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しつこい shitsukoi (persistent/ insistent etc.

ゆかり – connection/ relate to……
逃げ回ってる nigemawateru (run away)
めっちゃ meccha (very/ extremely)
とんだ tonda (serious/ terrible) like tonda shippai
ようやく yoyaku (finally)
とおりに (toori ni) …in the same way as……..
つかまっつて tsukamatte (grab)
ゆかり yukari (related to…. example---- bresson yukari no kotobo)
つつかれる tsutsukareru (to poke)
どこかに doko ka ni (somewhere)
ゲーセン geesen (game center)
かしこまりました kashikomarimashta (certainly !!)
よりわけ – yoriwake – to sort out/ classify/ sift
ガセだ gaze da.. it’s a lie / it’s nonsense etc.
おそらく osoraku (probably)
オス osu (male)
ムカつく mukatsuku (get mad)
その後 sono go (afterwards…)
どんどん dondon … steadily.. rapidly. etc.

ふと futo and いきなり ikinari (suddenly)

おばけ obake ghost
かじる kajiru (to bite/ chew)

思いっきり omoikiri (with ones full strength/ with all heart )

メッチャ meccha (extremely, super like super tasty… meccha oishii)
もはや mohaya.. not any more
ささくれる sasakureru (to become irritable)

キンキン kinkin (ice-cold)

ひっそり hissori (quietly)
うかがい ukagai (inquiry/ call)
ハチミツ hachimitsu (honey)
でかい dekai (hugee)
やたら yatara (at random/ thoughtlessly)

こっちこそ same here….

キノコ kinoko (mushroom)
はじける hajikeru (burst open)

クセになる kuse ni naru (become a habit)

ざっくり zakkuri (roughly…)
ふるまい furumai (behaviour)
イチゴ ichigo (strawberry)
ごつい gotsui (hard/ rough/ tough)
ねじって nejiru (to twist)
きちんと kichinto (nicely, properly etc.)
ずうずうし zuzushi (shameless)
やばい yabai (awful/ bad etc.)

ちょっびと chobitto (a little)

かしこまりました kashikomarimashita (certainly.... as said by a waiter after an

おこづかい okozukai (pocket money etc.)

アップ appu (increase/ up etc.)
なるべく narubeku (as much as possible)

ふられる furareru (to be rejected)

おじゃまします ojamashimasu (I will come in even tho I am bothering you..)
つるす tsurusu (to hang smthng)
ひとまず hitomazu (for the time being)
ずるい zurui (dishonest/ nor fair)
まもなく mamonaku (shortly)
あっという間に attoiuman ni (in blink of an eye/ just like that etc.)
こそばゆい kosobayui (ticklish)
こする kosuru (to rub/ scrub)
引きずる hikizuru (to drag something/ force etc.)
あからさま akarasama (outright/ blunt)

いたずら itazura (mischief / prank)

まったり mattari (relax)
つきあい tsukiai (association/ socializing etc.)
おさらい sarai (review)
にくい nikui hard/difficult
くれぐれも kureguremo (sincerely/ earnestly)

ケンカ kenka (fight)

貴様 kisama (you)

きっちり kichhiri (punctually/ on the point/ without fail)

いいかげんにする ikagen ni sauru (put an end to something)

やむをえまい yamuwoemai (unavoidable)

思わぬ omowanu (unexpected)

このままじゃ kono mama ja (the way its going......)

しつこい shitsukoi (insistent/ persistent )

うっとうしい uttoshi (annoying)

向こう muko - over there

十分 jubun (enough)

忘れん坊 wasurenbou (forgetful person)

そっくり sokkuri (just like/ spitting image)

かけら kakera (piece/ fragment)

バラ bara (rose)

おしまい oshimai (end)

ぎこちない gikochinai (awkward/ clumsy)

やり過ぎ yarisugi (overdo)

手ぶら tebura (empty handed)

台なしに dainashi (spoil/ destroy)

お気に入り(okini iri favourite)

ぶちまけて buchimakeru (throw out/ empty the contents etc.)

もつれる motsureru (tangled/ get twisted)

okini iri(favourite)

ワナ wana trap

ハメられた hamerareta (framed/ set up)

かぐわしい kaguwashii (sweet smelling / fragrant etc.)

ごちそう gochisou (treat/ feast)

行きつけ ikitsuke (favourite)

しるし symbol/ sign etc.

