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abeyance x continuance

abjure x espouse
abjure x pledge
abrogate x institute
abrogate x enact
abstemious x self-indulgent
abstruse x obvious
acarpous x fecund
accolade x disapprobation
acerbity x sweetness
acquiescence x rebellion
acquit x convict
acrimonious x harmonious
adhere x detach
admonition x countenance
adroit x awkward
adroit x unskillful
adulterate x purify
adulteration x purification
adversity x prosperity
affiliation x dissociation
alacrity x hesitance and reluctance
alacrity x slowness
alienate x harmonize
alleviate x worsen
alleviate x exacerbate
aloof x gregarious
altruism x miserliness
altruistic x selfish
amalgamate x isolate
amalgamate x separate
amass x separate
ambiguous x clear
amelioration x deterioration
amelioration x worsening
amelioration x worsening
amenable x intractable
amicable x unfriendly
amorphous x definite
amorphous x structured
amplify x simplify
amplify x decrease
anathema x blessing
anathema x benediction
ancillary x principal
anemic x red-blooded
anodyne x irritatingpresence
anomalous x usual
anomaly x regularity
anonymous x signed
antediluvian x modern
antipathy x fondness
antithesis x similarity
aplomb x confusion
apostate x loyalist
appease x agitate
apposite x inappropriate
apprehend x setfree
apropos x untimely
aptitude x lackoftalent
archaic x new
arrant x partial
arrhythmic x exhibitingregularity
artifice x sincerity
artifice x candor
artisan x unskilledlaborer
artlessness x cunning
ascend x godown
asceticism x indulgence
aseptic x contaminated
askew x straight
asperity x goodtemper
aspersions x flattery
asset x liability
assuage x worsen
assuaged x unsatisfied
asteroid x largeplanet
astute x foolish
astute x foolish
attenuate x thicken
atypical x normal
authentic x bogus
autonomous x dependent
avarice x generosity
avarice x altruism
aver x deny
aversion x affinity
avid x loath
awry x straight
baleful x beneficent
balm x irritant
banal x original
bane x blessing
baneful x nonpoisonous
baneful x salubrious
beatific x impish
bedizen x stripbare
belated x ontime
belittle x magnify
benevolent x miserly
benign x malignant
benignity x evilness
benison x curse
bent x ineptitude
berate x eulogize
berserk x sane
bestial x noble
billingsgate x acclaim
blanch x darken
bland x spicy
blandishment x criticism
blasé x ardent
blithe x grave
boisterous x peaceful
bolster x decrease support of
bolster x undermine
bombast x simplespeech
boorish x suave
boycott x patronize
brackish x sweetish
brindled x ofuniformcolor
brook x refusetotolerate
bucolic x urban
burnish x dull
cadge x earn
calligraphy x scribbling
callow x experienced
callow x sophisticated
calumniate x vindicate
camaraderie x animosity
candid x secretive
capacious x notspacious
capitulation x resistance
capricious x steadfast
captious x tolerant
carnal x spiritual
carnivorous x vegetarian
carousal x sobriety
carping x acquiescent
carteblanche x restriction
catalyze x inhibit
catholic x narrow
caucus x conspiracy
celerity x delay
celibate x married
censure x praise
centrifugal x centripetal
cessation x beginning
chaffing x serious
chaotic x orderly
chary x foolhardy
chaste x wanton
chaste x impure
chasten x reward
chide x praise
chimerical x realistic
chimerical x notfantastic
choleric x good-natured
choleric x coolheaded
churlish x gracious
churlish x polite
circuitous x direct
clandestine x overt
clemency x unmercifultreatment
cliché x novelty
coagulate x dissipate
cogent x unconvincing
cogent x fatuous
cognizance x ignorance
cognizant x ignorant
cognoscitive x unconscious
cohesion x independence
colloquial x polished
comatose x alert
comity x discord
commodious x cramped
commodious x limited
compatible x indisagreementwith
compendious x verbose
complacency x dissatisfaction
complaisance x churlishness
compliant x adamant
compound x separate
conciliate x quarrel
concur x dissent
condign x inadequate
condign x undeserved
condone x denounce
conduce x counteract
conform x nothewto
conjecture x certainty
console x aggravategrief
contamination x purification
contemplated x random
contiguity x remoteness
convivial x unsociable
conviviality x animosity
convoke x forgive
convoke x adjourn
corroborate x controvert
corroboration x lessening of certainty
countenance x disapprove
cower x brazenlyconfront
coy x bold
