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Module 3: Topic 2 Contemporary Issues on S&T

Three-way Summaries

Topic: GMO versus Non-GMO

Number of Summary

10-15 The use and development of GMOs have many positive impacts on
human health and environment.

30-50 GMOs possess a lot of beneficial attributes including their increased

nutritional value and the decreased use of pesticides/chemicals. GMOs
also produce more crops which could help the food insecurity in the
world today. In actuality, they are beneficial and decrease the amount of
chemicals farmers use.

75-100 With improvements in biotechnology, the era of genetic engineering has

been viewed as a key vehicle for enhancing life on Earth, from crop
variety enhancement to insect resistance development, and higher crop
productivity, etc. However, safety, both for humans and environment,
remains a major concern that impedes the acceptance of genetic
modification in the Philippines. In truth, GM food has been eaten by
Filipinos every day since it was first introduced in 1996 (DA), and
according to scientists, GM foods are as safe as traditionally-cultivated
and organic food and has additional nutrients to supplement the needs
of common Filipino families.

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