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Objective : to score points by spiking the ball off the net so the other team cannot return it.

Teams: 2 teams of 2 (4 players total) Each team starts on opposite sides of the net. Scoring is rally
scoring. Game is played to 21 points or time


Standing at least 2 steps (4-5 ft.) from the net, Team 1 serves by tossing the ball in the air and
spiking it down on the net towards Team 2.

Team 2 has up to 3 hits (ie, sets in volleyball) between them before they have to spike it back on
the net. Note: you do not have to use all 3. You must pass the ball to your teammate when
receiving the serve.

This continues as a rally until one team cannot return the ball.

If your team served and the other team cannot return the serve, you have won the point. Team
that wins the point, serves the next point. Teams must rotate servers.

Important Rules:

Once the ball is in play, there are no longer sides. Players can move anywhere they want. This is
a 360 game

if the other team is in the way of you returning the ball, it is called a hinder and the point is

If your shot hits the rim, it is called a Rimmer and the other team gets the point.

If your shot hits the pocket (rim and net) it is a do over

If the ball does not bounce off the net with a single bounce, it is the other teams point. It must
clear the rim in order to be good. Must hit net and go out, if hits net 2 x, point for the other team.

Body shots are legal. 1 body shot and then it must go to your partner or on the net.

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