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Integration of air traffic control user interfaces

Conference Paper · November 2004

DOI: 10.1109/DASC.2004.1391262 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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2 authors, including:

Ebba Thora Hvannberg

University of Iceland


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Hhnur Jdhannsson and Ebba W r a Hvannberg, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

Abstract Designers have been researching ways to

incorporate changing technology into ATC
Communication and surveillance capabilities workstations and move tools to the digital world.
in oceanic air traffic control are improving and the Some of the work has been focused on designing
amount of air traffic will increase significantly over digital strips in place of paper strips [4]. Besides
the next decades. This requires new systems and characterizing the working environment and
procedures to be incorporated into the oceanic air practices of air traffic controllers in an ethnographic
traffic controller workstation. The Icelandic Civil
study, MacKay, et. al, have suggested several ideas
Aviation Administration (ICAA) is looking at ways
for the ATC workstation and reportedly one of the
to integrate the current set of user interfaces used at
most successful one is to allow controllers to touch
Reykjavik Oceanic Center in an effort to increase the flight strip with a pen and then highlight the
controller performance. The workstation consists
plane on the radar display [5]. Augmenting flight
of three different user interfaces, the Flight Data
strips by making them physical objects and making
Processing Systems (FDPS), which presents
them the interface to a computer is an altemative to
electronic flight strips to the controller, the Radar
either keeping the paper strips or replacing them
Display, which displays radar data and the Situation
with digital counterparts that are implemented with
Display, which is a backup system for the FDPS
a keyboard and a monitor [6].Fields et. a1 conclude
system. Three approaches for integration are
that where multiple media exist it might be
presented and claims analysis used to select
tempting to integrate flight strips and radar into a
between them. The result of the claims analysis and
single coordinated representation [7]. However,
controllers’ preference was a spatial display where
they point out that when the burden of integration is
the FDPS system is integrated into the Radar
reduced so is the requirement to humans to integrate
Display. A paper prototype was created and
information resulting in a worse mental model [7].
presented to qualified air traffic controllers in order
All recognize the ATC workstation as a
to get feedback on the prototype design as well as
collaborative working environment in which
the transition from a temporal display to spatial
display. This paper discusses the prototype design different actors need to work together, the
controIlers, pilots, flight operators and
and the results from two user-testing sessions at
communication relay operators. At CENA, work
has been camed out in the Toccata project to
develop digital strips [4]. Some of the features are
Introduction animation; touch screens, texture and color
Air traffic over the ocean will increase gradation, and gestures.
significantly in the next decades and technologies The controller workstation at Icelandic Civil
and procedures used to control air traffic today will Aviation Administration (ICAA) consists of three
not be able to handle the increased traffic [ 1,2,3]. graphical user interfaces, the FDPS system, which
Even today the air traffic system is nearing capacity manages electronic flight strips, the Radar Display,
meaning that passengers are not getting the service which displays radar data and Situation Display,
they need and expect [2]. Increased traffic and which is a backup system for the FDPS system and
emphasis on safety will demand reduced separation displays the data from flight strips on a
minima and more efficient routing for aircraft geographicalbackground. These systems are
traveling over the ocean. With emerging presented to the controller using up to four different
technology like Automatic Dependant Surveillance computer screens making the workstation big and,
-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Controller Pilot Data according to the controllers, inconvenientto use,
Link Communication (CPDLC), system especially in highly stressful situations. The ICAA
development needs to adapt to changing technology is looking at ways to integrate the current set of user
in the air traffic control domain. interfaces in an effort to increase controller

0 2004 IEEE
performance. This paper proposes a spatial display
for air traffic control in oceanic air traffic control
region in order to increase controller performance,
simplify the controller workstation and to make the
transition to future technology easier.

Oceanic Air Traffic Control

Air traffic traveling over the ocean is different
from domestic en-route traffic for two reasons.
First, aircraft in the oceanic environment are largely
out of radar coverage and therefore surveillance of
the airspace occurs through position reports
provided by the pilots. Position reports are
provided approximately every IO degrees of
longitude or latitude, depending on the speed and Figure 1:The Controller Workstation at ICAA
direction of each flight. Secondly, the
communication between controllers and pilots goes
through communication relay service that uses high
frequency (HF) radio [8,9]. The traffic over the
North Atlantic is divided into two flows, a
westbound flow leaving in the moming and an
eastbound flow leaving in the evening. To avoid
congestion on the North Atlantic routes several
oceanic ATC initiatives based on equipage have
been implemented. These initiatives include
Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) that
has been implemented in the North Atlantic and the
Pacific and Reduced Horizontal Separation Minima
(RHSM) for RNP-10 certified aircraft is active in
the Pacific.

