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17/12/2020 The Main Jokosher Window

The Main Jokosher Window

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The Main Jokosher Window

The main Jokosher window is where the action happens:

Figure 2. Jokosher Main Window

On Jokosher, everything happens inside a single window, making it simple to see what is going on at any time.

The Menus
Along the top side of the screen you can see the menus. Virtually every possible action in Jokosher is available through them, so if you are
can't figure out how to do something, be sure to browse them first.


New — opens a new project in the existing window. If there are changes in the current project, you will be offered a chance to save

Open — opens an existing project. If there are changes in the current project, you will be offered a chance to save them.

Save — saves the current project. This option quickly saves all information in the project including Undo and Redo history.

Save As — analogous to the Save functionality, but this option allows you to save the project under a different name.

Close — closes the current project without closing Jokosher. Again, you'll get a chance to save the project if there are changes.

Recent Projects — this submenu lists up to the last 8 projects opened in Jokosher. This is a convenient way to move quickly from one
project to another.

Mixdown Project — brings up a dialog that begins the final stage of your project - the mixdown. Choose a name for the output file, a
location where you want it saved, and an output format. Jokosher will then mix the project and save it as a single audio file in your
chosen format.

Optionally, you can add additional mixdown steps to further customize what happens during the mixdown operation. For example,
you can run a script that gets executed after mixing the files down, uploading them to a remote server. 1/3
17/12/2020 The Main Jokosher Window
Quit — quits Jokosher completely. You will get a chance to save any unsaved work.


Undo — Reverts the last change made to the project.

Redo — Redoes the last thing that was reverted with Undo.

Cut — Removes the selected object from the project and places it on the clipboard, replacing what was there previously.

Copy — Puts a copy of the currently selected object on to the clipboard, replacing what was there previously.

Paste — Places the contents of the clipboard into the project. See the section called “Editing” for details on selecting pieces of audio
to cut, copy and paste.

Delete — Removes the selected object from the project and discards it.

Preferences — Opens the Jokosher Preferences window.


Add Instrument — See the section called “Adding Instruments” for more information.

Add Audio File — Imports a given audio file into a new Audio file instrument. This is equivalent to adding a new instrument, then
importing an audio file into it.

Recording Inputs — This dialog lists each instrument in the project and shows which input from your sound card is connected to it.
For each instrument, you can change its connection by clicking the drop-down box and choosing an input to connect.

Time Format — Selects how time is displayed on the Time Line. The options are Show as Bars, Beats, Ticks or Show as Hours,
Minutes, Seconds.


Add Audio File — Adds an audio file to an already existing instrument. This is very similar to the Project — Add Audio File
function, but it doesn't create a new instrument to place the imported audio into.

Change Instrument Type — Changes the type of the selected instrument.

Remove Selected Instrument — Removes the currently selected instrument from the project.


Extension Menu* — This menu section is variable since it lists all the available extensions. Each entry opens the corresponding

Manage Extensions — Opens the extension manager dialog. It allows adding, removing and disabling extensions. See the section
called “Jokosher Extensions” for more information.


Help — Opens the Jokosher user manual you are currently reading.

Report Bug... — Opens the Jokosher Launchpad site to report bugs.

Online Forums — Opens the Jokosher online forums website on your preferred web browser.

Contributing to Jokosher — Lists the different ways you can contribute to Jokosher. Jokosher is still in development and can always
use your help.


Credits — Opens a dialog box that lists the many people who have worked to bring you Jokosher.

License — The complete license for Jokosher.

The Toolbar

Below the menus are the main toolbar buttons. These buttons are ideal when you're perched over the desk, holding your guitar. They can be
used to perform the following actions:

Add Instrument — click this button to add an instrument to the project. See the section called “Adding Instruments” for more
information. 2/3
17/12/2020 The Main Jokosher Window
Add Audio File — Same as Project → Add Audio File

Rewind, Play, Forward, Record — these buttons control playback and recording.

Time display — shows the current elapsed time in the project. Time will be displayed in hours, minutes and seconds or bars, beats
and ticks, depending on the time format you've chosen in the Project menu.

Workspace Selector — these buttons allow you to switch between the two workspace views in Jokosher.

Click Track — this feature generates a click that you can play along with. You can set its speed in beats per minute and change its
time signature.

Time Line — this ruler gives you a visual representation of your project in time. The line will be marked off in measures or in
seconds, depending on your current time format.

Project Zoom — this area at the bottom of the main window will help you zoom in and out and scroll the project quickly. The minus
and plus icons will zoom the time line out and in, respectively. The center icon will return you to a medium zoom. If the area of your
project doesn't fit entirely on the screen, you can drag the scroll bar to adjust the zoom level dynamically.

Configuring Jokosher Preferences

The Jokosher preferences menu can be accessed by clicking Edit → Preferences. Here you can change many settings that determine how
Jokosher works. Note that these settings will be saved for Jokosher globally, not on a per-project basis.

Application Start-up — Chooses how Jokosher will act when it first starts. The available options are:

Show welcome dialog — the default. Choose this option if you'd like to pick a project everytime Jokosher starts.

Open most recent project — Choose this option if you'd like to skip the welcome dialog and jump to the project you had open
the last time you used Jokosher.

Don't open anything — Choose this option if you want total control. You can open a project later from the File menu.

Recorded Audio Format — Choose the format in which Jokosher will save the audio during recordings.

Recording Sample Rate — Choose the sample rate used for recording audio in Jokosher.

Audio Output Plugin — Choose the audio hardware and Gstreamer pipeline used for playback.

Output — Sets the output profile for Jokosher.

Pipeline — Sets the custom pipeline to use for Gstreamer.

Device — Sets the ALSA device to use with Jokosher.


Available recording formats, sample rates and playback devices will depend on the hardware and plugins installed on your

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