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Japanese arcade game

I choose to do Japanese arcade game history because arcade games are some of my favourite games. I like the way they’re
made, and the controls are easy to understand. They aren’t pay to win and you don’t have huge amounts of ads telling you
to by the pro version (Plus, the people who play them are a lot nicer then the people who play some games). I’m sharing
these facts because I believe that the history is very interesting, and fun to read. Without further ado, Japans video game

It all started with a game called Astro race. Astro race was the first Japanese video game recorded and was created by Taito
in 1973. In it you raced against other space ships, while avoiding comments and meteors. It was made for arcade machines
and wasn’t put on any home consoles. The very first home console was the Epoch’s Tv Tennis Electrotennis, which had only
one game on it which resembled Pong. Despite the fact it was turning point in Japanese video game history, it did poorly on
the market, selling only 20,000 units.

Taito, the company that created the first Japanese video game, also created space invaders, the classic game where you
protect earth from aliens trying to attack it. Despite it being a turning point in video game history, it had some problems at
the start. The game was set in space because the technology at the time could only do black backgrounds, Taito used aliens
instead of humans because of moral concerns and they used aliens because they couldn’t render air craft movement.
Despite those problems, it still pushed through and became one of the mot iconic games ever, and a major turning point in
the game industry by introducing high scores and lives.

That was a little bit of history about Japanese arcade games. I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

Space Invaders

A picture of astro race

1Epoch's Tv Tennis Electrotennis


Ryan cherry

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