Current Controller Workstation at

The air traffic controller workstation at the
ICAA, illustrated in Figure 1, consists of up to three 4 b
user interfaces, the Flight Data Processing System
(FDPS), the Radar Display and the Situation Figure 2. The Strip Bay of the FDPS System
Display. On the right of the controller in Figure 1 is
the FDPS system, illustrated in Figure 2 and on the In April 2002, the ICAA employed the FDPS
left is the Radar Display, illustrated in Figure 3. system, illustrated in Figure 2. It replaced the old
paper flight strips with electronic flight strips and
allowed the air traffic controllers to use electronic
messaging, which means that inter-facility
communication is no longer done with voice or
telephone. It allows electronic messaging with
other air traffic control centers if data links are
available. It also automates tasks that were done
manually before. For example, when the
communication relay service forwards position

reports electronically to the FDPS system, the Analysis of Three Alternative
system automatically updates the flight strips. The
FDPS system is the main, system that air traffic
controllers at ICAA use. After exploring the current set of user
interfaces in an attempt to identify weaknesses the
The flight strips in Figure 2 are grouped into next step was to identify altematives for integration
flight level groups (altitude), e.g., F310,320, and approaches [lo]. Three approaches for the
330. Within each group they are then ordered in integration of the user interfaces were suggested.
time sequence so that the first aircraft to fly past 30 The approaches are a temporal only interface,
degrees west or 10 degrees west, depending on the which means that the Radar Display is integrated
direction of flight, is positioned on the bottom of into the FDPS system, a spatial only display where
the group. Horizontally the longitudinal waypoint the FDPS system is integrated into the Radar
information is given. Display and finally, synchronization between the
The Radar Display, illustrated in Figure 3, FDPS system and the Radar Display with
serves controllers controlling the south or east synchronization of information between the two
sector of the Icelandic Air Traffic Control region. It separate interfaces. These three approaches are
gives a spatial presentation of the radar data. described in more detail below.
Aircraft are presented in the Radar Display using
aircraft icons for each aircraft in radar coverage. Temporal Display
Attached to each aircraft icon is a data block that
contains information that controllers uses while In this approach the radar data is processed and
they control the air traffic. Information about the displayed in the FDPS system as a part of a flight
aircraft route is however not available in the Radar strip. A new box is added to the flight strip that
Display and controllers have to rely on the FDPS contains radar information for an aircraft position.
system for that information. This box is then updated at the same rate as the
radar data is in the radar display. The aircraft
continue to be grouped with other aircraft in the
same flight level as before. Additional information
found in the radar data block is added to the flight
strip. Obviously, the extra box and added
information are only available while aircraft is in
radar coverage; if an aircraft is not in radar
coverage the extra box and information is excluded
from the flight strip.

Spatial Display
In this approach the FDPS system and
Situation Display are integrated into the Radar
Display. This means that the information found on
the flight strips is moved into the Radar Display for
Figure 3. The Radar Display spatial presentation. Aircraft icons are used to
distinguish between different surveillance sources
The Situation Display gives the controller a and the route for each aircraft is displayed as a line
spatial presentation of the aircraft route found in the between the waypoints defined in the aircrafts flight
flight strips. It is used as a backup system for the plan.
FDPS system and is never used for maintaining
separation between aircraft. Distinction between aircraft that a relevant
controller is responsible for, from other aircraft is
available through color-coding or by only
displaying aircraft that is under the controller’s
control. When a controller wants to give a

clearance to a pilot he would right mouse click the
Table 1. Example Results of the Claims Analysis
aircraft in question and select ftom a menu what ~

