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Nama : Mita Suci Rahmawati

NPM : 701180002
Meeting : Yayu Sri Rahayu, M.Pd.
Mata Kuliah : English For Basic Nursing
Tingkat/Semester : III/VI
Meeting : 12
Topic : Signs and Symptoms

Activity 1. Reading and Comprehension. Read this paragrpah about the different of
signs and symptoms
As a healthcare worker, it is vital to be able to determine signs and symptoms of the patients
illness or disease.
Signs are what you can observe, see or feel for yourself.
The nurse can observe changes in recorded observations–blood pressure, temperature, pulse
or respiration.
 a bruiseor bruising–that is hematoma
 a rash, which is an area of red lumps or pimples on the skin, which can be a type of
erythemaor urticaria(allergy rash)
 changes in the color of the skin: anemic –looking-white or palecyanosis–blue
colorjaundice–yellow colorinflammation–redness
 signs of weight loss(losing weight) or weight gain(putting on weight)
 swellingor puffiness–extra fluid in the tissues under the skin (edema)
 cuts, woundsor lacerations: breaks in the skinSymptoms are things that the patient
feelsand tells the nurse about.
Symptoms are things that the patient feelsand tells the nurse about.
The patient may say that:
 he feels like vomiting–or he feels sick in the stomach (nauseated)
 he has pain
 he cannot sleep (suffers from insomnia)
 he had diarrhea–frequent,loose stools/bowel actions
 he feels dizzyor giddy(vertigo)
 he is very thirsty or dehydrated
 he feels numbnessor tingling (‘pins and needles’) –loss of sensation or changed

Execise 1: Work with a partner and decide if the following words are signs or

1. an irregular pulse ______Signs_____

2. shallow respirations_____Signs______
3. stomach ache_____symptoms______
4. dyspnea____Signs_______
5. thirst____Symptoms______
6. pallor____Signs______
7. hunger____Symptoms______
8. lacerations____Signs_______
9. extreme weight loss____Signs______
10. headache____Symptoms_______

Activity 2. Grammar comprehension. Read this question forms.

Question forms

When we want to get information from the patient or from our colleagues, we have to be able
to makegood questions. Here are ways on how you can ask questions:

1. We change the order to form a question with be, with tenses that are formed with be
and have, and with modal verbs such as can, will, should, etc.Switch the subject and
the verb.
 Are you allright? (NOT: You are all right?)
 What is she doing?
 Where have they put the wheel chair?
 Can you move your toes?
2. We use the verb do to make questions with the Present Simple and Past Simple
 What side effects does this drug have?
 Did you take your medication last night?
 Doyou smokeor drink alcohol?
3. If what, who, etc. asks about the subject of the verb, do is not necessary
What happened? (NOT: What did happen?)
Who said that? (NOT: Who did say that?)
4. We often use question tags to check information, to express surprise, to be friendly
 This is your first time on this ward, isn’t it?
 You don’teat meat, do you?
5. We sometimes leave out the verb, if it is easily understood.
 Any pain? = Do you have any pain?
 Comfortable? = Are you comfortable?

Exercises 2. Match the beginnings of the questions with the endings.

1. OK, a. it hurt?

2. What b. Mrs. Hales?

3. Where does c. are you?

4. What about d. broken?

5. Let’s have a look –swollen e. happened to you?

6. You’ve had an x-ray f. haven’t you?

7. Anything g. your shoulder?

8. You aren’t on any other medication, h. isn’t it?

Exercises 3 Write questions to go with these answers.

1. X: ______________________
Y: Not bad, thanks –a bit sore.
2. X: ______________________
Y: I fell off my bike.
3. X: ______________________
Y: Here, around my wrist.
4. X: ______________________
Y: Yes, I can, slowly.
5. X: ______________________
Y: Yes, very! I’ve also got a cut on my leg –look.
6. X: _______________________
Y: I am from Surabaya.
7. X: How old are you?
8. X: ______________________
Y: By bus.
9. X: ______________________
Y. they are on the table.
10. X: __________________
Y: of course I bought it at the drug strore.

Activity 3. Reading and Vocabulary.

