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Pediatr Drugs 2009; 11 (4): 251-257

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Potential Vitamin-Drug Interactions in Children

At a Pediatric Emergency Department
Ran D. Goldman,1-3 Sunita Vohra4 and Alex L. Rogovik1,5
1 Pediatric Research in Emergency Therapeutics (PRETx) Program, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, BC Children’s Hospital,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario,
2 Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
3 Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
4 Complementary and Alternative Research and Education (CARE) Program, Department of Pediatrics, Stollery Children’s Hospital,
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
5 Clinical Nutrition & Risk Factor Modification Center, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Abstract Background: A significant increase in vitamin use has been observed in recent years and interactions between
vitamins and medications have been reported.
Objective: To determine the frequency and types of potential interactions between vitamins and medications
in children arriving at a large tertiary, pediatric emergency department. We also compared family char-
acteristics of children with potential interactions with those of children with no potential interactions, in
order to determine children at a higher risk.
Methods: A cross-sectional study in which a survey was conducted of parents/caregivers and/or patients aged
0–18 years registered at a large pediatric emergency department in Canada. A total of 1804 families
underwent a face-to-face interview. The main outcome measure was the rate of potential vitamin inter-
actions in the preceding 3 months.
Results: A considerable number of patients (11% of our cohort) had potential vitamin-medication inter-
actions in the preceding 3 months, which could theoretically result in adverse events, and over one-third of
these children had more than one potential interaction. Patients with potential interactions and their parents
were significantly older (p < 0.001 for the child and mother, p = 0.02 for the father), the children were much
more likely to have a chronic illness (p < 0.001) and concurrently receive prescribed or over-the-counter
medication (p < 0.001), and more children with potential interactions were completely immunized (p = 0.02).
The child’s sex, parental education, employment status, family income, and primary language spoken at
home were not associated with potential interactions.
Conclusions: Taking into account the high rate of potential vitamin-drug interactions, especially among
older children and patients with chronic illness, parents and healthcare providers need to balance the
potential benefit of concurrent vitamin-medication use with its potential harms.

Background can interact with prescribed or over-the counter (OTC) medi-

cations and even other natural health products (NHPs) and
Significant growth in vitamin use has been documented in cause adverse events.
the literature in recent years both in children and adults.[1-3] Interactions between vitamins and conventional pharma-
Vitamins, commonly consumed as multivitamin supplements, ceuticals in adults have been previously reported in the litera-
are used by about one-third of Americans,[3] with similar pre- ture. For example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in high doses can
valence in children and adults.[4] All vitamins have significant interfere with the anticoagulant effects of warfarin by reducing
pharmacologic activity and affect physiology. Therefore, they prothrombin time.[5] It may also decrease the excretion of
252 Goldman et al.