action to take the selected aircraft. Information Scenario Description

found in the flight strips will have to be added in a Feature
new design of the data block.
Flight Spatial presentation gives the
Surveillance controllers an inherent view of the
Synchronization between FDPS System and environment when conducting flight
Radar Display surveillance
In this approach the FDPS system and the Flight Spatial presentation gives the
Radar Display show the same sector(s) that a Commanding controllers an inherent view of the
controller is responsible for. environment when processing
The controller has two Radar Displays clearances
running; one that shows a global view of the sector Action By automating unwanted workload
and another that is synchronized with the FDPS. Automation air traffic controllers are better
The FDPS system and the synchronized instance of supported during their work
the Radar Display have the same set of aircraft
visible. In the synchronized work station a For most scenario features the spatial display
controller working on a specific aircraft or set of has equal or less negatives than the other two
aircraft in the FDPS system the controller sees the approaches. Table 2 shows the number of positives
same aircraft(s) highlighted in the Radar Display, and negatives for each alternative and the
and vice versa. This would decrease controller’s proportion between the two.
search time when comparing information between
the two systems. No synchronization is Table 2. The Results of the Claims Analysis
implemented for the Situation Display since it is a
backup system and is not used when controlling Approach Nr. of Nr. of Positives1
aircraft. positives negatives negatives
Temporal 16 11 -1.5
Claims Analysis Spatial 29 10 2.9
Claims analysis is used to find and incorporate Synchronizat 17 10 1.7
features of practice that have key implications for 1 ion
use. Each implication, or feature, is written down
with its hypothesized good and bad effects. Claims Table 2 shows that a spatial approach is the
elaborate a set of scenarios, explaining how and most desirable one since it has by far the greatest
why a particular feature is having a range of number of positives. The next section reports on
impacts on the actors. Claims also motivate design controllers’ attitude towards the three approaches.
reasoning because designers will try to increase Based on this result a spatial approach was selected
positive impacts and decrease negative impacts and a paper prototype developed.
The result of the claims analysis was that the Controllers’ Response
spatial approach had more positives than the other
When user testing was conducted at ICAA on
two approaches for all but one scenario feature.
the spatial prototype six air traffic controllers
Table 1 contains a few examples of the claims but
the complete list is given in [lo]. participated in the testing. They were first
presented with the three altematives for a prototype
and asked to select which one they found most
desirable. Table 3 shows the controllers’ response.

fidelity prototypes and compare their advantages
and disadvantages [13].
Approach Response A study that compared the effectiveness and
Temporal Display I 016 satisfaction of paper prototypes and computer
prototypes reported no difference in the quantity
Synchronization I 216
and quality of critical user statements but users
Spatial Display I 416
preferred computer prototypes [14].
The prototype of the integrated user interface
The majority of the controllers chose the discussed in this paper was built using Photoshop.
spatia1 approach opposed to none the temporal Numerous screenshots were drawn to display
which is interesting given that they have been using
various aspects of the user interface and used during
a temporal focused approach for decades, first on user testing at ICAA.
paper and then digitally. The synchronization
approach was the second favorite. When compared One of the most important aspects when
to the result of the claims analysis we see that the designing a user interface is choosing an
outcome is identical. The best outcome was for the appropriate color-coding scheme, especially when
spatial approach and second best outcome was for designing for a safety critical domain as air traffic
the synchronization approach. control. It is important to have the colors chosen
distinct without affecting changes in contrast. The
colors should also correspond to common
Initial Spatial Display Prototype conventions and user expectations. For example,
We will now proceed to describe a paper red, green and yellow are colors frequently
prototype of the spatial display. Paper prototypes associated with stop, go and standby respectively.
are considered one of the best prototyping Therefore, red may be used to indicate emergency
techniques because it is the easiest method to use and alarms; green, normal activity; and yellow,
when building user interface designs [12]. They do standby and auxiliary function [IS]. Color coding
not require programming skills, are built with low- provides many opporhmities for coding and
fidelity tools but emphasize visualization of user structuring information at the user interface as well
interfaces over functionality. Therefore, in usability as making it pleasant and enjoyable for the user to
testing, a sequence of snap-shots are presented to look at. The designer must however not user colors
users or experts as a part of a storyboard, but the excessively because that can result in color
user can seldom control the user interface or get pollution, particularly when highly saturated colors,
feedback in response since the prototype is not such as a full red and a deep blue are used [16].
running. The advantage of paper prototyping is that
The main issues for the first version of the
they require fewer resources and are able to show
and communicate ideas to users and other paper prototype were color-coding of aircraft in
controllers’ working context and a new design of
stakeholders early in the development lifecycle.
Rudd, Stem and Isense characterize low and high the data block. Figure 4 shows a screenshot of the
proposed user interface design.

