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‰ Physics,
y , the most fundamental p
y science,, is

concerned with the basic principles of the Universe.

‰ It is the foundation upon which the other sciences

(astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geology—are

CH1- Physics and Measurement

1.1 Standards of Length, Mass, and Time

1.2 Matter and Model Building

1 3 Density and Atomic Mass


1.4 Dimensional Analysis

1.5 Conversion of Units

1.6 Estimates and Order-of-Magnitude Calculations

1 7 Significant Figures
1-1 Standards of Length, Mass, and Time

The laws of physics are expressed as mathematical

l ti hi among physical
h i l quantities

Most of these quantities are derived quantities, in that they

can be expressed as combinations of a small number of
basic quantities.

In mechanics, the three basic quantities are

length, mass, and time.
1-1 Standards of Length, Mass, and Time


• Defined
D fi d in
i terms off a meter

– the distance traveled by light in a vacuum

du g a given
g e ttime(1/(299,792,458)
e( /( 99, 9 , 58) s)

• Units

–SI meter, m
1-1 Standards of Length, Mass, and Time


• Defined in terms of a kilogram

kilogram, based on a specific

cylinder kept at NIST

• Units

–SI kilogram, kg
1-1 Standards of Length, Mass, and Time


• Defined in terms of the oscillation time of radiation

from a cesium atom

• Units

SI seconds,
d s
1-1 Standards of Length, Mass, and Time
UNITS (Systéme Internationale)

Dimension SI (mks) Unit Definition

Length meters (m) Distance traveled by light

in 1/(299,792,458) s

Mass kilogram (kg) Mass of a specific

platinum-iridium alloy
cylinder kept by Intl.
Bureau of Weights and
Measures at Sèvres,,
Time seconds (s) 9,192,631,700 oscillations
off cesium
i atom
Standard Kilogram
at Sèvres

In addition to mks units,

standard prefixes can be used,
e g cm,
e.g., cm mm,
mm mmmm, nm
1-4 Dimensional Analysis

General customs on symbols

• Lengths: x, y, z, r, d, h, many other letters, or letters

with subscripts x1, x2,xA

• Mass often is m, m1 , m2 , mBall

• Time very often is t, or greek symbol: τ

1-4 Dimensional Analysis

Dimension of q

• Dimension has a specific meaning – it denotes the

physical nature of a quantity

• Dimensions are denoted with square brackets

– Length [L]

– Mass [M]

– Time [T]
1-4 Dimensional Analysis

• Both sides of equation must have the same


-> Check whether dimensions on both sides of

an equation match!

– this is one way of Dimensional Analysis

Example 1.4a

40 m + 11cm = ?
The above expression yields:

a)) 40.11
40 11 m
b) 4011 cm
c)) A or B
d) Impossible to evaluate (dimensionally invalid)
Example 1.4b

1.5 m ⋅ 3.0 kg = ?
The above expression yields:

a)) 4.5
4 5 m kkg
b) 4.5 g km
c)) A or B
d) Impossible to evaluate (dimensionally invalid)
Example 1.4b

1.5 m-3.0 kg m/s = ?

The above expression yields:

a)) -1.5
1 5 m
b) -1.5 kg m2
c)) -1.5 kg
d) Impossible to evaluate (dimensionally invalid)
1-4 Dimensional Analysis


Dimensions & units can be treated algebraically.

Variable from x m t v=(xf-xi)/t a=(vf-vi)/t

i L M T L/T L/T2
1-4 Dimensional Analysis


Checking equations with dimensional analysis:

1 2
x f − xi = vi t + at
L (L/T)T=L
• Each term must have same dimension
• Two variables can not be added if dimensions
are different
• Multiplying
M lti l i variables
i bl isi always
l fine
• Numbers (e.g. 1/2 or p) are dimensionless
Example 1.1
Check the equation for dimensional consistency:
mgh = − mc 2

1 − (v / c ) 2

Here, m is a mass, g is an acceleration,

c is a velocity, h is a length

m =M, g=L/T2, h=L, c=L/T

LHS= M*(L/T2)*L=ML2/T2=M(L/T)2

Example 1.2
Consider the equation:
v2 Mm
m =G 2
r r
Where m and M are masses, r is a radius and
v is a velocity
What are the dimensions of G ?

v2 M
m =G 2 m =M, r=L, v=L/T
r r
mv = G
M 2 =G G=L3/(MT2)
Example 1.3
Given “x”
x has dimensions of distance
distance, “u”
u has
dimensions of velocity, “m” has dimensions of
mass and “g” has dimensions of acceleration.
m =M, g=L/T2, x=L, u=L/T
Is this equation dimensionally valid?
(4 / 3)ut
1 − ((2gt
g 2 / x)) Yes

