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June 10, 2021

Dear Jennifer,

As Working Families Party voter, I am writing to remind you that Primary

Day is Tuesday, June 22 and early voting begins Saturday, June 12.

Now, when you show-up to vote in the Primary Election, you won’t see my
name listed as a candidate for County Legislator. But don’t worry. You can still
vote for me by writing in my name on the ballot – Joe Carbone. Easy to
follow instructions are below!

Not sure who to support? Let’s talk about my record of supporting working
families during my 9 years as a county legislator. First, I was the officially listed
Working Families Party candidate in the 2011, 2012, 2015, and 2019
elections. I won with your support during those years and will do it again in 2021.

On the left-hand side of this letter, I listed some of my top accomplishments

as a Legislator. During the pandemic, I secured over $45 million to help
struggling renters stay in their homes and prevent eviction. I launched the
Monroe County Climate Action Plan that will reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and fight climate change. When it comes to fighting for a living
wage, I’ve done my part by increasing the minimum wage paid to county
employees and implementing brand new contracts for all the unions
representing county employees.

Before you go vote, there are some important details to remember: You can
early vote at any of the early voting locations – but I recommend the
Irondequoit Public Library. You can see a full listing of locations and voting
times by visiting

If you are voting on Primary Day (Tuesday, June 22), you will need to vote
at Transfiguration Lutheran Church. Remember, the polls are open from
6am to 9pm on Primary Day only.

I hope you will consider writing-in “Joe Carbone” when you vote in
the Working Families Primary Election. Below is diagram with instructions. I am
counting on your support! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions
or concerns.


cvcv cvcv Dr. Joe Carbone

County Legislator


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