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Calbayog City

Ber Anne J. Tahil

Rogelio Etac
Activity 1. Let’s try this!

Directions: Think of a latest issue or controversy in the Philippines, and then fill in the
following table with necessary information.

I am writing these to inform or share

Why am I writing? something just to express my views
about the topic.
Who will be reading my message? Netizens
The hashtag #CancelKorea is currently
trending on twitter because some Korean
netizens criticized a Filipino Tiktoker for
her tattoo. KNetz pointed out how
problematic and offensive the Tiktokers
What must I tell my reader? tattoo is. Apparently, this tiktoker already
apologized and told that she would
remove or cover the tattoo but KNetz
didn’t stop and even belittled Filipino in
their comments.
In response to what the KNetz have
done, Filipino have trended the said
hashtag to defend our homeland.
How knowledgeable is my reader about Using different writing and presentation
the subject? styles to inform the readers or audience.
Where can I find my information? Gathering information’s from the source
like webpage, articles and blogs.
When must I complete my document? If you have all the, information’s needed,
it’s time to state writing about the
information’s that are gathered. Then it
depends on you when you should finish
your work.
Activity 2. Do It This Way!
Directions: In paragraph form, write the information you filled in the table above.

I am writing these to inform or share something just to express my

views about the topic. The netizens are my audience, they will be reading
my message. The content of the issue is about the #CancelKorea that is
trending on Twitter because some Korean netizens criticized a Filipino
Tiktoker for her tattoo. KNetz pointed out how problematic and offensive
the Tiktokers tattoo is. Apparently, this tiktoker already apologized and
told that she would remove or cover the tattoo but KNetz didn’t stop and
even belittled Filipino in their comments. In response to what the Knetz
have done, Filipino have trended the said hashtag to defend our
homeland. I’m using different writing and presentation styles to inform
the readers or audience. And I can find my information by gathering the
info’s from the source like webpage, articles and blogs. When you have all
the information’s needed, then it’s time to state writing about the
information’s that are gathered. It depends on you when you should finish
your work.

Task 1. Vocabulary
Directions: Give the meaning of the italicized terms in the following phrases.

highfalutin word - Pompous or pretentious, meaning the writer want

to sound smart by using words that are very
technical or have deep meaning. It tends to sound
something that is being made to sound
complicated in order to impress people.
haphazard description - Not systematic, something disorganized or without
any particular order to it
- Period from history; a specific time frame historian
historical era has classified due to commonalities within that
time frame.
lulled into passive learning - To soothe; to put rest
Even propagandistic - Characterized by propaganda or propagandists
- Understand a film as the product of a single person
ateur criticism and his vision, this person is the director.
aesthetic decisions - Good; beautiful
the astute writer - Intelligent or bright writer.
- A writer that having or showing a practical
cleverness or judgment. A writer that shows
an understanding of behavior and situations, and
are skillful at using this knowledge to their
own advantage.
to the novice - someone new to a field or activity
- a person who is not experienced in
a job or situation
Observe and chronicle - to make a record or give details of something.
- a record of things that happened — told in
chronological order
Task 2. Sentence Completion
Direction: Complete the following sentences with the following expressions.
1. If you have mastered all writing skills, you can write an effective paragraph,
article, text or written communication in specific discipline without finding
2. Writing allows you to create and maintain a marketable image of yourself in the
eyes of potential and current employers.
3. The audience of a paper affects the language, the content and the form.
4. An outline is also very helpful in arranging ideas in a certain written work like
report, speech, term paper, etc.
5. Writing in the humanities is not finding the answer it’s about finding an answer.
6. Writing an English paper does not disregard literary works.
7. A film not only tells a story, but also reflects the values and ideas of the culture.
8. Central to philosophy is the ideas of an argument.
9. The social scientist’s interest lies in defining behavior, and discovering its
tendencies and its possibilities.
10.Science has its goals of discovering explanation for a phenomenon.