Is this equation dimensionally valid?

x= No
1 − mgt 2
Units vs. Dimensions

• Dimensions: L, T, M, L/T …

• Units: m, mm, cm, kg, g, mg, s, hr, years …

• When equation is all algebra: check dimensions

• When numbers are inserted: check units

• Units obey same rules as dimensions:

Never add terms with different units

• Angles
g are dimensionless but have units
(degrees or radians)

• In
I physics
h i sin(Y)
i (Y) or cos(Y)
(Y) never occur unless
l Y
is dimensionless
Question: which of the following quantities are
standardized (SI) unit:

- Second

- Gram

- Kilometer
- Meter
1.5 Conversion of Units
‰ Sometimes it is necessary to convert units from one
measurement system to another, or to convert within a
system, for example, from kilometers to meters.

‰ Equalities between SI and U.S. customary units of length

are as follows:
1 mile = 1 609 m = 1.609 km
1 ft = 0.304 8 m = 30.48 cm
1 m = 39.37
39 37 in
in. = 3.281
3 281 ft
1 in. = 0.025 4 m = 2.54 cm (exactly)

– Example: Convert 5000 meters (m) into

•Kilometers (km)

1.5 Conversion of Units

•The prefixes can be used

with any base units

•They are multipliers of the

base unit

•In our example:

– 5000 m = 5x103m = 5 km

-- 5000/1609 = 3.1 miles

1.5 Conversion of Units

E ample

Grandma traveled 27 minutes at 44 m/s.

How many miles
il did Grandma
G d travel?
t l?

Grandma traveled 44x27x60 = 71280 m

= 71280 /1609
= 44.3 miles

44.3 miles
Derived quantity: Density

Which of the following materials has the largest density:

1. Foam

2. Concrete

3. Steel

4 Lead
Derived quantity: Density

• Density is an example of a derived quantity

• It is defined as mass per unit volume

ρ ≡ m/V

• Units are kg/m3

• the dimension is M/L3 or ML-3

• Usual Symbol ρ (greek letter r)

1.6 Estimates and Order-of-Magnitude Calculations

‰ It is
i often
ft useful
f l to
t compute
t an approximate
i t answer to
a given physical problem even when little information is
‰ This answer can then be used to determine whether or
not a more precise calculation is necessary.

‰ We will use rules for significant figures to approximate

the uncertainty in results of calculations

‰ The order of magnitude of a certain quantity is the

power of ten of the number that describes that quantity.
1.6 Estimates and Order-of-Magnitude Calculations

‰ The order of magnitude of a certain quantity is the

power of ten of the number that describes that quantity.


™0.008 6 ~ 0.01 ~ 10-2

™0 002 1 ~ 0
™0.002 0.002
002 ~ 10-33

™720 ~1000 ~ 103

1.7 Significant Figures

• 0.0075 m has 2 significant figures

– The leading
g zeros are p
placeholders only
– Can write in scientific notation to show more clearly:
7 5 x 10-33 m for 2 significant figures

• 10.0 m has 3 significant figures

• 1500 m has 4 significant figures
– Use 1.5 x 103 m for 2 significant
g figures
– Use 1.50 x 103m for 3 significant figures
1.7 Significant Figures

Operations with Significant Figures

– Multiplying or Dividing Number of significant figures in

the answer:

~ smallest number of significant figures of

the quantities that are multiplied/divided.



25.57 m x 2.45 m = 62.6 m2

– The 2.45 m limits your result to 3 significant figures

1.7 Significant Figures

Operations with Significant Figures

– Number of decimal places in the result:

~smallest number of decimal places in

any term in the sum..


135 cm + 3.258 cm = 138 cm

– The 135 cm limits your answer to the units

decimal value
1.7 Significant Figures
o Last retained digit is increased by 1 if the last digit
dropped is 5 or above
o Last retained digit remains as it is if the last digit dropped
is less than 5
o Do not round before you get to the final result
o Example:
Round the sum of 1001 contributions of $0.40 to the
nearest $
• Final result of calculation: $400.40
• Rounded final result: $400
• Round each contribution: $0
–> sum (rounded too early) is $0
Review Chapter 1:
Basic Tools for classical mechanics
• Standardized quantities for measurements:
– Length: meter, Mass: kilogram, Time:second
– Density
D it – an example
l off derived
d i d quantity
• Dimension: Characterizes physical nature of quantity
– Length,
Length Mass,
Mass Time: Basic dimension
– Dimensional Analysis (Check dimensions in equations)
• Common sense checks:
– “are results reasonable”
– Order of magnitude
g estimate
• Uncertainty in measurement and calculation
– Significant figures
– rounding

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