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Great! Now that you are done reading, let us test your understanding by answering
Activity No. 1: Deadline of submission is on March 21, 2021. Submit your given
output to my gmail account @:

1. Based on what you have read, give your own meaning of what is literature.

Based on what I have read, literature is a valuable art which highlights our
identity, culture, and tradition in a society. In addition, literature can lead us to
discover a new world of experience through the complexity of our feelings and
emotions. Hence, literature is a work of art that is made up of words. A
masterpiece which reflects the feelings of the people to its community,
government, environment, other people and to our Lord God.

2. Why is there a need to study literature?

There is a need to study literature because it allows us to have a better

understanding about our culture, tradition and history. For, if all of us understand
and appreciates all the things that surrounds us, we can have the capability to
express ourselves and create literary works that will inspire future generations in
preserving our identities as well as our culture.

3. Identify and explain one literary standard which you may find directly
relevant in evaluating the Philippine short story below.
a. Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio

I find suggestiveness as a literary standard that is directly relevant in

evaluating the “wedding dance”. Why? Because the author uses the emotional
power of the readers to define symbolism, nuances, implied meanings, imagery
and messages. I have observed in the story 6 symbolic elements that allows
myself to understand beyond what the actual words that is written on the story.
These are the following; (1) Gangsas - The gangsas are culturally important. The
sound of the gangsas represents the man in the wedding ceremony. Like the
gangsas, they are strong and provide a beat to the dance, or a "beat to life"; (2)
Dancing Culturally- the dancing is a celebration of happiness. It is also a show
of sexuality by the women. Because Lumnay has not produced a child, she feels
ashamed to dance and show herself to the other men, as she believes no one
will look at her; (3) The Fire - The fire or flames signify the burning intensity of
both love and hate that Lumnay feels in the situation. When Awiyao stirs the
embers in Lumnay’s dark hut, he stirs up both of these feelings in her. Later, as
Lumnay watches the bonfire from afar, her physical distance from the fire reflects
her emotional separation from the man she loves; (4) The Beads - The beads in
the story symbolize the promise that Awiyao made to Lumnay. They are also
very precious and are worth 20 fields. The fact that Awiyao gives them to
Lumnay shows that he cherishes her, and that he still believes she has worth.
Although Lumnay rejects the hut and field Awiayo offers her, she accepts the
beads, suggesting her desire to remain connected to Awiyao; (5) The Floor - A
number of times the narrator draws the reader’s attention to the rattan floor as
Lumnay pulls it apart. This is symbolic of their marriage unraveling; (6) The
Night- The nighttime setting symbolically adds to the darkness and isolation that
Lumnay feels as she runs away from the village. As she works her way up the
dark mountain alone, she is unable to envision a path to the future. The reader,
too, is left in darkness with unresolved ending.

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