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1. How many bits does it take to represent 40 items?

log 2 40=5.321928095

Se necesitan 6 bits para representar 40 ítems.

2. What is the largest unsigned integer that can be represented in 7 bits?


3. Convert the value 120 to binary using 8 bits.

=7 , rem 8
120 en hexadecimal es 0x78, y 0x78 a binario es:

0 x 7 → 0 b 0111
0 x 8→ 0 b 1000
120 en binario es 0b 0111 1000

4. Convert 89 to hex using 8 bits.

=5 , rem 9
89 en hexadecimal es 0x59

5. Convert 0xF4 to binary.

0 xF → 1111
0 x → 0100
0xF4 en binario es 0b 1111 0100

6. Convert 0xF4 to decimal.

0xF4 en binario es 0b 1111 0100

0 b 1111 0100=27+ 26+ 25+ 24 +22=244

0xF4 en decimal es 244

Josuat Angeloskowich Ojeda Morales - 161003945

7. Convert the value 0b10110111 to decimal.

0 b 1011 0111=27 +25 +24 + 22+ 21 +20 =183

0b10110111 en decimal es 183

8. Compute 0xB2 + 0x9F and give the result in hex.

0 xB2
+0 x9 F
0 x 151
El resultado de la suma de 0xB2 + 0x9F = 0x151

9. Compute 0xB2 – 0x9F and give the result in hex. Check your work by verifying that 0xB2+
~(0x9F) + 0x1 produces the same result. To compute ~(0x9F), complement each bit.

10. Draw the logic network and derive the truth table for the logic function F = (A&B) | C.

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 11. Derive the CMOS transistor network that implements the NOR
0 1 1 1 function.
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 12. Compute 0xC3 >> 2; give the value in hex (this is a right shift by two).
1 1 1 1
0 x C 3→ 0 b 1100 0011
0 x C 3≫ 2 →0 b 0011 0000
0 b 0011 0000 → 0 x 30
El valor de 0xC3 con desplazamiento a la derecha por dos es 0x30

13. Compute 0x2A << 1; give the value in hex (this is a left shift by one).

0 x 2 A → 0 b 00101010
0 x 2 A ≪1 → 0 b 01010100
0 b 0101 0100 →0 x 54

Josuat Angeloskowich Ojeda Morales - 161003945

El valor de 0x2A con desplazamiento a la izquierda por uno es 0x54

14. What is the period of a 400 kHz clock in microseconds?

Periodo= =2.5 μs
400 kHz

15. Given a 30 percent duty cycle clock with a high pulse width of 20 µs, what is the clock
frequency in kHz?

Periodo= ×100 %
Duty cycle
20 μs
Periodo= ×100 %=66.66667 μs
30 %
Frecuencia= =15 kHz
66.66667 μs
16. Design an n-bit subtractor using an adder with a carry-in input and the fact that A – B = A +
~B + 1

17. Design an n-bit adder/subtractor that has an external input called SUB that when 1,
performs a subtraction, when 0, performs an addition. (Hint: Use an adder with a carry-in input
and a mux.)

Cuando SUB = 0, S = A + B

Josuat Angeloskowich Ojeda Morales - 161003945

Cuando SUB = 1, S = A + ~B + 1 = A - B

18. Design a left-shift by one combinational building block.

19. Design a counter that can count either up or down. Assume that you have incrementer and
decrementer building blocks available.

Josuat Angeloskowich Ojeda Morales - 161003945

20. Write your first name as 8-bit hex values using ASCII encoding

0x4A 0x6F 0x73 0x75 0x61 0x74, la traducción carácter por carácter produce el nombre de Josuat.

Josuat Angeloskowich Ojeda Morales - 161003945

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