Figure 4. Screenshot o f the Prototype
Another important aspect of the prototype is Three alternatives for a data block were
the data block. The data block is the main tool for designed. The objective was to present the
presenting information about the aircraft that is not altematives to air traffic controllers and ask them
displayed spatially. So a good data block design is which one they would like to see implemented. The
crucial for the controller when he or she monitors selected data block would then be incorporated into
flights (flight surveillance) and controls flights the prototype during the latter design iteration. The
(flight commanding). first suggestion is an enlurged data block with a
Aircraft outside radar coverage will be fixed set of information. The second suggestion
displayed as a green filled circle. When an aircraft was to use tool tips for selected aircraft. The
is only displayed using secondary radar data it will controller has a fixed sized data block and the tool
be displayed as a green unfilled diamond, otherwise tip would show information missing from the data
as a green filled diamond indicating that primary block. The thud suggestion is an extended data
block. This approach suggests the use of a small
radar data is correlated with the secondary radar
data block with minimal information with the
data, as seen in Figure 5.
possibility to extend the data block when controllers
need further information. The information
displayed in both data blocks is configurable.

Former User Testing Results

Figure 5. a) Outside Radar Coverage, b) The aim of the user testing was to present the
Secondary Radar Data Only, c) Secondary spatial prototype to six qualified air traffic
Radar Correlated with Primary Radar controllers to get their feedback on using a spatial
display to control air traffic and use the results to
improve the prototype design. The prototype was a
paper prototype representing the user interface
design. The prototype demonstration was

administered to six controllers, both experienced I I
and inexperienced. The most important results are
explained below.
The three altematives for a data block were
- ICE10213454
SF350 ? 48
3556 I 2 / 8752
presented to the controllers and they asked which I
117 -0.00 1121314 I
one they would like to see implemented. Table 4
shows the controller response when asked to choose Figure 6. A Data Block
between the three altematives.
The controllers were asked if the aircraft icons
Table 4. Results When Asked to Choose Between were enough to represent different surveillance
Three Alternatives for a New Data Block sources. Five out of six controllers found two of
the three aircraft icons in Figure 5 a) and c) too
Data block alternative I Response 1 similar and suggested that they be changed.
Enlarged data block 016 When asked about flight surveillance three
Data block using tool-tips 216 controllers said that the proposed spatial display
was better than the current set of user interfaces and
Extended data block 416 three said it was not so or were undecided. When
asked about flight commanding five controllers said
that it is better conducted on the spatial display than
As a result the extended data block was with the current set of user interfaces and one said it
incorporated into the prototype design. Figure 6 was not.
shows the data block selected.
After the prototype demonstration the
controllers were asked to answer a questionnaire.
Table 5 shows the answers for three of the
questions asked. Other questions and answers can
be found in [IO].

Table 5. Questionnaire Results

Questions Answers (Average)

All Controllers preferring Controllers preferring

Synchronization approach (2) Spatial approach (4)
Do you think the proposed user 2.83 4 2.25
interface will give increased support
in your work?
Yes, very much so (1) -Not at all ( 5 )
Do you think the proposed user 2.5 3.5 2
interface will increase your
Yes, very much so (I) -Not at all ( 5 )
Would you like to use the proposed 3.17 4.5 2.5
user interface instead of the current
set of interfaces?
-Yes, very much so ( I ) -Not at all ( 5 )

There is a difference between responses fiom sources are presented, cluttering, trust and improved
the participants that chose the synchronization flight surveillance. Cluttering and trust are
approach and the spatial approach. The participants subjects for future research projects but the issues
that chose the synchronization approach were of how to present surveillance sources as well as
negative towards the spatial display. The how flight surveillance can be improved were
controllers were inclined that a spatial display addressed in version two of the spatial prototype.
would increase their performance. They also Intruding aircraft, projection of routes and
indicated that it would give them more support but representation of flight levels are features that are
were concemed about the effect a transition to a designed in the second version. Intruding aircraft,
spatial environment would have on their work i.e. aircraft that deviate from their assigned flight
which explains why the average for the last plan can compromise the safety, security and
question was high. efficiency of the ATC system. Conformance
monitoring is therefore required to detect deviations
The most important conclusion of the user test
so that corrective action can be initiated [I 71. In the
is that most of the controllers chose the spatial
spatial prototype aircraft that are not conforming to
altemative for a user interface. The controllers
their flight plan are color coded with red-brown
were pleased with the idea of having all data
present in one user interface. They also liked to
work directly on the aircraft icons and data blocks. Another feature presented in the prototype is to
allow controllers to visually project aircraft
There were some issues that resulted from the
position, as defined in their flight plan, by moving a
user tests. Trust is an issue for the spatial display.
slider back and forth. The controllers that took part
In order to increase controller trust, characteristics
in the latter user testing were presented with these
of the flight strips, which are important when
two ideas to get feedback on whether it would be
conducting flight surveillance, have to he identified
useful when conducting flight surveillance.
and incorporated into the spatial display. Another
Figure 7 shows a screenshot of the south sector for
challenge is to find ways to support controllers by
the improved prototype. The slider is in the bottom
automating more tasks that need not be done left hand comer.
manually. Cluttering is another issue that has to be
addressed. Cluttering in a user interface is when In order to give controllers more support when
too much information is displayed to the user due to conducting flight surveillance flight level buttons
heavy traffic. Results from this user testing were have been added to the display, near the left vertical
used to improve the prototype design that will be edge of the window. Only buttons that apply to
described in the next section. flight levels under the controllers’ control are
displayed. These buttons are green when there are
no conflicts in the relevant flight level but turn
Improved Spatial Display Prototype yellow or red if conflicts have been identified. Red
The main issues that were raised during user and yellow colors are used to indicate a warning or
testing of version one are how different surveillance alert state for conflicts.

