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What is Management ?

Management as a set of activities (including planning, decision making,

organizing, leading and controlling) directed at an organization’s resources
(human, financial, physical and information) with the aim of achieving
organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. We can also say
Management is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals
and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Since
organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as
human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes
from a system. This view opens the opportunity to manage oneself, a pre-
requisite to achieve the goal.

What is caled Service ?

A Service Is A Non-Material Equivalent Of goods . A Service Provision Is An

Economic Activity That Does Not Result In Ownership And This Is What
Differentiates It From Providing Physical Goods. We can also say A type of
economic activity that is intangible, is not stored and does not result in
ownership. A service is consumed at the point of sale. Services are one of the
two key components of economics, the other being goods. Examples of services
include the transfer of goods, such as the postal service delivering mail, and the
use of expertise or experience, such as a person visiting a doctor.

Relationship between management and service

There has a good relationship between management and service. It is not

possible to give service without management. The management control the
service. Management selects what service they will give ,how they will give the
service and also supports and motivates the employees to give proper service.
So we can say service is the output of management.

Customer service is something that is a reflection of corporate values, and such

it has ramifications for any organization,including those with employees who
have no direct connetion to customers.

Good service is a refletion of good values.And management make easy to do

what’s right or what is perfect for good service.Sometimes services are difficult
to identify because they are closely associated with a good; such as the
combination of a diagnosis with the administration of a medicine.The
organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve
defined objectives.Management is often included as a factor of production along
with machines,materials, and money.

Management consists of the interlocking ffuntions of creating corporate policy

and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization’s resources
in order to achieve the objectives of that policy.

Developing a good management team is a critical component running a

successful organization.Managers not only supervise employees but must make
important decisions that directly affect the company. Employers desiring to hire
managers must understand the qualities that make up good
management.understanding these characteristics allows companies to make
good hiring decisions and helps managers understand what is required of them.

The key to customer service is building good relationships with our

customers.Thanking the customer and promoting a positive,helpful and friendly
environment will ensure they leave with a great impression.A happy customer
will return often and is likely spend more.Good customer service is treating
customers with a friendly helpful attitude.Good customer service is always
being positive and willing to assist your customers to the best of your
ability.Good service means having thorough knowledge of your inventory,
experience with your products, and being able to help customers make the best
choices for them.

So that, we can understand that how much important good service and good
management for business.
Scopes of good management and good service

Scopes of good management

Service: Performing a good service is possible if we have a good management

, because to give a good service we need a perfect management which will help
us to give good service.

Salary : Give deserving salary is very important for good management .If the
management does not give deserving salary the employees can not able to give
expected service.

Instruction : A right instruction is needed for good management . It never be

possible to give good service. Because a perfect instruction can help the
employees to give right service.

Motivation : Motivation is an important part of good management .Without

giving motivation the employees do not feel interest to give proper service.
Because motivation increase the employees interest for giving proper service.

Well behavior : Well behavior with the employees is very essential in good
management . If the management does not behave well with the employees
,they will not be interested to give service properly.

Working environment: A good working environment in an important part of

good management .Without ensuring a good working environment , the
employees do not feel comfort to give proper service. So achieve perfect service
a good working environment is needed.

Democracy: Democracy in management means to take the opinion from the

employees in decision making. To consider their situation and give them the
opportunity to work in consideration with their facilities.
Scopes of good service

Customer: We can satisfy customer by good behavior, giving respect and good
service. Because with out good service we can make satisfy our customer , the
service make the customer satisfy. So it is important to give good service. That
will rise the goodwill of organization.

Internal environment: Internal environment means the peaceful and decent

environment for the customer .It is very important to give a service and satisfy
customers. By this we can achieve organizations goodwill and reputation ,it
also increase the organizations customer.

Society: We can give service to the society by doing social activities .It will
increase organizations goodwill and will also be a sells promotion for the

Price of product: Price of product should be responsible for the customer

satisfaction. If the organization can not maintain the reasonable price ,it will
help the organization to increase the organizations sell and it also increase the
number of customer and profit.

Types of product: Products must be qalitiful to ensure customer satisfaction

and safety .It will help the organization for rising organizations goodwill and
also increase reputation and trust of customer.
Problems of the topic

 Lack of managerial knowledge: without managerial knowledge managers

cannot control employees or other products.

 Disabilities of managers : if managers have no ability to maintain a

business it will be impact on business.

 lack of proper planning : Planning is the first step of management, without

proper planning we cannot achieve our goal and cannot ensure good
management so that’s why we cannot provide good products.

 If a manager solve any problem in a wrong way: if managers solve any

problem in a wrong way it will create bad impact on business.

 Lack of proper information and technology of managers: without

collecting information we cannot provide good service to the customers.

 Bad relationship between the manager and employees : if bad

relationship remain between employees and managers we cannot get proper
output from them.