出会う de_au (come across/ encounter , happen to meet etc.)

よける avoid/ dodge

寛ぎ kusurogi - ease/ relax

マシ mashi (better)

うわさ uwasa (rumour)

たしなむ tashinamu (be fond of)

いなくなる inaku naru (to leave/ disappear/ not be )

ふける fukeru (indulge)

つらく and 苦しい tsuraku and kurushi (painful)

呼び込む yobikomu (attract.. attract attention)

時々 tokidoki (sometimes, at times)

えらい erai (great/ admirable)

すべき subeki should ...

おわび owabi -- apology

ヤバい yabai dangerous

ごゆっくり! goyukkuri take ur time

やり合う yariau (quarrel with)

よそ yoso another place

そしゃく soshaku (chewing)

たどりつく tadoritsuku- reach somthng after struggle.

____ no おかげ (okake) ....thanks to him.....

とんでもない tondemonai (dont mention it)

亡くす nakusu (lose somethn)

お大事に odaiji ni (take care etc).

うんざり unzari tedious/ fedup

そば - soba (near/ close/ beside)

ずいぶん zuibun a lot

せっかくのごちそう sekaku no gochiso - special treat

ばかり bakari (just ... like just moved here.)

そそる sosoru (excite/ arouse etc.)

もろい moroi (fragile)

やつら yatsura (they/ those guys)

どける (dokeru) to move smthng out of the way.

できたて dekitate (freshly made, just made)

むかつく mukatsuku (to get angry/ irritated etc.)

もともと orignally/ from the start

コケにする koke ni suru.. to bluff/ taunt

おまけに omake ni (in addition/ on top of that etc.)

たまたま tama tama (by chance/ casually)

まるで maru de (as if...)

以下 ika (less than)

まずく mazuku (bad / poor)

たくさん takusan (a lot/ many )

きっかけ kikake (impetus/ trigger etc.)

ありさま arisama (state / condition)

ネズミ nezumi, mouse

つーか tsuka or should i say...

まじめに majime ni (seriously)

行われる(okonawareru) to be done/ take place/ held etc

におい nioi (smell)

いたぶる itaburu (to harass/ tease)

やりくり yarikuri - manage/ get / by or make ends meet.

2人とも (futari tomo (both)

ふだん  fudan (usually)

ひと言でいうと hito koto de iu to.. (in a word/ nutshell etc.)

ともに tomo ni (together/ with)

くたびれる Kutabieru (tired)

ついてくる tsuitekuru (follow along)

あからさま akarasama (stright/ direct/ frank/ blatant)

まさか masaka (no wayyyy)

まいった maitta na.. I give up, im beat

好み konomi (liking/ taste)

かなり kanari (considerably/ quite)

だいぶ daibu.. considerbly/ greatly etc.

つれない tsurenai (cold/ unfriendly etc.)

よろしい yoroshi (ok/ alright)

見事 migoto (well done/ brilliant)

ひとりぼっち hittoribotchi (alone/ lonely etc.)

かかってる (depends on)

あんまし anmashi or anmari あんまり (not much/very)

かわし kawashi (dodge)

うさぎ usagi (rabbit)

サボる saboru (skip school)

思わず (omowazu) involuntary

せっかく (sekaku ) specially

それとも soretomo (or)

まね事 manekoto (imitation)

くっちゃべって kutchabette (chatter/ talk)

せっかくだから (sekakudakara- might as well..)

はぐれ hagure.. to lose sight of companions/ stray from ..

いきさつ ikisatsu - how it all began/ details/ whole story etc....

うまく行く umakuiku (go well/ smehtng to work out well..)

boku to つきあって - tsukiatte - go out with me1

たとえば… (tatoeba)

ひたすら . earnestly

ざっくり (zakkuri .. roughly/ approximately)

とにかく- in any case, anyhow...

たところ (ta tokoro) just doing somthing, like kita tokoro- just came...

ニワトリ niwatori (chicken)

ふりをする (furi o suru ) (prented / act as if)

すっかり... sukkari (completely)

なまっちろい namachiroi (naughty)

お気に入り (fav.)

ドキッと-- (shocked/ startled)

申し訳ありません moshiwakearimasen (sorry)

ぶつける butsukeru to hit

なさって... nasatte

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