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Dear Claudia Nayibe López Hernández

Palacio Liévano, Bogotá [Cra. 8 #10-65]

Dear Major of the City:

I begin this concern with great thanks to you, everything you had to pass through
the recent days have not been simple, it has not been controllable, I am aware of the
situation by means of the media tools, I have personally been into the news day and
night, all this attempts to generate a cure for the Covid-19.

170 countries have been infected with the virus, it has got more than 16.000
deaths around the world, I feel stunned with all this situation, the worst thing is, we can
not do something concrete against this new disease, as you, we are completely shocked,
we do not know what to do. Recommendation from WHO (World Health Organization) are
one-way solved, stay at home, cleaning radically of hands and the attempt of taking care
of our Bogotá´s old ages.

There are some therapies are being developed by conjunction of several

countries, but it is not still on the news, I claim for you to force some important aspect
that need to be transmitted to all of us, I claim for you to never lose your patient or your
disposal of doing the most you can.

All the world is expecting when is the date, the accurate day this all going to finish,
all this nightmare is gone be part of the past, we are scared for the future days, I hope
you stay strong, we all stay strong, we all stay at home.

Honest regards from the bottom of my heart

Duvan Jair Palacios

Student from the Distrital university (Francisco José de Caldas)

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