 Giving incomplete order from manager: if manager give incomplete order

to the employees then the employees cannot work properly.

 Lack of proper information for giving service : if we cannot get proper

information, we cannot provide good qualities of products. So it is

 If we don’t give proper service it impacts on business : if we don’t give

proper services it will be impact on business.
Solving problem

When we find any problem in management and service, at first we search the main
reason of problem- than research the best solution of the problem-and than apply it.
We need to ensure below those important parts :

 The first one is, need of proper managerial knowledge and Manager should be
efficient. Which indicates everyone related with providing services must have
good and proper knowledge about it and manager must be efficient to apply the

 Good planning must be needed for achieving goal. Planning is the first step of
management and it is the stairs of the achieving rooftop means achieving goals.
Without planning we cannot provide good products or ensure good customer

 Both the employees and managers must hold a good relationship between them
to ensure a better service. Without it we cannot get proper output from
employees. So we should ensure to good relationship between them.

 Managers must need proper direction to customers. Wrong decision create wrong
way for a organization so that we cannot produce good product. People who are
directly related with providing services need proper direction what to do, where
to do, when to do. These direction must be given properly from the upper level

 Better service depend on proper information. So we need proper and enough

information for giving service. If to produce good service to the customer then
we need research customer the what they want or what they need and then we can
produce goods and services according to this information.

 Proper service should be needed for customers. If we fail to produce good services
it will be impact on business badly. So we need al time alert to give good services.

Good service will provide when we ensure good management. so, at first we
should maintain all steps of management then we found good service.
There are two parts in the conclusion in this topic. Which is "Good Service
Starts With Good Management" :

1. Result of the study: It seems that there is never enough me in a day. But,
since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much
more with their time than others? The answer lies in good time management.
The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. By using the time-
management techniques in this section, you can improve your ability to function
more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high.
Good management requires an important shift in focus from activities to results.
A key to successful management is the relationship between the manager and on
his service. It is a manner in which managers manage people that separates the
ordinary from the good and the exceptional. Good service is mainly depends on
or we can say that based on trust, commitment and a good management.
Managers essential role is to build these kinds of relationship for the benefit of
the organization, so that the services are effectively done on time with good
management. A good manager has to manage people effectively to achieve any
success. Only an exceptionally good manager achieve a hard working
productive, effective work force that called good service which start with good
management. We have certainly all heard it at some point:
Everybody wants change until we ask people to actually do it. The interesting
thing is this: Despite the fact that we are creatures of habit, what we deeply
want is to change so we can become better versions of ourselves. Think about it
for a second; haven’t you made improvements in your work situation? Also,
consider the large number of people who want to lose weight on January 1st?
The natural question that comes next is this: If we all really are creatures of
change, why is it that we hate it when it hits us at work? Why is it that 70% of
all change initiatives still fail? The one thing we hate above all else is when
change is imposed on us—the sort of change we have not chosen ourselves. It
sounds pretty obvious when you pause andreflect on it. In fact, it might even
almost sound too simplistic. We all dislike having things shoveled down our
throats. It is this type of change we reject. It is this sort of change that makes us
go through the slow and painful internalizing of so-called Change process as
initially described by many others about good service.  which is result of the

2:Future of the study: In a technology driven world where every face-to-face

interaction is only for bright future. In today's Fast-paced market economy,
finding a business that can not  only meet the expectations of the markets but
also execute them while maintaining a step-by-step management. For it's bright
future, we have to think about customers requirement first. Because customer
service demands have increased dramatically throughout the past five years.
Customers satisfaction and perception of service qualify are related to good
management. Many of today’s managers believe that meeting the needs of their
employees means that they have to have all of the answers, solve all the
problems, and “tell” others how to implement their solutions. Managers often
present their set of assessments, telling employees what they believe, followed
by what they want employees to do. Later, managers check in to be
sure the job was done correctly, and then tell people how to improve
or change to meet their standards or those of the business. In Dr.
Canton’s article, we know that he challenged people on the
organizational level to be on the leading edge. I agree that “the future
is now” for managers, and only the great managers will survive –
those who know how to ask powerful questions and coach their staff,
allowing everyone see their own successes, challenges, opportunities,
and even the need for change. Coaching and asking the right
questions are the tools that future managers will need to help
employees create and implement their own solutions. Managers will
engage employees in real conversations that value employees
experiences and points of view. They will access experiences from
inside and outside of the workplace, regarding employees as “whole
people” and tapping into their passions, knowledge, and experience. If
managers can do this well, in return they will receive the most valued
contribution any employee can make – their discretionary effort.
By doing the same way or following these kinds of behavior or
communication we can strive to reach our goals not only for our
company but also our clients, customers, and staff as well as. To
create a stronger presence in our community for the good
management. Where we can pride ourselves in our ability to reach
executed the goals of our service and for our bright future.

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