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Sam Thanapon Ponpadung

Oakville, Ontario, Canda |

Linkedin | Portfolio


Game Design, Level Design, Blueprint Scripting, C# Scripting, Blender, Version Control (Git)
Game Engine: Unreal Engine, Unity


Game Designer & Level Designer April 2020 – Present

TP-Game, Oakville, Canada
● As an independent developer, I work on indie projects as

Level Designer October 2020 – Present

WFG Studio, Oakville, Canada

● Plan out the level using a 2D map and design document on whiteboard software, Miro
● Blockout levels using Unreal BSP and modular level design kit
● Also work as a mission/encounter designer for the levels
● Prototype gameplay mechanics, player’s interaction, level hazard, and puzzles using Unreal
Engine Blueprint scripting


Completely Paranormal
Role: Level Designer, Game Designer, and Lighting Artist
Project Length: 1 Week
● As a part of the Spooktober 2020 Game Jam, the given theme of the jam was “Masked the Truth”
● In contrast of the halloween season, we created a light-hearted game where player plays as a
little ghost who must prevent the investigator from proving the house is haunted
● Link

Role: Level Designer, UI Designer, Programmer
Project Length: 48 Hours
● As a part of the Gamer Maker’s Toolkit Game Jam, the given them was “Joined Together”
● After the team decided to take the theme on a literal approach, we decided to create a top-down
puzzle game that use the mechanic of connection between power nodes
● Link


Game Design, GPA 3.89 September 2020 - April 2024

Sheridan College


Nadya Wen Scholarship - Award for International Students with 3.7 GPA or higher
Sheridan College

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