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Các bạn chỉ cần xác định điểm chính như định nghĩa, vai trò, đăc điểm. Không đi sâu vào các đoạn
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Intonation and pronunciation
Thường các định nghĩa được bố trí ở Glossay cuối cuốn sách. Nếu không thì các chủ điểm, nội dung
này có thể bố trí theo chủ điểm bài học
Các ban nhớ là mình sẽ làm trắc nghiệm lựa chon ABCD

1. Changes in intonation and pronunciation (Goffman)

1. Cases of diffusing & focusing in cultural stereotypes
2. Oral tradition and textual tradition
3. Register and footing
4. Paraverbal signs and non paraverbal signs
5. Descriptions matches the maxim of quality, quantity, relation (relevance), manner
6. Language can mean in two fundamental ways:
7. Cultural setting for the image of X to appear in the speaker/hearer’s mind when he/she hear the word
8. Behaviours as the second nature to the Vietnamese speakers in a communicative situation
9. Reasons for the coherence breakdown in the extract of conversation
10. Characteristics of conversational speech
11. Scripture as an indispensable means of writing (e.g an aid to memory …)
12. Print and power with the advent of print culture ,
13. How culture can constrain people
14. How to show respect for the senior and superior
15. Speaker’s purpose in interactional conversational style
16. Pragmatic coherence
17. Positive face, Face threatening, Negative face, Face maintaining
18. Interlocutors/ aim in transactional conversational style
19. Traditional academic practice
20. Characterisitcs of culture
21. Use of code-switching in their conversations for some immigrants & Example of code switching
22. How to keep a verbal exchange continue for members of a cultural group
23. Cases of expecting a certain behaviour of another in a communicative situation (e.g. Vietnamese
speakers may expect to be greeted with a nod …)
24. Characterisitcs of speech
2. Characteristics of Language is (e.g. asymmetrical …)
25. The contextualized cue for a situated inference (e.g. the speaker’s verbal signs …)
26. Frames or schemata
27. How identity is built up (e.g. around their race and ethnic group …)
28. Language as a heritage
29. Difference between speech and writing (e.g. people-centered …)
30. Function & role of Language as the principal means (e.g. express cultural reality …)
31. Tenet of the weak version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
32. Pronouns Vous – tu (French); sie - due (German); tôi - tớ (Vietnamese) the communicative members
33. How culture can liberate people
34. Characteristics of orality

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