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Mata Kuliah : English For Basic Nursing

Tingkat/Semester : III/VI
Meeting : 13
Topic : Pains and aches
Name : Mita Suci Rahmawati (701180002)

Activity 1. Vocabulary. Key words for the topic.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

Migraine mild sore anaesthetics coughs

gas and air agonizing pain relief

1. _Gas and air_is often given during labour.

2. A __Migraine__ is a severe headache.
3. Hypnosis is an alternative form of _pain relief_.
4. ___Mild sore___or slight pain is not severe.
5. Local _anaesthetics_ are often given for operations.
6. He has a pain in the chest when he _coughs_ .
7. The terrible pain her arm is _agonizing_ .
8. Women feel __agonizing__after giving birth.

Exercise 2. Vocabulary . Study these illnesses and body pains.

This illnesses vocabulary list includes common aches and pains we feel in our
bodies. Another word for illness is sickness.

 toothache:  a pain in the tooth.

 backache:  pain in the back.
 headache:  pain in the head.
 sore shoulder:  pain in the shoulder muscle.
 sinus pressure:  when the sinuses are swollen. It is common to have a headache with
the sinuses are swollen. Note We often saw we have a "stuffed up nose" or a "stuffy
nose" to describe how difficult it is to breathe when our sinuses are swollen
 have a fever / have a temperature:  to have a higher than normal body temperature.
 Seasonal allergies:  an allergic reaction to pollen in the air. Symptoms include watery
or itchy eyes and nose, coughing, sneezing.
 dizziness / feeling dizzy:  a feeling that everything is turning around and that you
might fall down or feel nauseous.
 heartburn:  a painful feeling in the chest when the body is having difficulty digesting
 stomachache / upset stomach (nauseous):  pain in the stomach / feeling like you
might vomit (throw up).
 diarrhea:  an illness where your body very frequently passes waste in more of a
liquid than solid form.
 broken bones:  bones that have been fractured or broken and are usually set in a cast
to keep the bone in place while it heals.
 bruise:  a dark area and painful area on the skin where the body has been hurt.

Avtivity 2. Speaking. Talking about illnesses.

Exercise 3 This is not a complete list of illnesses vocabulary but perhaps you have
experienced some of these common aches and pains. A great way to practice is to write down
answers to these questions on paper or to simply answer them out loud (speaking to yourself
or to a practice partner).
1. Which has been your most recent illness?
2. What were the symptoms?
_____feeling hot in the chest and nausea_____
3. Are you generally in good health?
_____yes i am healthy_____
4. Have you ever had a serious illness?
___So far I have never had a serious illness _____

Exercise 4. Speaking. Practice these 2 dialogue with your partners.

Dialogue 1
You look run down!
Storyline: Susie is concerned that her friend Maria is still very sick.
Susie : You look run down, Maria.
Maria : Yeah. I’ve been unwell recently. It started off as a sore throat, but I ended up having
tonsillitis. I’m still taking some tablets, but I haven’t gotten over it.
Susie : What does the doctor say?
Maria : Well, he thinks that I’ll get better with medication and rest. But if I don’t, I’ll
probablyhave to get my tonsils taken out.
Susie : I’m sorry to hear that. Then why don’t you take sick leave and get some rest. For the
moment, your health should come first.
Maria : You’re right. I should talk to the boss.
Dialogue 2
I think I’m running a temperature!
Storyline: Tom is not feeling well, so his wife Anna suggests that he should stay at home.
Tom : I think I’m running a temperature. I’ve also got a scratchy throat.
Anna : Let me see. (She checks his temperature with a thermometer.) Yes, you’ve a low-
grade fever. You had better stay at home today. And don’t sit in front of that
computer. If youstay up late playing games, your health will be ruined.
Tom : I can’t help it. Don’t you know that I’m an avid gamer?
Anna : If you want to stay in good shape, you had better quit those habits.

Activity 3 Grammar Rules: Study these rules on Degrees of Comparison

What is degrees of Comparison?
Degrees of Comparison is a kind of a comparison used to compare something with
another thing or with the others using adjective to compare.

There are three kinds of Degrees of Comparison:

1. Positive Degree
It is a comparison to compare one thing with another in the same level.
a. There is no additional type of its adjective.

b. Don’t forget to put “as” before and after adjective.

1.      Rina itu sama cantiknya dengan teman sekelasku, Rani.
Rina is as beautiful as my classmate, Rani.
2.      Tuan Brown bisa berlari sama cepatnya dengan dosen saya, Mr. Black.
Mr. Brown can run as fast as my lecturer, Mr. Black.
3.      Dinda itu sama cerdasnya dengan Britney.
Dinda is as smart as Britney.

2. Comparative Degree
It is to compare one thing with another thing in the different level.
a. If it is 1 or 2 syllables, adjective + er. Put “than” after adjective itself.

1. Candi Borobudur itu lebih besar daripada candi Prambanan.
Borobudur temple is bigger than Prambanan temple.
2. Tuan Kent itu lebih pendek daripada tuan Gowell.
Mr. Kenedy is shorter than Mr. Gowell.
3. Guru bahasa Inggris kami lebih langsing daripada istrinya, Nyonya There.
My English teacher is slimmer than his wife, Mrs. There.
b. If it is 3 or more syllables, adjective doesn’t change. We put “more” before
adjective itself than add “than” after the adjective.