cozen x treathonestly
crabbed x sweet-tempered
crass x refined
craven x brave
cryptic x candid
cudgel x caress
cupidity x generosity
cupidity x altruism
cupidity x generosity
current x obsolete
cursory x detailed
cursory x thorough
curtail x lengthen
cynical x trusting
dank x dry
dastard x hero
dauntless x weak
dauntless x timid
debacle x completesuccess
debilitate x strengthen
debility x strength
debonair x awkward
decant x sloshout
declivity x upwardslope
decorous x improper
decorous x unseemly
decrepit x youthful
decry x condone
defalcate x use money held in trust properly
defection x joining
deference x contempt
defile x purify
delete x insert
deleterious x harmless
demise x birth
denunciation x eulogy
deposition x processoferoding
depravity x goodness
depredation x restoration
deranged x sane
derisive x laudatory
derogatory x praising
desecrate x consecrate
desiccate x drench
desiccate x inundate
despicable x worthyofesteem
destitute x affluent
destitute x wanton
desuetude x use
desultory x systematic
deterioration x improvement
devoid x fullof
devout x impious
diabolical x seraphic
diatribe x praise
differentiate x combine
diffidence x boldness
dilate x narrow
dilation x contraction
dilatory x expediting
dilettante x professional
diminution x appreciation
disabuse x deceive
disarm x putonguard
discern x overlook
disconsolate x joyous
discrete x continuous
disheveled x tidy
disingenuous x naive
disinterested x prejudiced
disjointed x orderly
disjointed x connected
disparage x eulogize
disputatious x conciliatory
disrupt x jointogether
dissemble x behavehonestly
dissipate x economize
dissonance x concord
dissonant x harmonious
dissuade x exhort
distend x diminish
divulge x keepsecret
doff x don
doleful x merry
dolorous x happy
dolt x cleverperson
doltish x clever
dormant x alert
drivel x sense
droll x humorless
ductility x brittleness
dwindle x increase
eclectic x dogmatic
eclectic x uniform
effluvia x desiredproducts
effrontery x shyness
effrontery x deference
egress x entrance
elated x crestfallen
elicit x stifle
emaciated x stout
emaciation x invigoration
emancipate x enslave
embellish x disfigure
eminent x notorious
emollient x irritating
endemic x pandemic
enervate x fortify
enervate x invigorate
enervate x strengthen
enigmatic x freeofambiguity
enigmatic x easilyunderstood
enmity x affection
ennui x excitement
ensconce x uncover
ensemble x solo
ensue x precede
ephemeral x permanent
ephemeral x eternal
equable x stormy
equanimity x agitation
equivocal x clear
erratic x consistent
ersatz x authentic
erudite x ignorant
erudite x ignorant
eschew x welcome
esoteric x generallyknown
ethereal x tangible
eulogistic x critical
euphonious x strident
euphony x discord
euphoria x discomfort
evasive x frank
evince x conceal
exasperate x placate
excoriate x soothe
excoriate x praise
exculpate x accuse
exculpate x attributeguilt
execrable x excellent
execrate x acclaim
exhort x dissuade
exhume x inter
exodus x entry
exonerate x accuse
exorbitant x moderate
expatiate x talkbriefly
expunge x perpetuate
extant x destroyed
extant x lostordestroyed
extemporaneous x rehearsed
extinguish x ignite
extirpate x implant
extraneous x essential
extrinsic x inherent
extrovert x introvert
factitious x genuine
factitious x spontaneous
fallacy x validargument
fantastic x realistic
fatuous x sensible
fawning x arrogant
feasible x impractical
feasible x impracticable
feckless x strong
fecund x unabletoproduce
felicity x misery
fell x propitious
ferrous x containingnoiron
fervid x listless
fervid x restrained
fetid x havingapleasantsmell
fettered x liberated
fiasco x success
fickle x loyal
fidelity x treachery
flaccid x taut
flagrant x conspicuouslygood
flamboyant x restrained
flaunt x hide
fledgling x experienced
flinch x extol
fluctuate x remainsteady
fluency x hesitance
focus x disperse
fortuitous x unfortunate
fractious x agreeable
frangible x sturdy
frequency x rarity
frequent x visitrarely
frothy x substantial
frustrate x abet
frustrate x abet
fulgent x dull
fumble x handleadroitly
furtive x open
gainsay x speakinsupportof
galvanize x restrain
garrulous x taciturn
garrulous x silent
gasconade x modesty
gauche x tactful
gauche x graceful
gelid x warm
generously x niggardly
genuflect x standerect
germinal x fullydeveloped
global x local
gnome x giant
goad x curb
