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Cult- clique, creed, following

Royalty- eminence, aristocracy, rank
Fame-heyday, acclaim, elevation
Thrust upon-forced on, impose on
Iconic- exemplary, classical, historic
Status- standing, footing, distinction
*fair game- pray, target, quarry
Ridicule-disdain, leer, banter
Spite- malice, spleen, venom
Reverence- awe, fealty, homage
Brutality- ferocity, brutishness, atrocity
Scrutinise- check out, tooth comb, pore over
Mercy- boon, lenience, benevolence
Shame- abashment, stigma, blot
Contempt- slight, mockery, repugnancy
Build up-
to develop or increase: to build up a bank account.
to strengthen: to build up the fortification
to prepare in stages: to build up a court case
to fill in with houses; develop into an urban area.
to praise or flatter: to build up his aptness
Knock down-
to sell at auction by a blow of the hammer or to a bidder.
to take apart or disassemble, as for facility in handling, storing, shipping, etc.
to receive, as a salary or a scholastic grade; earn:He knocks down 30 grand a year.
to lower the price of; reduce:to knock do
wn end-of-season leftovers.
to embezzle or steal (money).
Bestow- bequeath, entrust, render to
Gruesome- grisly, abominable, macabre
Misdeed- transgression, slipup, infringement
Deem- presume, appraise, judge
Contemptible- odious, vile, scurvy
Delve- research, inquire, probe
*fly-on-the-wall- An unseen observer or listener
Readiness- dexterity, keenness, adroitness
Ghastly- ashen, wan, ghoulish
Invasion- breach, infringement, overstepping
Bunch- flock, band, cluster, pack
Pursuit- quest, hunting, stalking
Omnipresence- existence, being, subsistence
Expansion- evolution, unfolding, augmentation
Insatiable- pressing, clamorous, unquenchable
Gossip- hearsay, slander, wire
Column-pillar, file, article
Ogle- gawk, gape at, rivet
Regard- view, heed, mind
Tune into-
to watch or listen to a particular broadcast station: I tuned into the baseball game.
to be in a harmonious or responsive relationship with someone or something:
My therapist is tuned into my feelings.
Loathe-abhor, be down on, spurn
Glittery- jazzy, snazzy, tacky
Sacrificial- atoning, divine
Slaughter- bloodbath, carnage, butchery
Vivaciousness- spirit, spunk, fire
Voyeurism- wiretapping, prying, bugging
Myth- ballad, illusion, fable
Love-a profoundly tender and passionate affection
Infatuation- foolish, all absorbing passion
Desire- wish or longing for, craving
Fascination- powerful attraction
Enchantment-magic love, like under a spell
Obsession- dominating desire
Lust- overmastering desire for physical love
Rapture- ecstatic love that brings joy
Adore- intense devotion
Flame- sudden attraction that is short-lived

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