Read this Paragraph and do the activity!
Signs and symptoms are the tools for making a diagnosis, but what is the difference between
the two? The signs of an illness are the things that a doctor or nurse can see and measure.
Signs are things like spots and bleeding. Temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and
respiration rate are all signs because you can measure them. Symptoms are the things which a
patient experiences, but others can’t always see. Dizziness and nausea are examples of
The symptoms which make a patient seek medical help in the first place are called the
presenting symptoms. Medics describe them in terms of being either strong, mild or weak.
Sometimes the symptoms of serious illnesses like cancer and diabetes are weak. They stay
weak for a long time and the illness remains undiagnosed.
Many illnesses have the same symptoms. These symptoms are called non-specific.
Fatigue is an example of this. It’s a symptom of many kinds of illness, both chronic and
acute, and of both physical and mental disorders.
Doctors ask patients about the onset of the symptoms, what they feel like, what
relieves them and what makes them worse. The more detail they have, the faster they can
make a diagnosis.
Exercises 4. Reading Comprehension. Decide whether these statements are true (T) or
false (F) according to the text.
1. You need signs and symptoms for a diagnosis. ____
2. You can’t see symptoms. ______
3. Patients presenting symptoms are either strong, mild or weak.______
4. Killer diseases can have weak symptoms. _____
5. Non-specific symptoms help a lot with diagnosis.______
6. Too much information slows up diagnosis. ______
Exercise 5. Vocabulary 1
A nurse wants to know about symptoms and asks the questions a–g.
Write the number of the correct symptom 1–7 after each question.
The first is done for you.

a. Can you feel this? 3 1) diarrhea

b. Do you have them on your back 2) spots
too? 2 3) numbness
c. How high is it? 4 4) fever
d. When you have an attack, do you 5) swelling
fall over? 6) nausea
e. Was there any blood in it? 7) dizziness
f. Do you still feel sick?
g. How long has it been this big? 5

Exercise 6 Vocabulary 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

Stitches nausea mood swings rash

Bruising swollen lump spots
1) She suffered ___________ and vomiting.
2) _________is an external symptom.
3) She had a ____________ abdomen.
4) __________ are a typical symptom of chicken pox.
5) A deep cut needs___________ to heal properly.
6) A ________ can cause itching.
7) He found a _______above his ankle.
8) Her extreme____________ are difficult to live with.
Exercises 7. Vocabulary 3. Types of Medication. Match the pictures with the forms of

1. syringe_____ 6. suppository_____

2. inhaler_____ 7. adhesive patch_____

3. ointment_____ 8. vial_____

4. capsules_____ 9. dropper_____

5. IV drip_____ 10. ampoule_____

Execrcise 8. Put the words in order to make sentences

1. tongue / pop / your / under / just / this._____________________
2. roll / your / can / you / sleeve?___________________________
3. cold / a / feel /bit / your / may / on / chest. / this______________
4. and / out / in / just / normally / breathe.____________________
5. relax / me / for / your / arm.___________________________
6. shirt / youundo / please? / your/ for me,/ could__________________
Exercises 9. Vocabulary 4 Complete each sentence with a type of medication

1. _________________________ kills bacteria and other germs.

2. _________________________ protects you against infectious diseases.
3. _________________________ relieves pain
.4. _________________________ reduces swelling
5. _________________________ encourages bowel movement.
6. _________________________ provides a substance that the body lacks.
7. _________________________ treats allergies
8. _________________________ increases activity in the body.
9. _________________________ reduces feelings of extreme sadness.
10. ________________________ makes you relaxed and sleepy.

Activity 4. Grammar . Have Got dan Have. Study this Grammar Rules!
Penggunaan Have Got dan Have
Have got dan have sama-sama dapat digunakan sebagai verb (kata kerja bahasa Inggris)
untuk keperluan antara lain sebagai berikut:
 untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan (for showing possession)
 untuk menyatakan hubungan (for stating a relationship)
 untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang atau sesuatu (for describing someone/something),
fisik atau karakternya
 untuk mengatakan bahwa kamu harus melakukan sesuatu.

Note: Perlu diketahui bahwa pada situasi ini have got bukanlah bentuk present perfect dari
verb get.
Contoh Kalimat Have Got dan Have dan Artinya

You have / have got a big house.

untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan
(Kamu memiliki rumah yang besar.)
I have / have got a friend who lives in
untuk menyatakan hubungan
(Saya mempunyai teman yang tinggal di
He has / has got blue eyes.
untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang atau sesuatu
(Dia memiliki mata berwarna biru.)
untuk mengatakan bahwa kamu harus melakukan We have / have got things to do.
sesuatu (Kita harus melakukan sesuatu.)

Have got lebih informal dari have. Biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan dan tidak pada
formal written English dan  lebih umum di British English daripada American English. Kata
kerja tersebut biasanya tidak dilafalkan seluruhnya, melainkan disingkat (contraction):

 have got = ‘ve got

 has got = ‘s got

 had got = ‘d got

Have got biasanya digunakan dalam present tense saja, tidak dalam future tense atau past
tense, sementara have dapat digunakan untuk semua tense tersebut.

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