gourmet x glutton
grandiose x simple
granulate x crystallize
gratuitous x necessary
gratuitous x warranted
gratuity x stipend
gregarious x antisocial
grisly x pleasant
group x isolate
gullible x incredulous
gusto x distaste
gusty x calm
hackneyed x original
haggard x plump
halcyon x martial
halcyon x rough
halcyon x turbulent
hamper x support
haphazard x deliberate
hapless x fortunate
harbinger x follower
hedonist x puritan
hegira x return
heretic x believer
hermetic x permeable
heterogeneity x similarity
heterogeneous x uniform
heterogeneous x similar
hiatus x nexus
hibernal x estival
hibernal x summerlike
hilarity x gloom
hirsute x bald
homogeneous x variegated
hone x blunt
hortatory x dissuading
hoyden x demuregirl
humility x arrogance
hummock x vale
husbandry x friction
hyperbole x understatement
hyperborean x sultry
ignominious x honorable
ignominy x fame
illusive x notdeceptive
immaculate x sullied
immediate x future
immunity x susceptibility
immure x liberate
immutable x changeable
impalpable x obvious
impasse x openroad
impassive x demonstrative
impeccable x faulty
impecunious x affluent
impecunious x prosperous
impediment x assistance
imperturbable x hysterical
impervious x penetrable
impolitic x advisable
impotent x powerful
improbity x integrity
improbity x honesty
impromptu x rehearsed
impudent x embarrassed
impunity x liability
inadequate x sufficient
inadvertence x carefulattention
inane x wise
inanimate x lively
incessant x interrupted
incipient x concluding
incipient x full-blown
inclement x kind
inclement x opposed
incogitable x conceivable
incogitable x conceivable
incredulity x gullibility
increment x decrease
indefatigable x exhausted
indigenous x alien
indigenous x acquired
inebriation x sobriety
ineluctable x easilyavoided
inflate x minimize
inhibit x encourage
inimical x amiable
iniquitous x faithful
insidious x loyal
insipid x flavorful
insolvent x financiallystable
inter x exhume
intermittent x constant
intransigent x yielding
intrepid x craven
intrepid x cowardly
intrinsic x extrinsic
inundate x drain
inured x inexperienced
inveigh x laud
inveterate x casual
inveterate x inexperienced
inveterate x easilyeliminated
invulnerable x penetrable
irascible x placid
irrelevant x pertinent
irreverent x pious
itinerant x settled
jaded x stimulated
jaundiced x unbiased
jocose x morose
jocular x solemn
juicy x desiccated
kith x strangers
labile x stable
lackadaisical x ambitious
laconic x lengthy
laconic x garrulous
laconic x voluble
laconic x verbose
laconic x wordy
lambaste x extol
lampoon x praise
languor x vigor
lassitude x strength
latent x obvious
laudable x ignominious
laudatory x defamatory
lavish x hoard
lechery x chastity
lethargic x awake
lethargic x invigorating
lethargic x vigorous
levity x solemnity
levity x gravity
limber x rigid
limp x firm
limpid x turbid
lionize x denigrate
lithe x stiff
livid x purplish
loath x eager
longevity x evanescence
loquacious x taciturn
loutish x sophisticated
lucrative x unprofitable
lugubrious x cheerful
lugubrious x gay
lumber x glide
lurid x dull
maculated x unspotted
malediction x benediction
malevolent x kindly
malign x eulogize
malign x praise
malleable x brittle
maniacal x sane
manifest x obscure
mannered x natural
manumit x enslave
maunder x talkintelligently
mawkish x intelligent
mawkishness x unsentimentality
mediocre x superior
mellifluous x cacophonous
mellifluous x strident
mendacious x truthful
meticulous x remiss
miasma x fragrantaroma
militant x pacific
minatory x reassuring
minion x master
mitigate x intensify
moiety x whole
mollify x intensify
mollify x provoke
mollify x irritate
momentous x unimportant
moribund x living
moribund x robust
motility x paralysis
motility x stasis
mugwump x loyalmember
multifarious x monolithic
mundane x extraordinary
mundane x unearthly
munificence x stinginess
munificent x miserly
mutter x speakdistinctly
myopic x farsighted
nadir x apex
nadir x pinnacle
naïveté x sophistication
nascency x conclusion
nascent x fading
nebulous x clear
nebulous x distinct
nefarious x virtuous
nefarious x angelic
nefarious x benign
negation x affirmation
neophyte x veteran
nettle x mollify
nexus x schism
niggardly x lavish
niggardly x prodigal
nocturnal x daily
nocturnal x daily
noisome x beneficial
noisome x fragrant
nonstriated x striped
notorious x renowned
