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“3P (Pemuda Peduli Pemuda) Action as Prevention of Expansion LGBT in


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World Youth Essay Competition 2018

Authored by :
Christina Aprilia

Today's globalization era has facilitated a variety of information and
communication access from one country to another. Globalization is a form of expansion,
deepening, and acceleration of interconnection of all aspects of contemporary social life
throughout the world ranging from culture, criminal, financial to spiritual (Mansbach &
Rafferty, 2008). The openness of all access to information in the globalization era is a
manifestation of technological developments.
Technological developments have divided generations over several periods, as
in this era of Millennial generation. Millennial generation known as Y generation is a
generation that uses many instant communication technologies. In other words, Y
generation is generation that grew up in the booming internet era (Lyons, 2004).
Internet is one form of development information and communication
technology. Information circulating on internet does not always present good
information. There is also information that gives a negative effect. Negative influence on
the internet can be one factor that can change a person's lifestyle or outlook. Information
sourced from developed countries is often considered a trend by a large number of
people. As an example of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian) that has now been
legalized most countries in the world, one of them is the United States. On June 26 2015,
the world was struck by the United States Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex
marriage in 50 states of the United States (Sinyo, 2016). In addition, some other
countries also legalize same-sex marriage such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada,
Spain, France, and England.
LGBT reporting in Indonesia began to circulate in Indonesia after the United
States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage on June 26, 2015 (Ericssen, 2015). A
similar incident occurred in Indonesia with the news in September 2015, same-sex
marriage took place in Bali (Sukiswanti, 2015). Furthermore, in October 2015 same-sex
marriage also took place in Boyolali (Wismabrata, 2015). The example shows that LGBT
is widespread in Indonesia. This is compound by absence of laws that clearly govern
LGBT illegalization in Indonesia. These conditions if left could damage the moral
community, especially the youth.
International Youth Year in 1985 defines youth as an individual with a dynamic
character, even turbulent and optimistic but have unstable emotional control. This
unstable emotional control makes youth potentially affected by current influences such as
LGBT. Even though, young generation is the next generation that can bring the nation
forward. Therefore there is a needed for preventive effort by youth for LGBT not to
widespread. One of efforts that can be done is through 3P (Pemuda Peduli Pemuda) or
Youth care Youth Action. This is background of the author to examine the issue into an
essay with title "Action 3P (Pemuda Peduli Pemuda) as Prevention of Expansion of
LGBT in Indonesia"
1.2. AIM
Based on background above has the following puropose:
1) Provide knowledge to community about importance of avoiding the growing LGBT in
2) Provide awareness of the importance of maintaining morals, especially for Indonesian
youth as agents of the next generation.

2.1. LGBT
2.1.1 Definition
LGBT is an acronym of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. Lesbian is derived from
the word Lesbos which means island in the middle of Egeis sea (Kartono, 2009). Lesbi is a
women who their direct sexual orientation choices to their fellow women or also to women
who love women physically, sexually, emotionally(Agustine, 2008). Second, Gay is a man
who has same-sex sexual orientation or sexual attraction towards men. Thirdly, Bisexual is
sexually attracted to the opposite sex as well as same-sex (Sinyo, 2016). Fourth, Transgender
people are people who have gender identity or gender expression which differs from their
designated sex at birth (Altilio, 2011).
2.1.2. History LGBT in Indonesia
The emergence of the LGBT community in Indonesia has emerged during the Dutch
East Indies despite its emergence not yet as a social movement (Sinyo, 2014). Then
movement organization established to overshadowed the first gay named Lambda on March
1st 1982. The founding of Lamda was then followed by the establishment of other LGBT
organizations such as the Gay Brotherhood of Yogyakarta (1985) and the Lesbian & Gaya
Nusantara Working Group (1987).
On November 17th 1999, gay couples. Mamoto Gultom (41) and Hendry M.
Sahertian (30) made an engagement and continued by establishing Yayasan Pelangi Kasih
Nusantara (YPKN). The Foundation is engaged in prevention and counseling about HIV /
AIDS diseases among the gay community in Indonesia (Sinyo, 2014). After that, the
development of LGBT organizations began to burst into a number of areas, including
Surabaya, Medan, and Ambon.
There is no statistical data about the number of LGBT in Indonesia because not all
LGBT people are open and easily recognize its orientation (Rhomadona, 2012). But the
numbers can be predicted based on data from the following table.
Table 1. Estimates and Projection of the amount HIV Infections by Key Population
Group in Indonesia 2011-2016

