’s action of finding new friends and family. She pondered of what her purposes are in
this state. Would her action led to justice in the world, or her own death, or both?
0:52 Theme I played with The “Dies Irae” theme. A thought on Enola’s mind of her own death. She thought
that she didn’t have anyone to remember her after she died. A plan to take part on a dangerous criminal
gang occurred on her head.
1:23 A modified form of a new theme appeared. Before she joined the criminal gang, Enola had another
plan. She familiarized herself into the native tribes on the state to learn more about them. She wanted to
join one of them. There are 3 native tribes on the state: Wapiti, Arikoan, and Comanche.
1:32 The theme became clearer. Her choice became definite.
1:38 Theme III finally fully introduced on another key. The melody on the right hand slowly moved into
the right key. Enola chose Comanche to join.
1:51 The “Hope Theme” appeared. She hoped to have a better life by joining the tribe.
2:03 Theme I became pentatonic. She has fully joined The Comanche tribe.
2:18 However, something went wrong. After some time, the tribe has fallen itself apart. Bloodmouth, a
member of the Comanche tribe, is a troubled individual who caused issue to many people all over the state.
He started a rumor on starting a war with The Wapiti tribe. Enola being in the Comanche tribe but also a
good friend of the Wapiti decided to leave the tribe. Upon leaving the tribe, she became worried that she
would be punished for the action that she had done, for betraying and leaving the tribe, considering the last
person that betrayed the tribe was forced to jump off a cliff. The rumor turned out to be a lie, confirmed by
Chief Shadowbear, The Chief of Wapiti, who had a meeting with all the chiefs around the state. Bloodmouth
decided to leave the tribe and started a new one on new lands. Although it was a lie, Enola decided not to
rejoin the tribe.
2:23 Theme I returned, but with more intensity. Enola left astray. She remembered the time she was
captured by The Crawfords in the state. They had put something on her neck that could not be removed
easily. Thankfully, Bery and Calvin had successfully remove the device from her.
2:56 A new theme introduced. Theme IV, The Criminal Theme. Sometime before the incident, after she
joined The Comanche tribe, the thought of joining the criminal gang became clearer. She thought that this
dangerous criminal gang would serve justice to the state.
3:00 Theme I motif on the low register of the piano.
3:12 Bery’s motif played on the high register of the piano. Her friend Bery tried to convince Enola that it
was not worth the time to join the dangerous criminal gang. What if something had went wrong? What if
the people on the gang had turned themselves and betrayed the gang? At first, Enola was very convinced
that the intention of the gang was to serve justice to the state, it was for the good of the people on the state.
There would not be anything wrong. She would not lose nothing if she died. She did not fear of death. She
did not listen to Bery.
3:27 She joined the dangerous criminal gang, with Sarah Slay, The Riddler, Tom Pinch, and other
dangerous criminals around the state.
3:39 Part of Theme I developed. They gave Enola title “The Nightstalker”. She would not be seen by other
people if she was there, listening to conversation, watching, stalking. People were surprised if she came out
of nowhere, even her friends.
3:46 The Criminal Theme, developed. The gang became more active.
3:57 Theme II developed. The gang’s action was beginning to be uncontrollable.
4:03 Part of the “Hope Theme” mocked. The gang became more uncontrollable, starting conflict
everywhere on the state. The gang did not serve justice, they instead started a war.
4:07 Theme I developed. Enola realized her mistake. The people on the gang was breaking their personal
code and ethics on the gang. Things were in chaos and mayhem. Enola have to seek the help of Bery and
4:26 Theme IV slowed down, accompanied by The “Dies Irae” theme. One important member of the group,
Sarah Slay, had passed away. The gang slowly dissolved and disappeared. The criminal who was in the
gang left and started their own criminal activity.
4:55 The return of Theme I, unstable, more mysterious, and on the lower register of the piano. Enola once
again was left on her own. She thought of the purpose on her life once again. The only thing left of her was
her friends, and a lover.
