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NAMA : Putri Okta Mahdarani


NIM : 04021181924003


A. Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Unlike parts of Indonesia closer to the Asian mainland, Flores has been an island for at
least a million years. As is the case with islands elsewhere, its fauna is evolved in its own way,
producing creatures larger or smaller than their mainland relatives: a lost world of tiny elephants,
giant rats, Komodo dragons and even larger extinct lizards.
The isolation had its effects on the human inhabitants. One of the most surprising
things about the Liang Bua skeleton is its size: in life, no more than a meter (about 3 ft) tall,
about the same size as one of the giant rats. Living in a hole in the ground and chased by lizards
of giant proportions, the creature has been nicknamed "hobbit" by some researchers-a
reference to the small, hole-dwelling heroes of T h e L o r d o f t h e R i n g s .
For Brown, it was the smallness of the skull which showed that. Homo floresiensis
was truly different. When he measured the skull volume and found it a chimp-sized 380 cc, he says
his jaw "dropped to my knees. Small stature is easy to explain but small brain capacity is a bigger
problem-it still is." Yet these tiny-brained creatures were skilled enough to make finely crafted stone
(Source: Advanced Reading Power, BS Mikulecky and L. Jeffries, 2007)

1. From the facts here, what can you infer about the process of evolution on islands?
2. "This isolation had its effects on the human inhabitants." Is this a fact or an inference?
3. What do scientists usually infer about small brain size?
4. Why was Brown so surprised about the small brain size?

B. Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question.

One of the rarest animals in the world is the okapi. They live in the rain forest in Central Africa.
Few people have seen one alive. Every few years someone claims to see one, but they never
have proof. A few years ago, some scientists who were studying plants found a skeleton, teeth
and some skin in a remote area of the rain forest. They were excited, as they believed they had
found the remains of a rare okapi. They drew a picture of what they thought the animal might
have looked like when it was alive. The scientists then sent the picture along with the skeleton,
teeth and skin to a scientific institution in Dallas, Texas.

What did the scientists probably do with the skeleton, teeth and bones?

A Sent them to a place with more experienced scientists.

B Kept them for souvenirs.
C Studied them carefully and compared them to other animals
D Sold them to museums that displayed them

Answer : C
C. Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question.

One of the rarest animals in the world is the okapi. They live in the rain forest in Central Africa.
Few people: have seen one alive. Every few years someone claims to see one, but they never
have proof. A few years ago, some scientists who were studying plants found a skeleton, teeth
and some skin in a remote area of the rain forest. They were excited,. as they believed they had
found the remains of a rare okapi. They drew a picture :of what they thought the= animal might
have looked like when it was alive. The scientists then sent the picture along with the skeleton, ,
teeth and skin to a scientific institution in Dallas, Texas.

What did the scientists probably do with the skeleton, teeth and bones?
A. Sent them to a place with more experienced scientists.
B. Kept them for souvenirs.
C. Studied them carefully and compared them to other animals
D. Sold them to museums that displayed them
Answer : C

D. Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question.. -

Pretend you are at the grocery store. As you are walking down the cookie aisle, you notice a little
girl: .crying and pulling on her mom's coat as she pushes the cart towards the front of the store.
The closer she gets to the front of the store, the louder the little girl- screams. Lots of things could
be wrong with the little girl, BUT we can probably conclude that-

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the paragraph?

A.The little girl is very tired.
B.The little girl is hungry.,
C.She wants cookies, and her mom said no.
D.She wants her father.
Answer : C

E.Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.

The best advice from professionals is directed toward parents. Therapists encourage parents to avoid
situations that usually end in power struggles, to try not to feed into oppositional behavior by reacting
emotionally, to praise positive behaviors, and to discourage negative behaviors with timeouts
instead of.harsh discipline.
Nasihat terbaik dari para profesional ditujukan kepada orang tua. Terapis mendorong
orang tua untuk menghindari situasi yang biasanya berakhir dengan perebutan
kekuasaan, mencoba untuk tidak memberi makan pada perilaku oposisi dengan
bereaksi secara emosional, memuji perilaku positif, dan mencegah perilaku negatif
dengan timeout alih-alih. Disiplin yang keras.

Which of the following statements can be inferred fro_m the above paragraph?
A. Parents of children with ODD are bad parents.
B. ODD is not a real psychological disorder.
C. Mysterious and forbidding
D. Medication can worsen ODD.
E. Reacting emotionally to defiant behavior might worsen the behavior.

Answer : E. Reacting emotionally to defiant behavior might worsen the behavior

On a bad day, have you ever been irritable? Have you ever used a harsh tone or even been
verbally disrespectful to your parents or teachers? Everyone has a short temper from time to time,
but current statistics indicate that between 16% and 20% of aschool's population suffers from a
psychological condition known as oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD.

Pada hari yang buruk, pernahkah Anda mudah tersinggung? Apakah Anda pernah
menggunakan nada yang kasar atau bahkan secara verbal tidak menghormati orang tua
atau guru Anda Setiap orang memiliki temperamen yang pendek dari waktu ke waktu,
tetapi statistik saat ini menunjukkan bahwa antara 16% dan 20% populasi sekolah
menderita kondisi psikologis yang dikenal sebagai gangguan menentang oposisi, atau
Which of the following can be inferred from the above paragraph?
A. Most children who speak harshly to their parents have ODD.
B. Most people exhibit symptoms of ODD occasionally.
C. Between 16% and 20% of the school population has been abused.
D. A short temper is a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Answer : B. Most people exhibit symptoms of ODD occasionally


Directions: Using your best inference' strategies, make an inference about the following
statements. The first two are done for you.

1. I wouldn't eat after that two-year-old if I were you.

Inference: The two-year-old probably did something gross to the food you
were about to eat or has a cold and you could catch it.
Something bad will happen to you if you eat the food

2. For Valentine's Day, my fantastic neighbor gave his wife a poem that took him about two
seconds to write. Sheesh.
Inference: My neighbor is not very considerate since he didn't take his time
writing the poem.

3. A man ran after a retreating bus, waving his briefcase frantically. Inference:
A man is panicked and ran because he was late for the bus

4. If she died, I wouldn't go to her funeral.


I don’t like her so even if she’s died I

don’t want to go to her funeral

5. Jake almost wished that he hadn't listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed
his umbrella even though he would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny

Jake is regret that he listened to radio, because of that he lost his mind and bring
umbrella on the sunny morning

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