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Advice And Info

For Vegetarians
To Control Diabetes

TIPS And More!
Hi, I am Katherine McDolly.

Thank you for checking out my book.

I wrote it to help make other people's lives


I trust information will enlighten and help you

live life healthier!

For more advice and tips, you can also check

out my site here.

1 A Diabetic Diet For Vegetarians 1

2 A DNA Link Between Diabetes And Obesity 3

3 A Healthy BMT For Diabetics 5

4 Adjusting Your Diabetic Diet 7

5 Artificial Sweeteners For Diabetics 9

6 Benefits Of A Healthy Diabetic Diet 11

7 Combining Foods To Control Diabetes 13

8 Diabetic Diets Consistency And Variety 16

9 Easy Meal Planning For Diabetics 18

10 How Diabetes And Obesity Cause Depression 20

Recommended Resource 22
A Diabetic Diet For Vegetarians


diabetes, you can still maintain your diabetic diet.

In some cases, a vegetarian diet may be a healthy way to keep your blood
glucose levels stable - that is if you are eating lean high-quality proteins and
are following other rules for eating as a diabetic.

As a lot of vegans and vegetarians eat a larger amount of fruits and vegetables
in a day than a non-vegetarian and their fiber intake is much higher too.

An increased amount of fiber in a diabeti

because it slows down the process of the body digesting carbohydrates.


off cardiovascular disease including heart attacks and strokes.

If you are diabetic and are considering a switch to a diabetic diet some of the
benefits you might derive include a higher rate of weight loss and better
blood sugar readings.

This is dependent on the types of vegetarian meals you choose as some

meatless meals can be just as fattening as ones that contain meat.

Speak to your doctor and dietician before making the switch.

You will need information on how to transition yourself to your new diet.

You will also get a list of meat alternatives you should eat in order to get
enough protein in a day.

These can include tofu, nuts, eggs, and seeds.

As with any change, once your switch to a vegetarian diet give yourself and
your body time to adjust.

There are many recipes and ideas for vegetarian dishes and you will find a lot
of variety and flexibility in the meals that you prepare.

Check your blood sugars frequently to make sure your blood glucose levels
remain stable during the change.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
A DNA Link Between
Diabetes And Obesity


There are certainly risk factors that make the likelihood of you being
diagnosed with the disease higher.

One of the only risk factors that you have control over is your weight.

If you are obese, the single best thing you can do for your health and the
prevention of diabetes is to lose weight.

Even in small increments, when you shed pounds, you are increasing your
health benefits.

These may be easier said than done.

There are new studies that are now showing that there is a genetic factor or
mutation for people who are obese and have diabetes.


This genetic malfunction affects how the bodies use energy and insulin 2
key elements in the functioning of your body and the cause of diabetes and

The studies also state that this is not a cause-and-effect case.

If you carry this defective gene, you are not guaranteed to be obese or have

But the link is there and it can be prevented.

You may have to work harder at it than others to maintain a healthy body
weight and put off diabetes but it can be done.

Discuss with your doctor options and ways to prevent or put-off the onset of

The gene that researchers have discovered as a precursor to diabetes has

been found in young children.

It is scary to know that children in their preschool years are being diagnosed
with obesity and type 2 diabetes due to genetics.

But parents can reduce or prevent these things from happening by giving
their children healthy lifestyle choices.

Now that a DNA link has been found, the research can focus on finding a way
to fix or prevent this from happening at some point in the future.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
A Healthy BMI For Diabetics


your height and weight to determine if you are underweight, an ideal weight,
overweight, or obese.

The test is an indication of the total body fat that you are carrying around.

The number ranges are fairly accurate but there are some circumstances
when the calculations may not be 100% true.

As these results are purely based on numbers, you should take the number
you are given and discuss other contributing factors with your doctor.

Such as muscle weight or body type considerations.

A BMI of 30 or over is considered obese.


The higher end of the scale for overweight people (25 29.9) and people that
fall into the obese category are at an increased risk for developing type 2

Other danger indicators are waist circumferences.

If you are a man and your waist measures 40 inches or more and if you are a
woman and your waist measures 35 inches or more, there is an increased
abdominal fat risk factor for diabetes and other diseases.

Maintaining a healthy BMI is all about being at a weight that is right for your
height and body type.

Both these goals will bring many more benefits than just better controlled
blood glucose levels.

You will also have increased energy, can reduce the amount of insulin you are
on, and give yourself a longer life expectancy.

Reduce your total body fat to bring your BMI into a healthy range (18.5-24.9).