5:15 Calvin’s Motif accompanied by a developed pattern of Theme I. Enola’s love life was short, sad, and
rough. She met Calvin before she left the Comanche tribe, in front of The Singing Tree, the place where
the tribe used to reside. She was injured, sitting in front of the tree. Calvin found her and took her on his
bar called “The Secret Society”. This bar is hidden underground amongst the trees in the area called “Tall
Trees”. This bar was where R&T and their people used to come on certain time of the day. Calvin took care
of Enola after they enter the bar. Bery knew this place before Enola came, and was surprised to see her
there. Calvin told them that this place is a very secret place and nobody shall tell the location of this bar,
unless you are invited to come. Information shall also not leave the bar, or else they suffer the consequences.
5:31 Love started to bloom. She started liking Calvin, Calvin started liking Enola too. However, Calvin has
a deep secret hidden beneath his mind that he would not told Enola until the right time. Calvin started to
quietly limit himself of loving Enola without her noticing. Bery convinced Calvin that he should settle
down with Enola. Calvin told his secret to Bery. With a saddened voice, Bery still told him to settle down.
Calvin did not listen.
5:51 Theme V, Enola’s Love Theme. They started hanging out together for much longer. Enola was clearly
in love with Calvin. Though Calvin was still limiting himself.
6:24 A part of Theme V developed. A memory of some sort.
6:42 One day, Enola, Calvin, Bery, Shadow, and Eva came together and sat around a campfire at Shadow
and Eva’s camp. The day before Bery and Susie left the state. After some conversation, Calvin told this to
everybody on the camp. The conversation from the stream:
Calvin : “I haven’t come clean about this and I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner but, I am well aware
of my condition, my hand is whole a different story.”
Eva : “Wait, you know what you’re sick with?”
Calvin : “Yes, I do”
Eva : “What are you sick with?”
Calvin : “It’s a kinda sickness that has to do with part on my throat, it’s called thyroid.”
Enola : *Looks at Calvin*
Eva : “Oh yes, this is- this is the *unheardable*, yes?”
Calvin : “Yeah. Not to mention I have, not a growth, but a kind of, thing, around my neck area.”
Bery : *Glances over at Enola with a knowing look*
Calvin : “Some folks called it, a- a tumor?”
Bery : *He nods*
Eva : “A tumor?”
Calvin : “Basically my great-grandfather, I’m kidding that’s a joke, my grandfather I mean, he had it, um,
I dunno where he is now, I don’t keep in contact with my elder families. But basically from what I’ve
remembered doctors tellin’ him that there is a very slim chance of survival.”
Enola : *All color leaves her face*
Calvin : “And that I will, most likely, be slowly dyin’. And no medicine could really help that. It can ease
it but it’s not gonna help it.”
Bery : *He closes his eyes*
Calvin : “I bet you all were thinkin’ it was TB *chuckles*. It’s not, that ain’t gonna kill me. It’s basically,
um, I get- I get this sudden attacks sometimes in my throat, like im loosing air.”
Eva : *Her mouth opens slightly, eyes sad as she listens*
Calvin : “But other than that I’m fine. It’s never gotten that bad. (-skip-) But as for my throat and my
coughin’, you know what it is, not much can be done about that, if you wanna see the lump again, it’s on
my neck, you know.”
Bery : “And there is really nothing that can be done.”
Eva : *Looks down*
Calvin : “Unfortunately so.”
Eva : “How do you know this? How- They can try, they can do something, there are very good doctors,
Miss Jaena-“
Calvin : “I’ve already seen the best doctors I can when I was havin’ money. I lied, I pretended like I didn’t
know what it was. But trust me, I know what it is. I didn’t wanna talk about it, I didn’t wanna worry ya’ll.
It ain’t something you gotta worry with is all. But it’s fine. I could still fight, I could still wake up, and I
could still be merely happy. I just want you to don’t worry about my sickness is all. It’s just-, never gotten
this bad before and I’m sorry that I’m being more of a-, wooden crutch than actually being a pillar of
support. But if it’s the last thing I do, I wanna make sure that I get rid of R&T before they continue to do
more shit, before I go down. So I will keep fightin’, I will keep doin’ what I have to do, up until I see the
likes of them gone.”