Task 3. Identification
Directions: Identify the following descriptions based from the discussions in this
Biographical Essay1. This explores the relevance of an artist’s life to his or her art.
Iconography____2. It seeks to identify images through an exploration of the symbols in
a piece of art.
Iconology______3. It uses literary and other text to interpret a work.
Essay________4. One of the most commonly adoptive type of test in Literary class.
Research Paper_5. A paper ideally done to generate and contribute new ideas or
perspectives to a given field of study.
Lab Report_____6. A straight forward summary of your experiment’s purpose, methods
and results.
Exegesis_______7. A kind of writing that sees to explicate meaning because religious
texts are often debated, their passages have been ascribed
multitudes of meaning over time.
Close Reading___8. A paper on a short poem or prose work which objectives is to
engage the text’s use of language, rhyme and meter and recurrent
images or metaphors.
Historical Essay__9. This discusses a particular religious period, movement or event.
Book Report____10. This is an informative report that discusses a book from an
stance and focuses and focuses more on a summary of the work.
Task 4. Defend and reason out!
1. Explain the factors to consider in writing papers in different disciplines.

There are many factors to consider writing papers in different disciplines.

These are Audience, Purpose, Organization, Style, Flow and Presentation.

Considering your audience is something you should do before writing your
paper. If you are a student, your audience will be your instructor who has
definitely some expectations which you will have to meet. Your audience may
also be advisors, thesis committees, and journal and conference reviewers.
Taking your audience into account will affect the content of your writing. For
example, if you assume that your readers are familiar with the subject you are
writing about, you will not provide much background information.

Audience and purpose are interconnected. If the audience knows less
than the writer, then purpose is instructional. But if the audience knows more
than the writer, as is the case with students, the purpose will be demonstration
of knowledge and expertise. So, you should be aware of the purpose of your
writing as it is a decisive factor.

Organization is a matter of priorities and structure. Your audience has this
expectation that the information will be presented in a structured format that is
suitable for the genre of the text, so there are different patterns you should take
advantage of, because most readers are familiar with them and this helps
facilitate the conveyance of information. Other factors such as relevance,
coherence and flow, cohesion and texture, context and message should be taken
into account. Moreover, there are several established patterns of information
organization which all writers make use depending on the nature of their paper:
problems and solutions, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, and classification.

This will have an impact on the way your write and the information you
choose to include.

You have to make sure that your writing is based on an appropriate style.
Style should be consistent and suitable both in terms of audience and the
message. Writing your research report in an informal style would be a grave
mistake. Also, you should consider the fact that academic style differs from one
field to another, so by analyzing the papers in your chosen field of study you will
become familiar with styles used in your field. (There are many stylistic features
that will be discussed in detail later.)

The language you use in your writing depends very much on how you’ve
defined the elements above. Always have a mental image of your readers, keep
the purpose and context in mind, and remember what medium your writing is
intended for. Thinking about language also means thinking about what not to
write or choosing your words carefully and sensitively. Just as writers hope their
audience will be willing to respect their point of view, they need to respect the
diversity of a broad base of readers.

Another important factor is flow. It means moving from one statement in
a text to another. It is obvious that by keeping the flow and making clear
connection of ideas and concepts you will helps your audience to follow the text.
One of the most commonly used methods for establishing a flow is moving from
old information to new information. By stating old information first, you can
provide some brief background information and then state your assumptions or
conclusions and establish a connection between them. These elements can help
the writer maintain the flow of information and establish clear relationships
between ideas and concepts.

Before presenting your paper, ask yourself these questions: are
information flow and overall format good enough? Is your paper grammatically
accurate? Have you checked for spelling errors?

2. Discuss comprehensively the writing of papers in the humanities, social sciences

and science using compare and contrast as a method of discourse.


 More critical and  deal with more of  scientific approach
analytical approach a scientific approach  Deals with
“quantitative, highly
ordered, rather certain
  more subjective  more objective findings.
  focus mostly on the  critically studies the  deal with law, history,
tradition, culture, and factual differences ancient languages,
heritage of the between Humanities modern languages,
society on how and Pure Sciences.  philosophy, history,
human beings are religion, and
developed visual/performing arts
 Deals with questions  Addresses many of the  informs the
in which there are no questions that concern community of new
definitive answer the humanities. discoveries
  concern themselves   concern with human  intriguing questions
with human lives and lives and human nature
human nature
 studies the society  studies the society and
and human human relationship as a
relationship as a whole

3. Enumerate the kinds of written activities in different disciplines. Explain each.


Art History Paper

 Formal Analysis – a specific type of visual description, explanation of a

visual structure
 Sociological Essay – connects how a person reacts in a certain situation
 Biographical Essay – explore the relevance of an artist’s life to art
 Iconography – seeks to identify images through an exploration of the
symbol in a piece of art
 Iconology – uses literary and other text to interpret a work
 English Paper
 Close Reading – engage the text’s use of language, rhyme and meter and
recurrent images or metaphors
 Essay – most commonly adopted type of test in literature class.
 Research Paper – generate and contribute new ideas or perspective to a
given field of study
 Book Report – Informative report that discusses book from an objective
 Book Review – evaluates recently-written works, and often provide a short
appraisal of the strength and weaknesses of the work.