Consult your doctor and get advice on how to meet your goals.

If you just get started on an exercise routine, get approval from your doctor

You do not want to overtax yourself at the beginning and your doctor may
have some restrictions for you to ensure you do not suffer from injury or

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
Adjusting Your Diabetic Diet For
Special Occasions


and more are holidays and special occasions that are cantered on food.

For most people these are times to anticipate the celebration and the eating.

For a diabetic it can be a stressful time as you want to partake in all of the
good food too but most times it is not prepared with a diabetic in mind.

If the frequency of these events is not too often, you can adjust your diet for
special occasions so you too can have some of the treats available.

The hardest part about preparing for a special occasion is if you do not know
what is going to be served.

If this is the case, a quick call to your host or hostess can be made.


Most people will not mind you asking especially if you have dietary needs
that need to be taken into consideration.

Once you do know what is being served, plan your meals for that day

You may want to have fewer carbohydrates with your breakfast and snack to
make up for the extra ones you will have at a birthday party where pizza is
being served.

Another option for special occasions is to offer to bring a dish for everyone
to share.

Make it something that you enjoy as a treat but still follows the guidelines for
your diabetic diet.

For family favourites and traditions, be creative and look for ways to make
the same dishes with less fat or sugar.

You can do this by substituting regular sugar for sugar substitutes or choose
whole wheat flour instead of white for the extra fiber content.

During the holidays and other occasions, closely monitor your blood sugars.

Even with extra care, the change in your diet can still result in a blood sugar
that is too high or low.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
Artificial Sweeteners For Diabetics


people on diets or with diabetes with a sweet tooth.

They are known as artificial sweeteners and they are used in everything from
chewing gum, coffee sweeteners and even baking.

There is some controversy over the use of them as some of them are totally
synthetic and others are derived from the actual sugar plant.

But to a diabetic who does not want to give up on their favourite pop or
chewing gum they can be a life-saver.

The 4 different kinds of artificial sweeteners are: saccharin, aspartame,

sucralose, acesulfame potassium.

Each of these types can be found under various product names and brands.


Not all are made the same way and they have different uses.

Some you can buy in liquid or powdered form for baking needs and others
like aspartame is only found in foods that you purchase pre-made.

The use of these artificial sweeteners will not raise blood sugar and are safe
for a diabetic to use.

Care and attention is still needed because the food items you put sugar in or
on most likely will have an affect on your blood sugar.

Still follow your diabetic diet but use some artificial sweeteners to make it a
little sweeter.

Some diabetics may want to use honey as a substitute for sugar.

You certainly can make this substitution.

However, honey is very similar to sugar in carbohydrate content and the

effects it will have on your blood glucose level.

It is best to enjoy honey in small moderations if at all.

Speak to your doctor about the benefits and risks of using any of the artificial
sweeteners if you have any concerns about the potential health risks.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
Benefits Of A Healthy Diabetic Diet


But for a diabetic, there can be even more reasons to follow a nutritious meal

Keeping a stable blood glucose level is the biggest reason for a diabetic to
follow a diabetic diet.

It takes commitment and patience to stick with the diet and plan out all meals
each week.

But the more that it is done the easier it will become.


Another benefit of eating a healthy diabetic diet is reducing the amount of

insulin that is needed.

By eating good carbohydrate choices and lean meats you will lower the
insulin requirements for your body.

The foods you eat all affect on your blood sugars and when you do not
choose the best foods for your body it will need more insulin to process them.

In addition to extra insulin requirements, you will suffer from high blood
sugars also known as hyperglycemia.

This condition can have serious long-term effects on your body and its

By continuing with a healthy diet and combining it with regular exercise you
can lose excess body weight.

This too is good for your insulin requirements and blood glucose levels.

metabolism a boost and help it process the foods you are eating.

When the foods you take in are healthy choices your body is going to function

If you do not follow a healthy diet you can suffer from:

1. Low blood sugar from not eating enough

2. High blood sugar from eating too much or eating the wrong foods

3. Gain weigh and in turn increase your daily insulin requirement

4. Lack the energy needed to exercise on a regular basis

Having said that, eating well can help control your diabetes and prolong your
life expectancy.
Combining Foods To Combat
Diabetes And Reduce Obesity


important what you eat and how much but what you eat together too.

Foods react differently together and for optimal performance and the best
effect on your blood glucose level there are a few guidelines that should be

At each meal you should have a combination of carbohydrates and protein

and you can have fat in moderation.