acetaminophen (paracetamol) in the urine,[6,7] and increase its Scale.[21] Patients aged 14–18 years were asked if they preferred
blood concentrations and possibly toxicity. Furthermore, as- to complete the survey themselves or have their parents/
corbic acid may increase the absorption of iron,[8] especially in caregivers answer the survey on their behalf.
children. It also increases adverse effects associated with Interviews were conducted after triage and registration of
aluminum-containing antacids[9] and decreases the absorption the child had been completed, while the family was waiting to be
of b-adrenoceptor antagonists.[10] Niacin and vitamin E may seen by a pediatrician. The interviewers were senior medical
increase the risk of bleeding if taken with warfarin, ibuprofen, students specifically trained for the study. The interview cov-
naproxen, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), or other drugs or NHPs ered the following domains: demographics (age, sex, parental
that affect blood clotting.[11-15] age and education, employment and income status, primary
Corticosteroids may reduce vitamin D absorption.[16,17] language spoken at home), existing chronic illness (asthma,
Antioxidant vitamins, retinol (vitamin A), ascorbic acid, and diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, cystic fibrosis,
vitamin E, may lead to hydroxyl radical production if taken neurologic disability, obesity, or other), and use of vitamins,
with iron,[18] and may interfere with chemotherapy agents.[19] medications (open-ended questions were asked about the use
Vitamin D may lead to hypermagnesemia if taken with magne- of prescribed or OTC medications), and NHPs in the preceding
sium, particularly in patients with decreased renal function.[11] 3 months.
Establishing the population rate and types of potential inter- To determine likely interactions with the combinations being
actions between vitamins and conventional medications in used, a PubMed search was performed to determine reports
children can help determine the need for healthcare providers to describing potential vitamin interactions. Reference lists of
ask parents/caregivers about vitamin use to ensure the safety of identified studies were searched to identify additional sources
potentially interacting combinations. Therefore, the objective of information. In addition, potential interactions were deter-
of this study was to determine the frequency and types of mined using online drug databases: MEDLINEPlus,[11] Drug
potential interactions between vitamins and conventional Digest,[12] and the database of the University of Maryland
medications in children arriving at a large tertiary, pediatric Medical Center.[13] Thus, pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
emergency department (ED). Furthermore, we compared dynamic (not clinical) interactions were detected.
family characteristics of children with potential interactions Our main outcome measure was the rate of potential inter-
with those of children with no potential interactions, in order to actions between vitamins and medications in the preceding
determine children at a higher risk. 3 months. Secondary outcome measures included the types of
interactions and characteristics of the children and families
Methods with potential interactions versus those without interactions.
Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel program (Micro-
We conducted a large cross-sectional study of pediatric soft Corp, Redmond, WA, USA) using double data entry for
patients aged 0–18 years. A trained research assistant approached quality assurance. Statistical analysis for comparison between
families of pediatric patients registered in a pediatric ED at The children with potential interactions and those without potential
Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, ON, Canada) [between interactions was performed using SPSS for Windows program
12:00pm and 12:00am, March–November 2004] to ascertain their version 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results are ex-
willingness to participate in a face-to-face 15-minute interview. pressed as absolute numbers (%) for categoric variables and
This paper is part of a larger study pertaining to potential inter- mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables. Pearson’s
actions in children.[20] The study was approved by the Institu- chi-square (w2) test was used for comparison of categoric
tional Review Board of The Hospital for Sick Children. Trained variables and Student’s t-test for normally distributed con-
translators interviewed families who preferred to speak in Span- tinuous variables. Differences with a p-value of <0.05 were
ish, Cantonese, or Mandarin. After English, these are the most considered significant.
common languages spoken by families in our ED.
Exclusion criteria were lack of parental/legal guardian con- Results
sent or parents/caregivers unavailable to sign a consent; parent/
caregiver inability to communicate in any of the four study A total of 1804 parents/caregivers or children were inter-
languages; children who left the ED without being seen; pre- viewed in this study. The average age of patients was 5.2 (range
vious participation in this study; and patients who required 0–18) years, 57% were male, and 28% had a chronic illness.
resuscitation, based on a validated Canadian Triage and Acuity Sixty-seven percent of the interviews were with a mother and

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Potential Vitamin-Drug Interactions in Children 253

26% with a father. The rest were with children over 14 years old most common type of vitamin-medication interaction was
or a legal guardian. pharmacokinetic (21, 60%); of these, modified absorption was the
A total of 582 (32%) parents/caregivers or children reported most common (16, 46%). Of parents/caregivers administering
vitamin use for children in the preceding 3 months. 193 (11%) vitamins to their children, 362 (62%) reported the vitamin use to
children with a potential vitamin-drug interaction were identi- their family physician and 117 (21%) thought that the vitamins
fied, i.e. one-third (193/582) of the children receiving vitamins. could cause harm.
Of these, 121 (63%) had one potential interaction, 21 (11%) When families of children with a potential vitamin-medication
had two, 27 (14%) had three, and 24 (12%) had four or more interaction were compared with those with children with no
potential interactions. We identified interactions of vitamins potential interaction (table II), we found that children with
with 26 different medications, with 254 potential interaction potential interactions and their parents were significantly older
episodes documented (table I). The most common potential in- (p < 0.001 for the child and mother, p = 0.02 for father), the
teractions were ascorbic acid with acetaminophen (84 episodes, children were much more likely to have a chronic illness
33%), vitamins (D, pyridoxine [B6], folic acid [B9], cyano- (p < 0.001) and concurrently receive prescribed or OTC medica-
cobalamin [B12]) with corticosteroids (73, 29%), and vitamins tion (p < 0.001), and more children with potential interactions
(niacinamide [B3], folic acid, E) with ibuprofen (37, 15%). The were completely immunized (p = 0.02). The child’s sex, parental