Source: Journal of Hegemony in Emancipatory: Case Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual

and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia
2.1.3. Cause
There are some factors can cause the emergence of LGBT, including:
a) Family
Family becomes one factors of LGBT emergence. For example in a less harmonious
family environment, a case of violence acted by a father. The violence cause girls have
perception of all men are like father figures.The physical, mental, and sexual abuse makes a
girl hateful to all men (Philips, 2003).
b) Environment
Environmental factors can trigger occurrence of LGBT, for example, because of
wrong association due to wrong choice of friends. When someone be friends with person who
is LGBT, there is tendency he will join LGBT member due to friend influence factor. The
influence of western culture that goes to Indonesia can also cause behavior deviation occurs.
In addition, the association and the environment of children while in boarding school that
separates between men and women also invite the happening of gay and lesbian relationship
(Musti'ah, 2016).
c) Moral dan Character
Homosexual group occurs because of a shift in moral norms embraced by the
community and decreasing social control in the community. This is due to weak trust and
control of lust. The fragility of one's beliefs can also cause all evil to occur because trust is
able to become an effective bulwark in curbing sexual perversion (eJournal Society-
Sociology, 2015).
2.1.4. Impact
According to Abdul Hamid El-Qudah, an Infectious Diseases and AIDS Disease
Specialist Doctor at the World Islamic Medicine Association (FIMA) explains the effects of
LGBT are:
● Health
The health effects that result from 78% of homosexual actors contracting sexually
transmitted diseases. (Rueda, 1982). The average age of gays is 42 and declines to 39 if gay
AIDS victims are included.
● Social
From most gays or lesbi declare that their homosexual couple is unrecognized. They
only dating one night or a few minutes. It clearly violates social values in society because it
has deviated from the legal norms in society (Dacholfany and Khoirurrijal, 2016).
● Education
In education has an impact such as students who consider themselves homosexuals
facing the problem of school dropouts 5 times greater than normal students because they feel
insecurity. Some 28% of them were forced to leave school (National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force, 1984)
● Security
The impact of security is even more astounding: homosexual actors cause 33% of
sexual abuse to children in the United States, whereas their population is only 2% (Science
Magazine, 1993).
2.2. Moral
Etymologically, the word moral comes from the word mos in Latin, the plural of
mores, which means custom. In the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), morals are
interpreted as good or bad teachings about the general acceptance of the actions, attitudes,
obligations, etc. or morals; character. Moral words are also often synonymous with ethics,
derived from the word ethos in Ancient Greek, which means custom, morals, character,
feelings, attitudes, or ways of thinking. In other words, ethics is defined as the value system
adopted by a group of people and mostly influences its behavior.
Any behavior and actions taken by society should base on the philosophy of the
country. The philosophy of Indonesian state is Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Values
contained in the two philosophies have included good moral or ethical values. As a civilized
citizen, values contained in these two philosophies must be well executed. Therefore, if it's
associated with LGBT behavior, it has deviated from moral that should be owned by civilized
Indonesian citizens. Deviation form is caused by not interpreted the meaning of first principle
Pancasila which reads "Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa (Indonesian nation recognizes the
existence of religion)".
The meaning of the first principle of Pancasila is Indonesian nation believe and piety
to God Almighty. While LGBT behavior has violated God's will that has been given by God
as someone who is male or female. The act is a moral deviation form as a good citizen and
also violated God's will form.
2.3. Human Rights
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 Year 1999 on Human
Rights Article 1 stated that: "Human Rights is a set of rights inherent in the nature and
existence of human beings as the creature of God Almighty and is a grace which must be
respected, upheld, and protected by the state, law, government and everyone for the honor
and protection of human dignity and prestige. Thus nature of respect and protection of human
