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In object-oriented programming, a class is a data type that
defines a set of variables and methods for a declared object.

A class is like a blueprint. It defines the data and behavior

for a type. A class declaration starts with a keyword class
followed by the class name. The class body contains the data and
actions enclosed by curly braces.

class example
//variables, methods, etc.
(a class lets you define a custom data type)

Just as a built-in data type is used to declare multiple
variables, a class can be used to declare multiple objects.

Once we've written the class, we can create objects based on

that class. Creating an object is called instantiation.

Each object has its own characteristics. The characteristics of

an object are called properties.

Value types
C# has two ways of storing data: by reference and by value.

For example:

int x = 10; //This is stored as

//value in the stack.

Stack is an area in memory where contents of a value type is

Reference types
Reference types are used for storing objects. For example, when
you create an object of a class, it is stored as a reference

Reference types are stored in a part of the memory called

the heap.

When you instantiate an object, the data for that object is

stored on the heap, while its heap memory address is stored on
the stack.

Hence p1 represents
the heap address.

That is why it is called a reference type - it contains a

reference (the memory address) to the actual object on the heap.
Stack is used for static memory allocation, which includes all
your value types, like x.

Heap is used for dynamic memory allocation, which includes

custom objects, that might need additional memory during the
runtime of your program.

class Person
int age;
string name;
public void SayHi(){
The code declares a class named Person, which has age and name
fields as well as a SayHi method that displays a greeting to the

An access modifier may be included for fields and methods (also

referred to as members) of a class.

Access modifiers are keywords used to specify the accessibility

of a member.

Public access modifier means that the modified object can be

accessed from outside the class, as long as it is anywhere
withing the scope of the class object. That is why the SayHi()
method is public, as it is going to be called from outside of
the class later.

Private access modifier is chosen by default if no modifiers are

specified of the object. A private modifier means that the member
will not be accessible from outside the class.

Class usage
Key operator: new

class Dog
public string name;
public int age;
static void Main(string[] args)
Dog bob = new Dog(); = ”Bobby”
bob.age = 3;


The new operator instantiates an object and returns a reference

to its location.
Encapsulation is implemented by using access modifiers. An
access modifier defines the scope and visibility of a class

Private modifier is used among other modifiers to encapsulate


C# also supports the following access modifiers: public,

private, protected, internal, protected internal.

class BankAccount
private double balance = 0;
public void Deposit(double n)
balance += n;
public double GetBalance()
return balance;

Encapsulation has been used to hide balance member from the

outside code. The balance value is still accessible since the
public method GetBalance() located in the class, returns balance
if called. This ensures that the balance variable will not be
changed, as it is inaccessible. The GetBalance() method only
gives us a glance at the value.

A constructor is a special member method of a class that is
executed whenever a new object of that class is created.

A constructor has exactly the same name as its class, is public,

and does not have any return type.
For example:

class BankAccount
private double balance = 0;
public void Deposit(double n)
balance += n;
public BankAccount()
Console.WriteLine(”We are accessing your Account”);

(When an object from this class will be created, mentioned phrase will be

Constructors can be very useful for setting initial values for

certain member variables.

A default constructor has no parameters. However, when needed,

parameters can be added to a constructor. This makes it possible
to assign an initial value to an object when it's created, as
shown in the following example:

class Person
private int age;
private string name;
public Person(string nm)
name = nm;
public string getName()
return name;

(This code will assess the input into Person() value to the name member
inside of the class)
As we have seen it is a good practice to encapsulate members of
a class and provide limited access to them only through public

A property is a member that provides a flexible mechanism to

read write or compute the value of a private field.

class Person
private string name; // The field
public string Name // property
get{return name;}
set{name = value;}
(The set accessor is used to assign a value to the name variable; get is
used to return its value)

set and get are special methods called accessors

The accessor of a property contains the executable statements

that help in getting (reading or computing) or setting (writing)
a corresponding field.

Usage of properties

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Card card1 = new Card();
class Card
private string accountNum = "0011592048120";
public string AccountNum{get {return accountNum;}}
From the example above we can see that using private string in
conjunction with a public string can be useful if we assign
properties to the public string.

Auto-implemented properties
When you do not need any custom logic, C# provides a fast and
effective mechanism for declaring private members through their
For example, to create a private member that can only be accessed
through the Name property's get and set accessors, use the
following syntax:
public string Name {get;set;}

As it can be seen, we do not need to declare the private field

name separately - it is created by the property
automatically. Name is called an auto-implemented property.
Also called auto-properties, they allow for easy and short
declaration of private members.

We can rewrite the code from our previous example using an auto-

class Person
public string Name{get;set;}
static void Main(string[] args)
Person p = new Person();
p.Name = ”Bob”;

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