Table I. A list of vitamin-medication combinations used by the children in our cohort that can interact with each other
Vitamin-medication pair Type of interaction n (%)
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – acetaminophen (paracetamol) PK-E 84 (33.1)
Vitamin D, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folic acid (vitamin B9), cyanocobalamin PK-A[11,16,17] 73 (28.7)
(vitamin B12) – corticosteroids
Niacinamide (vitamin B3), folic acid, vitamin E – ibuprofen PD-B,[11] PD-O[11,22] 37 (14.6)
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – sulfamethoxazole PD-O[13] 7 (2.8)
[8] [18]
Retinol (vitamin A), ascorbic acid, vitamin E – iron PK-A, PD-O 7 (2.8)
Folic acid – ranitidine PK-A[11,13,23] 6 (2.4)
Niacinamide – insulin PD-G 5 (2.0)
Vitamin D – magnesium PK-A[11] 4 (1.6)
Retinol, vitamin D, vitamin E – mineral oil PK-A 4 (1.6)
Folic acid, niacinamide – valproic acid PK-A[11,25,26] 3 (1.2)
[11,13,27-30] [11,14] [29,31]
Ascorbic acid, folic acid, niacinamide, vitamin E – aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) PK-A, PD-B, PD-O 3 (1.2)
Niacinamide, folic acid, vitamin E – naproxen PD-B,[11] PD-O[11,22] 3 (1.2)
Cyanocobalamin, folic acid – omeprazole PK-A 2 (0.8)
Thiamine (vitamin B1), cyanocobalamin, vitamin E – chemotherapy PK-M,[13] PD-O[11,19,33] 2 (0.8)
Ascorbic acid – b-adrenoceptor antagonists PK-A [10,13]
2 (0.8)
Folic acid – pancreatic enzymes PK-A[11,34] 2 (0.8)
Retinol – isotretinoin PD-O 1 (0.4)
Folic acid, cyanocobalamin – mesalazine PK-A[11,36] 1 (0.4)
[11,13,37] [11,13] [11,38]
Folic acid, cyanocobalamin, thiamine, niacinamide – metformin PK-A, PD-G, PD-O 1 (0.4)
Ascorbic acid – aluminium PK-A[9,11] 1 (0.4)
Vitamin D – laxatives PK-A 1 (0.4)
Folic acid – clobazam PK-M 1 (0.4)
Folic acid – sulfasalazine PK-A, PK-M[11-13,22] 1 (0.4)
Ascorbic acid, cyanocobalamin – HIV medications (protease inhibitors) PK-M 1 (0.4)
Ascorbic acid, niacinamide, retinol, vitamin E – warfarin PD-B[5,11-13,15] 1 (0.4)
Vitamin D – amlodipine PK-A 1 (0.4)
A = absorption; B = risk of bleeding; E = elimination; G = blood glucose; M = metabolism; O = other; PD = pharmacodynamic; PK = pharmacokinetic.

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254 Goldman et al.

Table II. Characteristics of children and families with children with a potential vitamin-medication interaction compared with those with no potential interaction
Characteristic Patients with vitamin Group 1: potential Group 2: no potential p-Value
use (n = 582) interaction (n = 193) interaction (n = 389)
Patient’s age, ya (range 0.04–18) 5.2 – 4.8 6.4 – 4.4 5.0 – 4.8 <0.001
Male sexb 345 (59.3) 112 (58.0) 233 (59.9) 0.67
Known chronic illness b
199 (34.2) 107 (55.4) 92 (23.7) <0.001
Complete immunizationb 565 (97.1) 192 (99.5) 373 (95.9) 0.02
Concurrent prescribed medications b
174 (29.9) 121 (62.7) 53 (13.6) <0.001
Concurrent OTC medicationsb 142 (24.4) 114 (59.1) 28 (7.2) <0.001
Mother’s college or university educationb 433 (75.2) 147 (76.6) 286 (74.5) 0.59
Father’s college or university education 413 (72.0) 138 (72.6) 275 (71.6) 0.8
Maternal agea 36.9 – 6.9 37.3 – 7.2 35.2 – 7.3 <0.001
Paternal agea 39.5 – 7.4 39.8 – 7.2 38.4 – 7.9 0.02
Parental full-time employmentb 340 (58.9) 107 (56.0) 233 (60.4) 0.32
English as a primary language at homeb 378 (65.3) 131 (67.9) 247 (64.0) 0.35
a Mean ( – standard deviation), p-value calculated using t-test.
b Number (%), Pearson’s chi-square (w2) test.
OTC = over-the-counter.