notorious x angelic
nucleate x scatter
nugatory x consequential
obdurate x complaisant
obdurate x easilyswayed
obdurate x tender
obdurate x yielding
obdurate x yielding
obese x cadaverous
obese x slim
obese x cadaverous
obfuscate x clarify
obfuscate x elucidate
obligatory x optional
obloquy x praise
obsequious x supercilious
obsequiousness x imperiousness
obsession x whim
obsolete x renovated
obstreperous x quiet
obtuse x shrewd
odious x delightful
odium x infatuation
odium x liking
odium x affection
off-key x attheproperpitch
omnipotent x weak
omnipresent x limited
omniscient x ignorant
opaque x transparent
opportune x awkward
opportunist x manofprinciple
opprobrious x irreproachable
opprobrious x commendatory
opprobrium x praise
optimum x worst
opulence x poverty
opulent x penurious
ornate x simple
orotund x notresonant
oscillate x remainfixed
ossify x transcendconventions
ostentatious x plain
ostentatious x unpretentious
outset x termination
overt x hidden
overweening x humble
pacifist x militarist
paean x dirge
paean x lament
palatial x humble
palatial x small
palliate x worsen
palliate x increasetheintensityof
pallid x ruddy
palpability x intangibility
palpable x intangible
paltry x munificent
paltry x significant
pandemonium x calm
panegyric x denunciation
paranoia x sanity
pariah x favorite
parry x discuss
parsimonious x extravagant
paucity x abundance
pejorative x havingfavorableconnotations
pellucid x opaque
penchant x dislike
penitent x unrepentant
perdition x salvation
peregrinate x remaininonespot
perennial x minute
perfidious x faithful
perfidy x fealty
perfunctory x thorough
perseverance x cessationofeffort
pertain x beirrelevant
philistine x aesthete
phlegmatic x effusive
phlegmatic x vivacious
pied x solid-colored
pillory x venerate
pillory x exalt
pinch x abundantamount
piquancy x blandness
piquant x bland
pith x superficialelement
plasticity x rigidity
plethora x scarcity
plethora x paucity
plumb x horizontal
polemic x agreement
polemical x conciliatory
porous x impermeable
postulate x prove
postulate x verify
prate x refrainfromspeaking
prate x talkmeaningfully
precarious x firmlygrounded
precarious x safe
preciosity x vulgarism
precipitate x deliberate
precipitate x cautious
precipitous x gentlysloping
precipitous x well-planned
precursory x succeeding
prefatory x conclusive
prejudiced x disinterested
prelude x aftermath
prelude x conclusion
presumption x humility
pretentious x modest
pretentious x unassuming
prevaricate x tellthetruth
prevarication x veracity
prim x improper
prim x prior
pristine x corruptedbycivilization
pristine x ultivated
pristine x contaminated
probity x corruptibility
proclivity x disinclination
proclivity x avoidance
proclivity x aversion
procrastinate x expedite
prodigal x thrifty
prodigious x slight
prodigious x infinitesimal
prodigious x minute
profane x sanctify
progenitor x descendant
prolix x pithy
prolix x terse
prologue x epilogue
promontory x depression
propinquity x distance
propinquity x remoteness
propitiate x anger
propitious x unfavorable
propitious x unfavorable
prosaic x extraordinary
prosaic x imaginative
prosaic x romantic
proscribe x sanction
protean x uniform
protract x shorten
provincial x sophisticated
provisional x permanent
proximate x distant
pseudo x genuine
puerile x adult
puerile x mature
puissant x weak
pulchritude x ugliness
punctilious x careless
punctuality x tardiness
punitive x rewarding
pusillanimous x courageous
putative x undisputed
putrid x aromatic
quell x foment
querulous x amenable
querulous x satisfied
quiescence x action
quiescent x restless
quota x unlimitednumber
quotidian x extraordinary
radiate x absorb
raffish x noble
raffish x august
rail x speakwellof
rally x disband
rankle x assuage
rant x speakmoderately
rarefy x makemoredense
ratiocination x intuition
raucous x mellifluous
ravage x reconstruct
ravel x knit
recalcitrant x yielding
recalcitrant x tractable
recherché x usual
recidivism x effectiverehabilitation
recluse x personwholovessociety
recondite x easilyunderstood
recreant x gallant
rectify x err
redolent x fetid
redress x injury
refractory x zealous
refractory x manageable
refractory x obedient
refulgent x dim
regal x common
rehabilitate x destroy
rejuvenate x age
relish x dislike
remiss x painstaking
renegade x loyalist
renege x carryoutfaithfully