rights is to maintain safety of human existence in entirety through balance act between rights
and obligations, as well as balance between individual interests and the public interest (TIM
ICCE, 2003).
But respect for human rights in each country is different because it needs to be
adapted with philosophy of each country. As in Indonesia, fulfillment of human rights is
based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. So all obligations and human rights need to be
adapted so there's no conflict with state philosophy.
There are also some societies that misinterpret the meaning of human rights itself.
Like LGBT peoples in Indonesia, most of their movements on behalf of Human Rights
(Sinyo, 2014). LGBT demands on fulfillment of human rights, of course, must be adapted
with values and rules of law that apply in Indonesia, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
(Social eJournal, 2016).
2. 4. 3P (Pemuda Peduli Pemuda) Action
3P (Pemuda Peduli Pemuda) Action is one of manifestations by youth in solving
widespread problem LGBT in Indonesia. The manifestation of the 3P action by educating
public on dangers of LGBT and need to avoid LGBT influences that are now widespread in
Indonesia. This action is expected public can filter all forms of information related to LGBT
so they can fortify themselves from negative influences. Target of this education is society,
especially for the youth.
Membership of the 3P Action is open to all young people in Indonesia ranging from
high school students, college students who are still active, or who have graduated. Anyone
can join as a 3P member, it only needed intention of seriousness to cooperate for educating
society by making educational articles and videos about the dangers of LGBT. This action felt
more effective because most of the people in millennial generation are dependence on access
to information and high technology. Activities through social media such as instagram,
facebook, or through website of 3P association. The information submitted is made as
attractive as possible to the current conditions. Can also be established in cooperation with
Yayasan Peduli Sahabat (foundation that is engaged in the rehabilitation of LGBT in
Indonesia) through posting articles that have been made by 3P friends in their editors or
The development of LGBT in Indonesia showed a considerable increase from year to
year. This is because many people in Indonesian don't understand that LGBT is a form of
behavior that deviates from the first principle of Pancasila "Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa". In
the first principle of Pancasila has the meaning that Indonesia believes and piety to God
Almighty. The meaning of the first principle of Pancasila is Indonesian nation believe and
piety to God Almighty. While LGBT behavior has violated God's will that has been given by
God as someone who is male or female. In addition, LGBT influence can be threat to nation
through negative influence that can damage morale of youth as the nation's successor
generation. Solution step can be done through 3P Action. Through 3P Action, society can be
educated about the dangers of LGBT and needed to avoid of influence. The form of 3P Action
can be through by uploading articles and also interesting educational videos on social media
such as instagram, facebook, twitter and also through 3P's website. Can also establish
cooperation with Yayasan Peduli Sahabat related to article posting through book publishing.

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University Press.
Agustine, (2005). All About Lesbian. Jakarta: Ardhanary Institute.
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Kartono, Kartini. (2009). Psikologi Abnormal dan Abnormalitas Seksual. Bandung: Mandar
Mansbach, Richard W.,& Rafferty, Kirsten L.(2008). Introduction to Global Politics. (Amat,
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National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). (1984). Anti-gay/lesbian victimization: A
study by the National Gay Task Force in cooperation with gay and lesbian
organizations in eight U.S. cities.
Musti’ah. (2016). Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT): Pandangan Islan, faktor
penyebab, dan solusinya. Pontianak: IKIP-PGRI Pontianak.
Philips, Abu Ameenah & Khan, Zafar. (2003). Islam dan Homoseksual. Jakarta : Pustaka
Rueda, E. The Homosexual Network.Old Greenwich, Conn.The Devin Adair Company,
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Santoso, Meilanny Budiarti. (2016). LGBT dalam perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia. e-Social
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