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NAME : Daffa Aulia Ramadhan CLASS : X IPS 1


A.When? was assassinated on November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard
Time in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey

B.where? : Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, U.S. At approximately 12:38 p.m. on

November 22, 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was taken into Trauma
Room 1 at Parkland Memorial Hospital. By 2 p.m., his young widow was escorting
his remains to Air Force One.

C.Who: John Fitzgerald Kennedy,suspect is not known but there is conspiracy

belive that lee Harvey Oswald / Lyndon Baines Johnson(vice president) is the killer
of jfk

D.Why: the Kennedys and Connallys waved at the large and enthusiastic crowds
gathered along the parade route. As their vehicle passed the Texas School Book
Depository Building at 12:30 p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly fired three shots
from the sixth floor, fatally wounding President Kennedy and seriously injuring
Governor Connally. Kennedy was pronounced dead 30 minutes later at Dallas’
Parkland Hospital. He was 46.

E.How : when he was fatally shot by former United States Marine Lee Harvey
Oswald who fired on an ambush from a nearby building. Governor Connally was
seriously injured in the attack.

Air Force One arrived in Dallas, Texas. In the presidential plane, President
Kennedy was accompanied by his wife Jacqueline. They were welcomed by Dallas
residents who came, including reporters. Texas Governor John Connally and his
wife were also present on the arrival of Kennedy. Meanwhile, Vice President
Lyndon Johnson and his wife arrived on a plane separately. This was a campaign
for the upcoming 1964 election, although it was not officially stipulated as such.
President Kennedy and the Governor of Texas boarded a limousine pickup truck.
While Lyndon Johnson and his wife took another limousine nearby. The trip was
going to Trade Mart, Dallas. The plan was for Kennedy to address the event. A
motorcade headed for downtown Dallas, passing through an estimated crowd of
more than 150,000 people. When the limousine passed through the Texas School
Book Depository, gunfire rang out from the sixth floor window. A bullet hit
Kennedy in the back.

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