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1 Introduction

In any industry, the economy of energy resources, materials and components

is an urgent problem. A significant part of the energy is consumed by various types
of machine drives and technological equipment. Therefore, the creation of
scientifically based methods for designing a rational drive from the point of view
of resource saving is very important [1-4]. To achieve the maximum effect in this
area, it is necessary to solve the following three tasks in a comprehensive manner.
Firstly, it is a traditional task - minimization of energy consumption [3]. Secondly,
minimization of weight and size parameters of the drive, and consequently, the
dimension-type of its components. Third, ensuring a given ratio between energy
consumption and weight and size parameters, if the specified criteria come into
conflict when choosing design parameters. To solve these problems, it is necessary
to establish a functional relationship between the maximum instantaneous power,
energy consumption, the type of the law of motion and its parameters. The design
of engines, motors and cylinders is not of fundamental importance here. It is
believed that all of them have a high efficiency factor. Therefore, only artificial
mechanical characteristics provided by modern mechatronic means will be taken
into account.
The issues of optimal management of dynamic systems have always been
given great attention. The foundations of scientific approaches to optimizing the
control of dynamic systems are laid in the works of L. S. Pontryagin, A. A.
Feldbaum, and N. N. Krasovsky [5, 13]. In the future, this direction, which is
primarily associated with optimizing the performance and stability of systems at
given power and design value, was actively developed by native and foreign
scientists [3, 4, 6-8, 10-12]. The problem of choosing the law of motion and its

parameters according to the criteria of power minimization in technological
machines and robots is new and very relevant.
The aim of the work is to synthesize energy-saving laws of motion and
determine the functional relationship between the maximum instantaneous power,
energy consumption, the type of the law of motion and its parameters.

2 The method of solving the problem and the calculation part

The energy cost of the drive depends on the presence of recuperation, the
law of motion and the load [2, 9, 14, 15]. It can be assumed that for a given time of
movement T and the speed of movement s of the output link of the machine's
executive mechanism, the maximum instantaneous power N and the consumed
energy P are determined by the law of change in acceleration, and consequently,
speed and acceleration. Figure 1 shows the dependence of the acceleration aτ (Z, t,
τ, T, s) and the velocity vτ (Z, t, τ, T, s) of the output link. Here Z is an integer
parameter that determines the types of laws of acceleration variation that are most
often encountered in practice (Z = 1 — rectangular; Z = 2 — triangular
asymmetric; Z = 3 — cosine; Z = 4 - sine); τ — acceleration time (braking); t —
current time; T — travel time (T = 3 s); s — travel time (s = 1 m).

In the considered example, for different laws, the difference in the maximum
values reaches 50 % for accelerations, speeds 18 %, and the coordinates - only 4 %
at the accepted values of the time of movement and the amount of displacement.
This reduction in differences is due to the double consecutive integrations of
function of changing the acceleration of the output link of the machine mechanism.
Thus, for cases where the algorithm of the machine does not imply the presence of
any additional requirements, except for the time of the movement cycle and the
stroke value, the designer has the opportunity to choose any of the considered
laws, depending on other criteria (such as vibration, dynamic force, the noise level,
energy usage, the power of the engine or motor).
At the accepted values of T and s, along with the acceleration (deceleration)
time t, the character of the acceleration and speed functions can be set through the
uniformity coefficient of the output link movement ξ or the coefficient k of
exceeding the minimum possible acceleration of the output link. The coefficient of
uniformity of motion ξ is the ratio between the size of the trajectory section on
which the uniform motion takes place, to the value of the stroke.
The coefficient k of exceeding the minimum possible acceleration is the ratio
of the maximum acceleration of the driving cycle to the maximum acceleration of
the cycle, in which there is no section of uniform movement. All these parameters
are functionally related to each other and are of equal value. The choice of a
particular parameter is determined by the requirements of the technological
process, depending on what is more priority - the acceleration time (deceleration),
the uniformity of movement or the limitation of dynamic forces.
For example, the instantaneous power of the mechanical drive of the rod-
type deep-water pump the for oil production, where dynamic loads are prioritized,
is defined by the expression

Here v k(Z, t, k, T, s) and ak (Z, t, k, T, s) — the laws of speed change and
acceleration, which are given by the parameter k; m and m0 — reduced masses, the
moving vertically, and responsibly, other; g = 9.8 m/s2 — the acceleration free fall.
Figure 2 shows the dependences of the instantaneous power on time for
different types of acceleration laws and for different values of the parameter k.