Most foods a diabetic will eat fall under the carbohydrates which can be
found in:

1. Beans

2. Bread

3. Dairy Products

4. Grains

5. Fruits

6. Vegetables

To reduce blood sugars and lose weight, a diet where carbohydrates are
counted and controlled is necessary.

Depending on your weight and height your dietician will provide you with a
number of carbohydrates that you can have at each meal.

Some carbohydrates are better choices than others; choose fresh and whole
wheat whenever possible.

Choosing carbohydrates that are high in fiber can help to reduce your blood
glucose levels and will keep you feeling full for longer.

Higher fiber content allows you to eat more without suffering the

At each meal, a small amount of protein will help counter-act the

Protein will also sustain you longer and you will not be hungry as quickly if
you did not have protein at one of your meals or for snack.

Choose high-quality protein that is not fried.

Remove excess fat when it is possible such as chicken skin before eating.
Combining Foods To Combat Diabetes And Reduce Obesity 15

Following a healthy eating plan with the correct number of carbohydrates at

each meal combine with a protein can help you lose weight and manage your

Make time for exercising in your week too and you are sure to lose weight and
have more energy.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
Diabetic Diets - Consistency
And Variety


have variety in your diet at the same time.

But it is possible and it is the best way to control your diabetes with your diet.

The consistency comes in at specific meal times and the same servings from
the different food groups.

And the variety refers to trying as many different foods in the food groups as
you can.

It can be easy to find a few meals that work well with your blood sugars and
are easy to prepare and just stick with them.

Diabetic Diets Consistency And Variety 17

getting all of the nutrients you need from a set amount of foods.

Whether you are on the carbohydrate counting diet or the exchange diet, you
have a lot of room for flexibility.

You can combine different foods together for something new or try foods
you have never had before.

You can meet with your dietician to get additional ideas for recipes and other
foods that you can eat to add more variety to your diet.

There will be times that you try a new food and your blood sugars are higher
as a result.

Think back about anything else that you had done differently that day less
activity or taking your insulin later than usual.

If the new food is the only change you experienced, talk to your dietician.

You may be able to prepare the food differently or eat it with something else.

Or you may have to avoid that food if it does not work for your diabetic diet.

adventurous and try something new.

Just do it at regular meal times and within the recommended portion sizes.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
Easy Meal Planning For Diabetics


It will prevent times when you do not have anything ready for dinner and
grab something that you probably should not be eating.

The planning of meals should begin before you head to the grocery store in
the form of a list and meals you are going to make for those ingredients.

Once a week you should sit down and plan what meals you are going to eat
and make for the next week.

als and
snacks too.

If you are hungry and know what your next meal is going to be you are going
to be better prepared.

Easy Meal Planning For Diabetics 19

In the beginning, meal planning will take some time.

Depending on what diet you are following (the Exchange Diet, Counting
Carbohydrates, or the TLC Diet) you are going to have to get used to the foods
you can have, the portion sizes and how they can be cooked.

Plan each day out in its entirety.

Make it realistic.

Do not plan to make lasagna on a night that you know you will not be home
until late.

Save the meals with more preparation for when you have time and make
extra so you can have left-overs when time is tight.

When you are in the grocery store, do not go hungry.

If you do, there is more chance that you will buy food that you do not need.

Another trick while you are pushing around the cart is to only get what is on
your list.

If you are in line paying for your food and notice something that snuck its way
in, put it back.

This will not only make sure you stick to your meal plan but can save you
money too.

Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes

Smarts is a powerful online program
that aims to help people balance their
blood sugar so that they can live free
from any symptoms.

Read More
How Diabetes And Obesity Can
Cause Depression


their lives and people with diabetes are no exception.

If you are obese and have type 2 diabetes you may blame yourself and your
lifestyle on the disease you now have. It is hard to adjust to a new lifestyle.

Feeling down or guilty about this is okay and even normal but if it turns into
something more you need to seek professional help.

It is normal to feel down about having diabetes in the beginning but once you
learn more about the disease and how to control it you can also feel more in
control of your life again.

How Diabetes And Obesity Can Cause Depression 21

Take charge, if you are obese and want to improve your blood glucose levels
you can.

By eating a healthy diet and regular exercise you can lose weight and improve
your blood sugars.

If your feeling of being down or hopeless will not go away and is accompanied
by any of the following as well you may be depressed.

If this is the case, contact your doctor right away.

Signs Of Depression:

- You are no longer sleeping like you used to,

- Not enjoying life or everyday activities like you used to,

- No energy to do things you want or have to do and

- You are eating more or less or have sudden weight gain or loss

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you seek help.

