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Due date: WEEK 4


1. Nguyễn Thị Bảo Vân – 1714089 – AVK41SP


Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer.
Part 2
Part 3

Part 4
Part 1

Your answers Your explanation

1. B The man said: “ matter when you may your booking, you can be sure of
getting where you want to go....but our experienced, professional drivers will take
you safely to your chosen destination...”

2. A The woman says, “…honestly, I can’t see why anyone should object to
this….otherwise, the traffic will be terrible and the small shop around here will
lose their business too..”

3. A The girl said: “...I didn’t really mind being quite a long way from where they were
actually playing, because I could see them fine from where I was. And of course I
could hear every noise perfectly...they were only on stage for a little over an hours
which wasn’t really fair on fan like me who properly only ever get to see them

4. B “ It wasn’t until a call came from a farmer who’d seen him crossing a field that
story had a happy ending…”

5. C The boy said: “...I’ll find the way of getting it all back, don’t worry...”

6. B The man said: “...though they keep playing like that everyone are going to go to
sleep, it wasn’t excactly exciting to watch, was it?”

7. B The woman says, “… there are lots of courts in the park… the weather’s good
spend all day there…”

8. C The man says, “… and there is a terrible jam on the motor way…On the way here,
I was worry of being late of arriving to pick them up…”

Part 2
Your answers

9. second 10.China 11. 4500years 12.purple 13. medicine

14. painting 15.wet 16. eat 17. sun damage 18. fuel
Part 3

Your answers Your explanation

19. E The man says: “...I was checking my email and having to look up a few things online in
the communication center..”

20.F The woman says: “It was quite annoying really....when we arrived with the kids…the
crowd was already starting to build up. There were long queues for everything....”

21.B The man says, “… I don’t know why but on that particular day they were going very
carefully through everybody’s bags with the result that we were there quite a while…”

22.C The woman says: “ is not easy to get out there from the city center as the train
doesn’t run at the evening and the bus takes hours...”

23.D The man says: “...there was special section for that with lots of games, and I thought
they would have stay there all days...”

Part 4

Your answers Your explanation

24.A Ryan said: “...let the clean in it, made sure all these other room place right on time and
tell them what they doing during the day. I’m intruct fifthteen people here....”

25.B “… I have to make sure the public, once they’re admitted after 9 o’clock can tour the
castle without getting hurt…”

26.C He say : “....the first essential is being able to walk a lot...”

27.C He say : “....I know some people say it is very old fashion..., but to my mind, part of its
funtion is to continute traditronal here....”

28.B The man says, “but one couple was so fascinated about a painting that they somehow in
one of the rooms.... Unfortunately for them, we decided not to reopen..., and they ended
up being stuck there overnight…..”

29.A The man says, “…There are so much about this place that I still don’t know....I
discover more facts about it…”

30. B

a. What did you do before you listened to each part as a group?

Part 1: Before we listened, we must find out the new vocabularies and predicted the content.

- Part 2: We read really carefull and underlined the key words. And then, we determined type of
words in the blank space.

- Part 3: we underlined the key words which helped our understand more.

- Part 4 : we studied about the new words and underlined key words.

b. Can you write the synonyms from the recordings of the following words/phrases in the questions for
part 2?

- Question 10: “produces more…than any other country” = made more...than any other country

- Question 13: “regarded” = considered

- Question 15: “ less bright in colour” = dark

- Question 18: “ten years’ time” = time years ago

c. How could you get the answers for part 3? What did you do while you were listening to this part?

I try to understand all the things that they talk and find the key sentence to find the answer. I got the
main point while I was listening this part

d. What did you do in your group after you listen to the recordings?

- After we listened to the recording, we sent the personal answer to the leader. Besides, we discussed
about the answer, checked and compared results and then the leader went to the final decision.

e. Who is the best listener in your group? What did he/she do to help other members?

- Tam is the best listener in our group

- She helped us with the hard question on the log. She gave the answers and explained why she chose it.
Shown us how to follow the key word of the speaker.
f. Who needs help in the listening? What kind of help did he/she receive from other members?

Van is the one who need help in the log. In some part of the record that she missed, other members
heard and explained for her.


1. What we found most interesting/useful

- Helping me knew a lots of new words in many different topics.

- Wide vocabularies
- The most useful thing about this assignment is that I was able to learn new words and
different sentences structures so as to improve my vocabulary and structure

2. What we found most difficult

- There were some difficult words that I did not hear in the listening.
- Part 2 was the most difficult one. I had to listen to the recordings carefully because
there were a lot of synonyms and paraphrase. The answers were easily mistaken so it
required more concentration than the other parts.

3. What we learned from the practice

- By listening to the recordings, I could improve my listening skill and knew how
how to identify many different synonyms

- I knew how to listen more effective

4. What we needed to do to improve our listening scores in the next practice

- I need to practise a lots to improve my listening skill.

- I will learn many new words and read the topic really carefull before doing the
listening test.
- Listen and practice more at home so that I wouldn’t lose track and could catch up
with the speakers’ speed

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