repine x expressjoy
replete x devoid
reprobate x righteousindividual
reprove x commend
repudiate x accept
repudiate x accept
repugnance x love
retain x discard
retard x speedup
reticence x loquaciousness
retrench x augment
revile x praise
rotundity x slimness
rubicund x pallid
ruddy x wan
rudimentary x developed
rudimentary x advanced
rueful x content
ruthless x merciful
sacerdotal x lay
sadistic x kindhearted
sagacious x stupid
sagacious x foolish
salacious x wholesome
salient x concealed
sallow x ruddy
salubrious x miasmic
salubrious x unhealthful
salvage x lose
sanguine x pessimistic
sardonic x sincere
saturnine x cheerful
savory x insipid
schism x union
scotch x foster
scourge x reward
scurrilous x decent
scurvy x abovereproach
secular x clerical
sedentary x active
seditious x orderly
sedulous x lazy
segment x makewhole
senescence x youth
senility x childhood
sensual x spiritual
sententious x verbose
sequester x include
serendipitous x planned
servile x independent
servile x haughty
sessile x mobile
shoddy x superior
sinister x good
sleazy x firmlytextured
sleazy x substantial
sloth x industry
slovenly x tidy
slovenly x methodical
sobriety x inebriety
solecism x properusage
solicitude x inattention
solstice x equinox
solvent x bankrupt
somatic x mental
sophomoric x mature
soporific x stimulant
soporific x awakening
soporific x stimulant
soporific x energizer
sordid x magnificent
specious x valid
spurious x genuine
spurious x authentic
squander x preserve
stability x inconstancy
stability x inconstancy
staccato x legato
stamina x weakness
stark x partial
stereotyped x original
stertorous x labored
stint x squander
stoic x passionate
strident x pleasant
stubborn x pliant
stultify x enlighten
stymie x foster
subliminal x obvious
sublimity x baseness
supercilious x humble
supercilious x subservient
supercilious x subservient
superfluity x dearth
supernal x devilish
supine x vigilant
surreptitious x straightforward
sybaritic x austere
tacit x open
taciturn x garrulous
tantamount x unequal
tawdry x elegant
teleological x withoutpurpose
temerarious x prudent
temerity x diffidence
tenacious x yielding
tenuous x substantial
terminus x beginning
testiness x patience
torpor x vivacity
torpor x activity
tousle x groom
tractable x froward
tractable x unmanageable
transient x permanent
transient x eternal
transparent x opaque
travail x relaxation
travesty x paragon
treacherousness x faithfulness
tremulous x serene
trenchant x obtuse
trencherman x finickyeater
trepidation x courage
trite x original
truculent x gentle
truculent x docile
trumpery x honesty
tumult x repose
turbid x clear
turbid x limpid
turbulence x calm
turgid x flaccid
turgid x deflated
turpitude x inherentvirtue
turpitude x probity
turpitude x saintlybehavior
tyro x expert
ulterior x stated
ultimate x incipient
unalloyed x adulterated
unanimity x discord
unassuaged x soothed
unbridled x restrained
unconventionality x fidelitytocustom
uncouth x graceful
undermine x strengthen
undermine x undergird
unearth x conceal
unearth x inter
unfeigned x disguised
unfeigned x pretended
unfeigned x simulated
ungainly x graceful
unimpeachable x faulty
unimpeachable x notblameless
unison x discord
unkempt x neat
unkempt x tidy
unruly x obedient
unruly x tractable
unscathed x wounded
unseemly x proper
unseemly x becoming
unsullied x tarnished
untenable x supportable
untenable x supportable
untoward x favorableandanticipated
unwitting x intentional
urbane x naive
utilitarian x artistic
uxorious x hatingone'sownwife
vacillate x remainconstant
vacillating x resolute
vacillation x steadfastness
vacuous x insightful
vacuous x full
vague x well-defined
valedictory x salutatory
valetudinarian x healthyperson
vanguard x echelon
vapid x spirited
vaunted x belittled
vehement x calm
venal x honest
veneration x derision
venial x unforgivable
venturous x timorous
veracious x mendacious
verdant x faded
veritable x specious
verity x falsehood
vertex x base
viable x moribund
vilify x eulogize
vilify x singthepraisesof
vindicate x blame
virile x effeminate
viscid x slick
voluble x reticent
voracious x generous
waffle x speakunequivocally
wanton x chaste
wastrel x conservator
wastrel x paragon
wax x growsmaller
welter x orderlyarrangement
yokel x urbaneindividual
zenith x nadir

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