Figure 7. Screenshot of the Improved Prototype

Latter User Testing Results commanding flights, which agrees with the first
user testing session.
The second user testing was conducted with
six qualified air traffic controllers. When asked The controllers were asked whether using
about whether the aircraft icons distinguish clearly flight level buttons could replace the flight level
enough between different surveillance sources, four grouping of the flight strips within the FDPS strip
controllers said yes and two said no. Two bay. Five controllers said yes and one said no. All
controllers indicated that color might also be of the controllers said it was obvious which flight
required for this purpose. This is something that level is chosen. Three of the controllers said that
has to be explored in future versions of the showing the aircraft position spatially complements
prototype. the loss of the time grouping of flight strips within
each flight level of the FDPS strip bay. Two said
When asked about would increase
no and one said he was not sure.
their performance to give clearance for a new flight
level through the data block three controllers said When asked about using the slider to project
yes and three said no. One of the controllers who future aircraft position, four controllers claimed it
said no claimed that performance would be the would support them well. One controller said no
same as it is today and the other said that this is not and one controller said he was not sure.
the case generally but under some circumstance it
Five of the controllers claimed conducting
could mean more performance.
flight sweillance as was presented to them
When asked the same question about giving opposed to the current method would increase their
clearances for a new route five controllers said yes performance. Only one said it would not. This is a
and only one said no. These results indicate that very interesting result because it shows that
controllers are rather keen on this method of controllers are very open to the possibility of using

a spatial display as primary means of maintaining support since this is done manually now. One of
separation between aircraft. This is an increase the six controllers had doubts about having too
from the Iast user test, which also indicates that much automation in the system.
there is added support for controllers in this version As in the former user testing the controllers
of the prototype. Five said that indicating that an were asked to answer a questionnaire after the
aircraft is not conforming to their flight plan is a prototype demonstration. Table 6 shows the
very good feature and would give them good answers for four of the questions asked.

Questions Answers (Average)

All Spatial Approach Temporal Approach
Would you like to use the proposed 1.17 1 2
spatial display instead of the current
set of user interface?
Yes (I) -No (2)
Do you think the proposed spatial 1.67 1.6 2
~ display would be better suited for
flight surveillance than the current set
' of user interfaces?
Yes, very much so ( I ) - Not at all ( 5 )
Do you think that having only the 2.33 2.4 2
proposed spatial display opposed to
the current set of user interfaces would
increase your performance?
Yes, very much so ( 1 ) -Not at all (5)
Do you see a spatial only display as 1.17 1.2 1
the future of air traffic control?
Yes ( I ) -No (2)

lncorporating the suggested improvements Conclusions

from the former user testing as well as the added
The result of the prototype design and user test
support for flight surveillance made a big difference is threefold. First, the suggested aircraft icons may
when these results are compared to the previous not be enough to distinguish between surveillance
results. It is interesting that there is little difference
sources. Research needs to be done in order to
between grades given by the group of controllers determine whether aircraft icons are enough
that preferred the current set of user interfaces and
distinction or whether other measure, such as color
the group that preferred the proposed spatial
coding, needs to be added into the prototype.
Another interesting result is that the majority Secondly, information cluttering needs to be
examined to make sure that it will not be a problem
of the controllers see a spatial only display as the
if a transition to a spatial environment will be
future of air traffic control. Given good support the
implemented at ICAA. In the formed user testing
controllers are very open to the possibility of
making a transition to a spatial environment in their session controllers expressed concerns with the
work. amount of information being displayed as well as
them amount of color coding used.
Third, controllers were more positive during
the second iteration regarding flight surveillance

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