 Formal Analysis – requires that the viewer breaks the film down into its
component arts
 Film History – a film not only tells a story, but also reflects the values and
 Ideological Papers – films that are made to entertain and promote beliefs
 Cultural Studies – films reflect the culture and nations on which they are
 Auteur Criticism – the product of a single person and his vision

Music Paper
 Reviews – commenting on the music of a performance or a CD, provides
insight into those of excellence
 Research Papers – look at music within historical or social contexts. This
maybe a comparison of music in given genres.

Sociology Paper
 Reviews of the literature – summarize books or articles and determines
the author’s thesis and its context, and also evaluate it according to
sociological criteria.
 Case study/ethnographic research - is a qualitative method
where researchers observe and/or interact with a study's participants in
their real-life environment.
 General research – library research or reading in the field

 Lab report - are written to describe and analyze a laboratory experiment
that explores a scientific concept.
 Review of literature – a paper that tries to synthesize existing articles to
form a coherent and thorough understanding of the matter at hand.

4. Illustrate the structure of a specific written activity in a specific discipline.

English Paper
 Book Report
Background (Book, Genre, Title, Cover)
Description of the Book
Findings and Recommendation

 Book Review
Background of the story
Analysis and Evaluation (author, genre, title.)
Insights, suggestion and recommendation

 Movie Analysis
The Movie (title, director, playwright, actors)
Story and its elements (characters, setting, plot.)
Insights and Commentary
Suggestion and Recommendation
Social Science
 Structure:
Description of the Methods
Presentation of results
Discussion of the results

 Lab report

5. Why is background on the structure of papers in the different disciplines


Background on the structures of papers in different

disciplines are important because these structures serves as a
guide when you write papers in specific disciplines, this is how your
work flow. Its structure of papers plays an important role writing/
making your paper. They are divided into distinct sections and each
section contains a specific type of information. For an instance, the
title will help you to determine if an article
is interesting or relevant for your project. The abstracts provide you
with a complete, but very succinct summary of the paper.
Structure is an important feature of academic writing. A
well-structured text enables the reader to follow the argument and
navigate the text. In academic writing a clear structure and a
logical flow are imperative to a cohesive text.
Having a background on the structure of papers makes the
reader quickly locate a specific type of information, and the reader
knows what to expect from each part of the paper. Structures of
papers makes your work organize.
Task 5. Research Work
Directions: Go to the library and do the following activities.

1. Look for the structure of the papers in different disciplines which are available in
your school library. Write your comments and share it in your class for further
2. Bring sample paper available in your school for class discussion.

This an example of English

paper, which is the research. Also, it
has a Review of related literature.
Research paper generate and
contribute new ideas or perspective
to a given field of study. The title of
the research above is about the
“Media used in the promotion of solid
waste management program”, which
is specific study of a given field.
Task 6. Extension Activity
Directions: In the schools or department near you, interview professors about the kinds
of papers they are giving to their students.

Note the following:

1. Interview a professor whom you do not know yet, but teaches a course that
interests you.
2. The Purpose of your interview is to learn about the writing conventions in
different disciplines.
3. Design your own interview questions.
a. Ask to describe, in general, the kinds of writing that professionals in that
academic field conduct. Focus on goals, methods, and ways.
b. Ask for insights on writing in the discipline.

Interview guide:
1. What is your profession ma’am/sir?
2. What kinds of writing in academic field you conduct?
3. What are your goals in writing that kinds(academic) of paper, and what
methods or techniques you used in that particular matter?
4. What is the purpose of those documents, their intended audience, and the
language that they use?
5. How a specific text from the academic discipline, such as a book or a journal
article reflects the principles and approaches covered in the third question.
6. Who are the intended audience of your work? What specific elements in the
writing which appears there can help us decide?
7. What does good writing look like in your field? How can you convey this to
8. What support and structure are you able to provide?
9. Have you taken thoughtful and detailed notes while reading your many
10. Have you given thoughtful consideration to all of the information you have
gathered and allowed this research to mold and/or change your argument?

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