education, employment status, and primary language spoken at presume supplements to be safe and use these products without
home were not associated with potential interactions (table II). the supervision of a healthcare professional.[41] While under-
Furthermore, we identified theoretically possible interactions reported, adverse events associated with concurrent drug
of vitamins with 15 NHPs in 149 episodes. The most common and vitamin use can be of similar magnitude as for ‘conven-
interactions were vitamins with aloe vera[40] (37; 25%), vitamins tional’ pharmaceuticals.[41] Furthermore, actual amounts of
with chamomile[11] (36; 24%), and niacinamide (vitamin B3) with vitamins in multivitamin compositions often exceed values
echinacea[11] (33; 22%). The most common type of potential written on labels[42] because US legislation requires that the
vitamin-NHP interaction was pharmacodynamic (16; 80%) with amount of a vitamin is equal to or greater than the label
a potential/theoretic increased risk of bleeding (10; 50%). declaration. Overages of 30–100% of the declared value
for retinol; 50% for cyanocobalamin; 30–50% for vitamin D;
30% for thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin-
amide, pyridoxine, folic acid, ascorbic acid, biotin (vitamin H),
This is the first study to determine the prevalence of potential vitamin K, and b-carotene; and 5% for vitamin E have been
vitamin-drug interactions in a large population of children reported by trade associations from the US and the UK.[42]
visiting a tertiary ED. A considerable number of patients (11% Furthermore, vitamin supplement users also tend to have higher
of our cohort) had potential vitamin-medication interactions in micronutrient intakes compared with nonusers,[3] which increases
the preceding 3 months, and over one-third of these children the possibility of exceeding the upper tolerable level for the
had more than one potential interaction. vitamins. Intakes above the tolerable upper intake level in US
Since all vitamins are pharmacologically active substances infants aged 4–24 months were noted for retinol (97% of tod-
they can interact with medications as well as complementary dlers receiving supplement) and folic acid (18% of toddlers).[43]
therapies. However, despite the widespread use of vitamins, In the FDA survey,[2] 87 of 2101 supplement users (4%) re-
documented drug-vitamin interactions are sparse, especially in ported experiencing adverse events, with 13% attributed to
children. The US FDA estimated that they are notified of multivitamins. Symptoms reported with multivitamin use in-
less than 1% of all adverse events associated with dietary cluded abdominal pain, blood pressure problems, nausea, vo-
supplements, including vitamins, because many consumers miting, allergy, dizziness, itching, rash, and other symptoms.

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Potential Vitamin-Drug Interactions in Children 255

