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Many victims of body shaming have to face with psychological illnesses such as:

depression, anxiety, low self-esteem,... According to research done by Bradley Hospital,

Butler Hospital and Brown medical school, people especially teenagers with negative
body image concerns are more likely to be depressed, anxious and suicidal. People with
anxiety are often thinking too much and when it comes to remarks about their body, it is
no different continuous negative remarks which make pepeol anxious to the extent that
they suffer from panic attacks and depression. Beside, the most compelling reason why
body-shaming needs to stop is that it leads to depression and depression can lead people
to suicide. On October 14th, a famous South Korea star, Sulli or also known as Choi Jin
Ri has took her all life after suffering from severe depression. During her lifetime, Sulli is
believed to undergo a lot of hatred and malicious comments from the society which body
shame her and lead her to depression. Whether we relized it or not, body shaming kills
people the same way as cancer does. The tragic death of the kpop star highlights the
immense pressure felt by a celebrity. Another major psychological health can also be
affected is the self-esteem level and confidence level in people. According to Brumberg
(1997), fifty-three percent of American girls are "unhappy with their bodies" at age
thirteen and this number increases to 78% at age seventeen. It is easy to look at the
people on TV and in magazines and find yourself lacking. Hargreaves and Tiggeman
(2002) found that teen girls who looked at ads using unrealistically models felt “less
confident, more angry and more dissatisfied with their weight and appearance.”

Secondly, body shaming not only affects to mental health but it also affect to physical
health. Because of afraiding to be criticized, people can use unsafe method to get the
beauty, for example: Using weight loss drugs of unknown origin, plastic surgery in
unscientific places, unscientific diet,….Initially, it can help victims get in shape and look
like they want, but later it can lead to serious health complications such as liver damage,
kidney problems, high blood pressure. Besides, it leads to eating disorders problem. For
example, singer Miu Le, she was criticized for her appearance as fat, big legs ... leading
to negative weight loss and hospitalization because of stomach bleeding. According to
National Eating Disorders Association, 65% of people with eating disorders said that
bullying contributed to their condition. People are particularly prone to look and based on
others people’s perspective. Body shaming has been reported to lead to eating disorders
like anorexia- people starve themselves obsessively to lose weight if they are too fat. It
can make you dehydration, constipation, bloating and even irregular menstrual cycles.
Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a large quantity of food is consumed in a short
period of time, often followed by feelings of guilt or shame, it is also reported to lead to
similar effects. Both anorexia and bulimia can cause people to continue with their
extreme measures lose more weight.

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