7:06 (After some conversation later …)
Enola : *She stands up and starts walking towards the hill beside the camp*
Eva : *Looks back at Enola*
Bery : “Uh oh…”
Eva : “Should we go talk to her?”
Bery : “I think he should.”
Eva : *Nods*
Calvin : “I- i- um, I don’t-, I don’t think I can.”
(Bery and Eva saying together)
Bery : “Calvin, you need to.”
Eva : “I think you should.”
Calvin : “What’s the point? There’s no point on talking.”
Eva : “Do you care about her?”
Calvin : “I do! But-“
Eva : “Then comfort her!”
Bery : “Doesn’t matter if you’re gonna pass or not, she-“
Calvin : “S-so what am I gonna do, I’m gonna comfort her and make her feel better that I’m gonna be dyin’?
Makes her feel even more like shit? I comfort her now, but what is that do, that’s just make her feel more
like shit when I do pass.”
7:26 (The Dies Irae theme played on the higher register of the piano, accompanied by Theme V in minor,
things becoming more intense.)
Eva : “I thought you said that you want to, you want to live and do things before you die. She is living!”
*Looks at him with an intense expression*
Calvin : “I- um- There is *sighs* nothing I can do to change that, I guess. I-”
Eva : “There’s nothing you can do to change what is happening, but there are things that you can do to
help her-, to help her get through it!”
Bery : “And it’s not just about her. When the time comes, you’re gonna be thinking about all of this stuff,
Cal. It’s not gonna be a sudden death, I doubt. I know you propably want something like that but, based on
what you’re saying it sounds like it’s gonna be slow and painful. And in those moments, you’re gonna be
thinking about things like that, thinks like-, people like Enola. And she’d be there for you, and you could
be there for her, even if it were for a moment.”
Calvin : *Shakes his head no* “I’ve already heard this all before, I- um-, it makes it easier. When things
better off left this way”
Eva : “Do you want it to be easy? Is that what you want? To just give up and took the easy way-”
Calvin : “I never said anything about givin’ up, I ain’t givin up! I just-”
Eva : “You’re giving up on her! You’re giving up on her because it is too hard to care about someone,
7:38 (The themes became distorted and dissonant)
Calvin : “So what if it is?! So what if that’s my reason. Can you blame me? I’ve already had enough of a
rough time when I lost my loved one when I was-. I don’t want people to endure that kind of shit. If I can
let that go, being an attachment *unheardable* it’s easy.”
Eva : “Maybe you think that way, but maybe she would not. At least give her the choice, the agency to
make the decision. It is not something that you should take from her.”
Bery : “She’s right. Besides, you said you adopted me as your son. You did that.”
Calvin : *Bobs his head for a minute, pursing his lips*
Bery : “Why can’t you give her that too? Give her something that-, that’s more meaningful than just a-, a
couple nights together.”
7:50 (Dies Irae theme in minor, but reharmonized in major)
Calvin : “Love hurts, Bery. You won’t know what is like up until you lost the ones you loved that way.
There’s a reason why I do the things that I do. I don’t expect you to understand just yet but, there will be a
Eva : *Looks back at Shadow then back to him* “Maybe it is hard decision, whether it is worth it to
endure this pain.”
Calvin : “Maybe you’re right. *sighs* Fine, I’ll-, I’ll go talk.”
Bery : “She’s up on that hill there.”
Calvin : “Though there isn’t much to say.”
Bery : “Sometimes you don’t have to say much to anything. Just be there.”
Calvin : *Takes off his hat* Alright, I’m gonna be right back.”
8:16 Soon after the conversation, they were finally together.
8:34 They ride together, and decided to adopt Bery. Even if he would be leaving the state soon after.
9:23 After some time, Calvin Elwood, The Carolina Ranger passed away. Theme V won’t be played on the
parts after this. All that’s left are just memories. A part of the developed Theme V.
10:03 The return of Theme I, half of it. Enola felt lost. After all of the things she had done, it all led back
to herself, alone.
10:12 The melody returned. Maybe there was hope.
10:47 The piece ends with a major chord. There are still her friends who are still with her, telling her to
keep striving. She starts a new life and a new destination.

(more analysis to come!)

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