Being obese and diabetic can be challenging both mentally and physically.

It is important to know that you can take action to make things better.

Your diabetes may never go away but you can certainly keep it under control
and live a full life.

By losing weight, even a small amount, you can make a huge difference in
your health and diabetes.
Recommended Resource –
Smart Diabetes


online program that aims to help people balance their blood sugar so that
they can live free from any symptoms.

It not only offers valuable information but also the essential tools you need
to stay healthy and live longer.

How And Why Did He Design This Program?

It all started on a bright sunny day when his roommate Ryan was sweating
and threshing about in his bed.

After some temporary remedies Judd gave his friend and diagnosis by
hospital doctor, his friend was found to be suffering from diabetes.

And it is not just his friend but his family and other friends.

Despite doctor's recommendations and medication, they did not really

recover fully.
Recommended Resource III

Which prompted him on a journey of research and understanding what needs

to be done to cure diabetes.

Even it means leaving his old family behind and heading to New Zealand with
his new family of wife and kids.

A chance meeting with documentary series director Mark on health and

nutrition got them into Joint Venture Partnerships.

From then, they created hundreds of Diabetic friendly recipes and also a
step-by-step guide on managing diabetes.

That is how Diabetes Smarts is born.

About The Program

Though there are many other programs out there, this one is by far the most
comprehensive I have ever seen.

For the information comes not just from them but people they interviewed
as well.

Doctors, health experts, nutritionists and people who suffered but now
recovered from diabetes.

Here is what past customers said about the program

How Will You Benefit?

Should you decided to join this program for only $39.95, here is what you will

1. Prevent Diabetes

Take the recommended steps to keep yourself and loved ones from ever
getting diabetes in the first place.

2. Fight Diabetes

Already diagnosed?

Then take advantage of alternative methods, natural food swaps, food

pairings in addition to conventional medicine.

Arm yourself with the knowledge to make the best decisions in order to
combat the main cause.
Recommended Resource V

3. Reverse Symptoms

Most doctors will conclude it is impossible to cure diabetes.

But through simple yet powerfully effective lifestyle changes, many people
have been successful in reducing their markers to the point that they are no
longer considered diabetics.

Please note that getting to this level does not happen to everyone.

Results will vary based on their fitness and health status at their time of going
through this program.

4. Protect Loved Ones

Most importantly, by equipping yourself with the right up-to-date

information, you are not only protecting yourself but the ones that matter to

Your family, friends and kids.

What Does The Program Comprise Of?

The program comprises of:

1. That Diabetes Cookbook

In which you can learn how to cook simple,

healthy and balanced recipes perfect for
everybody everyday.

This is by far the quickest and most convenient

way to enjoy healthy and blood sugar-friendly
meals throughout the week.

All the best dishes are put together in one book.


2. That Diabetes Documentary Companion Guide

Each documentary episode comes with a

companion guide to help you get the most out of
this ground-breaking documentary series.

Every companion guide includes a summary of each

episode's core concepts and quick quiz to help you
remember the key points.

3. That Diabetes Shopping List

With so many food options out there, it is

hard to figure out which ones are actually
good for us.

That is why we have taken the guesswork

out of the equation, thanks to this handy

Use this guide to stock the kitchen with

only the best food and ingredients to keep
the family healthy in the long run.

4. The Silent Epidemic

This contains everything you need to know

about Type 2 diabetes.

Using this concise and information-packed

guide, you will be able to dispel all the common
myths or misinformation you hear on-and-
offline -
Recommended Resource VII

And dive into what is actually true that attributes to this type of diabetes
through signs, symptoms, complications and treatment options.

5. The Diabetic Guide To Healthy And Delicious Food

Our health greatly depends on what

goes into our bodies.

Unfortunately what most people

consume is largely based on what is
online and through mainstream
media advertising that serves really
to benefit the company
manufacturers more than everyday
consumers like you and me.

That is why this guide is designed not

just to help diabetics to eat healthier
but stilll enjoy what they eat.

Through sensible food choices and

good eating habits.

6. Small Bites - Supplementary Videos For Diabetics

Here is another value-added bonus that

should not be missed.

These videos feature stories of brave men

and women who refused to allow health
challenges prevent them from living
healthier and happier.

All in all, this is is an all-in-one hub which includes an eye-opening

documentary series AND a wealth of resources to help steer you
permanently away from the dangers of diabetes.

Find Out More Here

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