1. Hanny itu lebih cantik daripada Hanna.
Hanny is more beautiful than Hanna.
2. Mobil pak Handy lebih mahal harganya daripada mobilnya pak Halim.
Mr. Handy’s car is more expensive than Mr. Halim’s car.
3. Misi Patrick lebih sulit dikerjakan daripada misi Rudy.
Patrick mission is more difficult to be done than Rudy’s mission.

3. Superlative Degree

It is a kind of comparison to compare one thing with other things (more than one thing)


a. If it is one or two syllables, adjective + est. Put “the” before its adjective.
Don’t put “than” after its adjective!
1. Yova adalah anak yang paling cerdas di kelasnya.
Yova is the smartest student in her class.
2. Kotak ini paling berat di antara kotak-kotak yang lainnya.
This box is the heaviest among others.
3. Ibuku adalah orang yang paling tinggi dikampungnya.
My mother is the tallest woman in her village.

c. If it is three or more syllables, just put “the” and “most” before its adjective.
Don’t put “than” after adjective!

1. Ini merupakan mobil yang paling mahal di dunia.
It is the most expensive car in the world.
2. Valencia adalah siswa yang paling cantik di sekolah kami.
Valencia is the most beautiful girl at our school.
3. Ella adalah anak yang paling rajin di dalam keluarga kami.
Ella is the most diligent person in our family.

There is an exception for irregular adjective form.
Look at this table carefully:

1. Dialah yang terbaik.
He is the best.
2. Ayahku lebih tua daripada ayahmu.
My father is elder than your parent.
3. Candi tertua di Indonesia adalah kerajaan Kuta.
The oldest kingdom in Indonesia is Kutai.
4. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, calon pengurus OSIS harap menghubungi
For further information, the chairperson candidates must confirm it to its

Exercise 5. Grammar understanding. Choose the correct option to complete the


1. A fracture is least serious / painful / less serious than a break.

2. My rash is more itchy / red / itchier today than yesterday.
3. Do kidney stones hurt more / most / least than childbirth?
4. You look much best / better / good today?
5. A migraine is the most / least / more severe headache you can have.
6. Operations are most successful / successful / more successful these days than
7. Less / Least / Most illnesses are curable, if treated early.
8. This medication will make you feel less painful / pain / dull in your arm.

Exercise 5. Grammar and Writing. Translate all sentences below into English using
“Degrees of Comparison” pattern!

1. Anita tidak sama cantiknya dengan Anna.

_______Anita is not as beautiful as Anna._____
2. Dia lebih pendek daripada ayahnya.
_____He is shorter than father.______
3. Orang itu sama tingginya dengan orang yang ada di rumah saya.
_____That person is the same height as the person in my house._____
4. Ayah dan ibuku lebih rajin daripada kakek dan nenekku.
_______My father and mother were more diligent than my grandparents._____
5. Mobil yang berwarna merah itu lebih mewah daripada mobil yang berwarna putih itu.
________The red car is more luxurious than the white car._______
6. Gedung ini adalah yang paling tinggi di antara gedung-gedung yang lainnya.
_____This building is the tallest among the other buildings_____
7. Ibuku lebih langsing daripada kakakku yang perempuan.
_______My mom are slimmer than my sister._______
8. Anak perempuanku adalah siswa suatu sekolah yang terpintar.
______My daughter is a student of the smartest school.___
9. Acara televisi hari ini lebih bagus daripada acara yang tadi malam.
_____Today's television show is better than last night's show._______

10. Harga bahan bakar di Indonesia lebih tinggi daripada harga bahan bakar di luar
______The price of fuel in Indonesia is higher than the price of fuel abroad._____

Activity 4. Reading and vocabulary. Read this simple paragraphs.

Pain is important because it tells us that we are injured or ill. However, we don’t all
feel pain in the same way. Researchers are trying to learn more about this fact. Their
experiments show that children are more sensitive to pain than adults, and that men
can tolerate more pain than women. Pain is also difficult to measure and describe.
This is a problem because it is an important symptom and medics (medical staff) need
information from patients about it. It is therefore common practice to give patients
lists of words and ask them to say which words best describe three things: the type of
pain they are suffering, its intensity (how bad it is ) and its frequency (how often they
feel it). With some patients, such as children, words don’t work very well to describe
intensity, so medics use smiley faces or sometimes colours. For example, blues mean
a mild pain and reds mean severe pain. Some medics prefer a range of numbers; 0 is
no pain and 10 is unbearable pain. Pain does not always show where an injury is.
Internal organs, for example, do not have many pain-receiving nerve endings, so
internal injuries often cause pain in a different part of the body. This is called ‘referred
pain’. One example of referred pain is when someone suffering a heart attack feels
pain in their left shoulder, arm or hand.

Exercise 6. Reading Comprehension.

Use the information in the text to complete the sentences with a, b or c.

1. Researchers are trying to find out why . ..

a) people experience pain differently.
b) people feel pain.
c) pain is important to people.

2. Experiments show that ..

a) pain is worse for men than women.
b) men can take more pain than women.
c) children feel less pain than adults.

3. Nurses need to measure a patient’s pain because ..

a) pain is a problem.
b) pain is a symptom.
c) patients can’t describe it.
4. Medics ask patients for a number to describe ..
a) the kind of pain they have.
b) how bad the pain is.
c) how often they’re in pain.

5. To describe pain, medics ask children to ..

a) point to a smiley face.
b) think of some numbers.
c) say how it feels.

6. You experience referred pain . .

a) only in your internal organs.
b) long after an injury.
c) in a different place from an injury.


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