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So yesterday i read a book called a crazy day with cobras by someone named mary jane

pope osbourne. In the book, fucking teddy accidentally turns penny into stone. Apparently,
penny is a penguin that is dearly loved by everyone in the magic kingdom. Teddy and kathleen
shows jack and annie a poem or spell that will undo the stone magic that has been cast on
penny. In the poem, it says to find four things, but the first thing is to find an emerald rose.
Teddy tells jack and annie that they need to go back in time to go back to india to visit one of the
great moguls to get this green emerald rose. Jack and annie take a book with them, a story the
two had made for class, and a magic potion that will make the user tiny upon sipping it. The
game plan was that they needed to pretend to be ambassadors to receive the emerald rose
from the great mogul.
So when they somehow time warped teleported to india they were conveniently at the
red fort where conveniently the mogul they needed to talk to was. Then they saw the real
ambassadors going into the great moguls palace. Jack and annie were like “huh we need to
copy those guys to get into the palace” so then they came in AFTER the real ambassadors.
They told the guards that they were apart of the ambassadors from frog creek (where jack and
annie are from) and that they got left behind or something like that.
Then they get into the palace. It is very exquisite and jack refers to his little india history
book to read that the mogul will literally kill people if they do not bow correctly or show him the
proper respect. Jack told annie “bro we gotta get tf out it’s scary here” because obviously they
were going to die if they did something wrong. Then annie was like “nah its all g dw” so jack and
annie proceed with their original plan. When they get to their turn, they walk up to the great
mogul, bow, and present him the story book jack and annie made for school. The reason they
showed him the book was because it was very ahead of indias time at this time, so jack and
annie thought that it would amaze the great mogul, and it did. The mogul was very perplexed by
the fancy typed font and the sparkle drawings. A guard presented jack and annie a tray of gems,
to which they obviously chose the green emerald rose gem. Then jack and annie try to leave the
palace and a guard goes “well you can’t because you have to watch this epic parade for the
great greatest mogul ever”. So then jack and annie were like “oh fuck fr?” to which the guard
responded with “yes”.
Then jack and annie are at this GREATEST PARADE EVER, nothing really happens
here except that this elephant goes fucking awol and the gaurds were going to execute it for
“disrespecting the mogul”. Annie is a stupid bitch so she walks up the the great mogul and is like
“you can’t do that it’s just an animal!!!!!!!! Do you even love anything??”. Jack is horrified
because he is about to witness the execution of his sister or whatever the fuck annie is.
surpirsingly , the mogul does not crucify annie and instead was like “just take the damn thing
and go away”.
Jack and annie take a ride on this elephant named morning breeze throughout the entire
town trampling random merchants and their markets. They cause a lot of ruckus and everyone
hates them >:(. Eventually morning breeze runs into the forest. Jack and annie demand that
they get off, and morning breeze dumps them off her back and runs away. When they get
thrown off, jack and annie discover that oh no they lost their emerald flower. They see it
glittering in a cobras nest. Jack refers to his book again, and he informs annie that cobras will
castrate you. Jack then decides to use the magic potion to make them both become small to
retrieve the rose without being detected. They almost get away with this undetected UNTIL
there was another cobra which was the dad cobra. Surprise surprise morning breeze comes
back to save tiny jack and annie from the cobras. Jack gets the emerald rose successfully and
everything is a ok. Morning breeze picks jack and annie up with her trunk and puts them in her
carriage box thing on her back from earlier.
Then morning breeze brings them to where her baby was, which is why she ran away
from the parade earlier. Jack and annie say goodbye to morning breeze and continue on their
way to get back to the treehouse or something. They get to this field and a farmer rats out to a
guard where jack and annie were. The guard then takes jack and annie and said “if you do not
come with me i am going to put you in jail.” so jack and annie ONCE AGAIN reluctantly agrees
to come with the guard.
So the guard brings them back to the great mogul because the mogul wanted to talk to
jack and annie. Then the great mogul told them that their story was very touching and that he
DID love someone. He loved his wife that died. The great mogul told them that he build the taj
mahal for her. He also told jack and annie that he was very lonely. It was a very sad moment.
After that pointless moment in the story jack and annie go back to the treehouse and
goes home. End of story 0/10 story would not read again thx sam

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