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First of all, i want to say thank you very much for the opportunity that has been given

to me.
Honestly, this is the first time I have joined a focus group discussion, especially in foreign
languages such as English like this, so this is my first time discussing a topic in English and I
think this is quite interesting and also challenging for me personally.
And about the question, if im not wrong the main point of the question is .......... .
( )
and I have heard great answer and responds from the other friends, that was amazing, its
such an honor for me to be here with so many people who are expert at speaking skills
because I still need to learn a lot from all of you.
So in my personal opinion, .....
we must have our own way of dealing with certain situations and conditions in purpose to
overcome or solve the problems that we have, right?
So, There are several things that I want to tell about this topic. Because we cannot just
pretend that we don't know that this serious problem actually happens in our life.
So as we know that, currently we are experiencing a global covid-19 pandemic, which has
not over yet. And we must realize that, this has a significant impact in all aspects of
human life. Starting from the social, cultural, economic, and of course educational
aspects. If we cannot cure the disease, then we have to be prepared to be able to live with
it, I think that's the reason why the government calls the current situation right now with
new normal. This situation really affects many things in our life, one of them, as we know
that learning activities are replaced by the online systems.
so according to our situation and conditions right now that the college activities are
replaced by the online system, and the worst thing about online class for me is the many
assignments because during normal college conditions I only get a few assignments but it is
different when in online class because almost every lecturer will give assignments every
schedule of their meetings, and even some of them have very many assignments and so
difficult, but due to relatively short collection deadlines.
And Many of us until now still think that online learning activities are not going well and
there are many weaknesses . On the other hand, some people think that we unable to learn
optimally and the lack of social interaction during online learning activities. Other than that,
about implementation of online learning activities there are still many parties who are not
ready, such as individually and even in educational institutions like schools or universities.
I also used to think like that, and maybe even those of you have thought like that. But
now, we have to get rid of such negative thinking patterns and stigma from our minds
because believe me that was a big mistake, and of course maybe one of you will ask "but
why?" So, let me tell you the reason.
Online learning activities are more flexible because we can study anywhere, anyplace, and
anytime with the devices that we have, we also have more free time which can be filled with
other positive activities. and also with the online system, of course, we can learn new things,
especially those related to technology. However, if we talk about the benefits or weakness
of online class, in my opinion, it personally depends on how we deal with them, if we are
indeed looking for weaknesses, of course, there will be many weaknesses about online
classes because we should be realize that even in normal learning activities there are still
some weaknesses behind the positive sides. But if we always think positively and also
optimistic in any situation and condition, even in online class, in my opinion, we can still
doing something optimally.
for example like, as I said at the beginning about there are so many assignments in online
class, based on my own experience, I handle it with a notebook where I write my to-do list
at the beginning of each workday. I list them from the highest priority to the lowest. This
help me to stay keep on track of what I need to do for the rest of the day. As I know that
priorities can change in some situations, I make sure that my to-do list is not overloaded
with too many tasks so I can make some adjustments in case something happens that I
don't expect.
And I usually break down each project into small parts and set a schedule for them so I
know what needs to be done.
And when i do something, I always take the initiative. I don’t like to wait for instructions, by
any person, I just do it, kinda like JUST DO IT . In a previous experienced that I had before, I
was able to adjust my time so that there were not any mistake or gaps in the assignments.
As a result, the assignments going well and be completed on time. I believe that in order to
achieve any goals in our life, these qualities are very important.
Because this case is new for me, I love to new experience and learn new things. I believe
new experience will allow me to either develop my skill or maybe gain new skill.
I have a strong desire to learn new things and develop my skills so that I can implement
them in my life and i wish i could contribute more to the society where i live.
So, In conclusion, just do what you want to do, don't let anyone, who ever is that to stop
you or get in the way of your intention. And don't forget that, we should be always thinking
positively and optimistic in any situation and condition in our life.

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