While the authors[2] provided no information on medications We found that older children with older parents, those with
used, these adverse events could have resulted from a potential chronic illness, and those receiving prescribed or OTC medi-
drug-vitamin interaction. Although physicians infrequently cations are more likely to be exposed to potential interactions.
think of interaction-related causes of presenting symptoms, it is This is expected considering that older children, especially with
possible that some of the symptoms in children presenting to a chronic illness, tend to take more medications,[46] increasing
our ED were a result of a drug-vitamin interaction. the likelihood of interaction. More children with interactions
Interactions of vitamins with prescribed or OTC medi- were completely immunized, which could also be related to the
cations have not been systematically reviewed previously. older age of these patients.
However, several clinical trials have been conducted and Our study has several limitations. First, the rate of poten-
cases have been described where interactions were docu- tial interactions in the ED population is probably higher than
mented as a potential threat or as an actual clinical in the general population, due to a higher proportion of
entity.[8,14,16,17,19,24-26,28,30,32,33,35-37] Some of them were serious chronically ill children receiving medications. Recall bias could
and potentially life threatening, for example, the addition of also influence our results leading to underestimation of
anticoagulant effects of warfarin and vitamin E[44] or iron the number of potential interactions. Furthermore, we did
overload related to ascorbic acid intake.[8] However, most of not evaluate actual clinical interaction effects in this study.
the potential interactions we found in this study are theoretic In addition, some of the common potential interactions, for
and may cause minor adverse events. example, acetaminophen with ascorbic acid, are clinically very
The most common drug-vitamin combinations with poten- rare and may not be considered by many as significant ones.
tial interactions in our population were ascorbic acid with Also, some potential interactions such as depletion of a number
acetaminophen (33%), vitamins with corticosteroids (29%), and of vitamins by corticosteroids, including reduced vitamin D
vitamins with ibuprofen (15%). These potential interactions are absorption, could be regarded as a side effect of taking
well documented. Ascorbic acid decreases the excretion of corticosteroids and not an interaction between the vitamins
acetaminophen in the urine[6,7] and thus increases the risk of and the corticosteroids. Additionally, precise daily timing
acetaminophen hepatic toxicity. Niacin and vitamin E may in- of the vitamin doses was not measured and this could bias
crease the risk of bleeding if taken with ibuprofen.[11-13] Cortico- our results.
steroids deplete pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and
vitamin D,[16,17] and supplementation might be appropriate to Conclusion
help prevent deficiency.
A considerable number of theoretically possible vitamin- One-third of children receiving vitamins have potential inter-
NHP interactions were documented in our patients. Our con- actions with prescribed or OTC medications. Children who are
cern is that half of them were associated with potential bleeding. older or chronically ill are at a higher risk. Despite numerous
This especially relates to children who need surgery after ad- potential interactions and the perception by 21% of parents/
mission to ED.[45] It is unlikely that bleeding occurred in our caregivers that these interactions can cause possible harm, not all
patient population and we were unable to confirm this. Future parents/caregivers (62%) disclosed vitamin use to their family
studies should investigate the occurrence of such episodes in physicians and pediatricians. While we cannot confirm that these
larger pediatric populations. were true interactions resulting in clinical symptoms, potential
Most of the potential interactions documented in this study interactions between drugs and concurrent vitamins should be
were potentially negative. One exception of a potentially positive discussed with parents. If the known risks are low, then there may
vitamin-drug interaction reported in the literature is a possible be advantages to supplementation. If the risks outweigh the
increase of anti-seizure action of valproic acid and other seizure benefits, then the supplement should be avoided. In each in-
medications with niacin[11] that occurred in four (1%) patients. stance, it depends on the individual health (and nutritional status)
Another example is the concurrent use of niacinamide and in- of the specific person – it is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to
sulin, which has been shown to lead to a reduction in insulin vitamins (or any other therapy) that is ideal.
dosage required in children with type 1 diabetes.[11] However, if Taking into account the high prevalence of vitamin use, fu-
this effect is not taken into consideration, concurrent use could ture efforts should concentrate on encouraging research to
potentially lead to hypoglycemia and therefore people taking determine which potential interactions are clinically occurring,
insulin should monitor their blood glucose levels closely when but are under-recognized or under-reported, to avoid possible
taking niacin supplements.[13] adverse events.

ª 2009 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Pediatr Drugs 2009; 11 (4)
256 Goldman et al.

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the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy children. J Pediatrics 2008; 152: 521-6
of the data analysis. Dr Sunita Vohra receives salary support from the Alberta 21. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. The Canadian Triage and Acuity
Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and the Canadian Institutes of Scale (CTAS) for emergency departments [online]. Available from URL:
Health Research. The authors have no conflicts of interest that are directly
[Accessed 2007 May 17]
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23. Russell RM, Golner BB, Krasinski SD, et al. Effect of antacid and H2 receptor
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Anaesthesia 2002; 57: 889-99 E-mail:

ª 2009 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Pediatr Drugs 2009; 11 (4)

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