The analysis of the graphs shows that in all considered laws of acceleration
variation, there is a maximum (peak) of instantaneous power in the acceleration
section. Moreover, this peak has a minimum value for a certain value of the
coefficient k for each law [2, 9]. Negative power values occur when it is necessary
to use active deceleration with additional energy dissipation, when the resistance
forces (weight forces) are not sufficient to provide the required deceleration.
Figure 3 shows summary dependency graphs of instantaneous power on time
for four types of laws of acceleration change in the acceleration section,
constructed for a number of coefficient values and providing the minimum peak
power. Summary graphs of the dependence of the maximum instantaneous power
on the coefficient of excess of the minimum possible power are used to
qualitatively evaluate the efficiency of optimization of the parameters of the law of
acceleration change (pic. 4). It follows from the graphs that for different laws of
acceleration changes, the extreme have different shapes and occur at significantly
different values of the coefficient.

Figure 5 shows the laws of acceleration and velocity changes in the
acceleration section (0, 1 s), which provide the minimum value of the peak power
of the mechatronic drive for the four typical laws of acceleration changes discussed
Effectiveness of optimization of the parameter k for each type of law change
of acceleration relative to the corresponding appropriate laws in the absence of
uniform traffic section (in this case, the acceleration peak is minimal) is quantified
by the formula

where k0 — coefficient of the minimum possible acceleration excess when driving
without steady speed; km - coefficient of acceleration excess corresponding to the
minimum possible value of peak power for this type of law of change of
To evaluate the impact of drive optimization according to the criteria of
minimizing the peak power to reduce the maximum speed (in comparison with the
maximum speeds of the corresponding laws of motion in the absence of a section
of uniform motion), the k1z coefficient is introduced^

To evaluate the effectiveness of the considered types of acceleration laws, it

is sufficient to compare their peak powers with the peak power of the triangular
law, which is minimal:

The increase in the maximum acceleration when choosing the type of law is
estimated by the coefficient K1z, which is calculated by the formula

The increase in the maximum speed is estimated by the coefficient K2z,

defined by the formula

The results of the comparative analysis of the efficiency of the choice of the
laws of acceleration change and their parameters are summarized in the table.

When solving practical problems, along with quantifying the laws of motion,
it is necessary to take into account their qualitative indicators. For example, the
sine laws are significantly inferior in terms of energy saving and minimum peak
power to the triangular and cosine laws [14, 15]. However, when the last two laws
are implemented, soft shocks occur in the tire, leading to a decrease in its service
Energy costs per cycle (the forward stroke of the slave link) is determined by
the formula

where t0 — is the moment when active braking starts in the absence of


Figure 6 shows summary graphs of the dependence of the peak power and
energy costs of a single cycle for four types of acceleration laws.

3 Conclusion and conclusions

The analysis of the graphs presented in the work allows us to draw the
following conclusions:
1. For the model laws of acceleration change, energy costs, as well as
instantaneous power, can have an extremum (minimum) at certain values of the
coefficient k of exceeding the minimum possible acceleration.
2. The extremum can be located both inside the interval [1, inf] and on its
3. Triangular and cosine laws due to acceleration are preferred in terms of
reducing energy costs and reducing peak power consumption.
4. In practice, there may be cases when a rational choice of a variable
parameter, for example, k, provides a minimum (or almost minimum) of energy
consumption at the lowest possible power consumption value peak.
The approaches proposed in this paper allow us to model the processes of
machine operation and choose rational types of laws of motion, determine their
optimal parameters- to ensure minimum power and energy consumption, as well as
to correct machine drive law of motion, including during movement, when
changing the load or reduced masses and moments of inertia. The presented results
can serve as a basis for creating new methods of designing highly efficient and,
consequently, competitive domestic technology in all industries.


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