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How to Write DAILY Emails That

Engage, Educate & Inspire Your List

– So You Can Sell Stuff Every Day &
Have Readers THANK YOU For It

By Justin Devonshire
If you aren’t building a list of targeted, interested prospects for your
business daily, you’re missing out on TONS of money.
And if you aren’t sending regular emails to that list, you’re allowing
money to slip down the drain every day.
There are a few reasons I think business owners don’t grow or
communicate with an email list.
 They don’t know HOW to set it up & are worried about the
technical side of it
 They don’t know the importance of emails (they’ve never
been schooled)
 They have a limiting belief that people will go berserk if you
send them an email every day (totally false, in case you’re
 They don’t know what to write

What happens when you write daily emails?

Let’s quickly talk about each issue, why it’s an issue, and what to do
about it.

1. Setting up an email responder

I’m not gonna say its super simple to set up an email auto-responder
for the first time.
Any new technology has a learning curve.
But when you use a service like (which I strongly
recommend) it’s not very hard.
Even for me, and I’m a tech dunce. I actually can’t use an iPhone
(true story!)
Aweber is an email management system that allows you to collect
email subscribers legally and in a non-spammy way.
It allows you to grow an email list to any size and mail everybody at
once (try doing THAT with gmail after you get a few dozen
Plus it’s a trusted company, so your emails will go through without
any spam complaints coming up.
Aweber has a load of simple tutorial videos for complete beginners
so you’ll be ok.
It takes about 20 minutes to set up and it’s probably the BEST
investment you could ever make in your business.
For the tiny fee of $20 per month (and the first month for a $1 trial)
I’ve made at least £50, 000 over the past couple of years from email
marketing alone.
Without this tool, I’d be a sitting duck.
So, it’s one of those things that you THINK you’re doing fine
But once you’ve tried it and done it right, you couldn’t live without.

2. Why you need an email list

You’ve probably heard about the guy who brags that he has like
2463 ‘Likes’ on Facebook.
But how much actual *MONEY* has that guy earned thanks to his
That’s right, not much.
Plus, what happens if Facebook isn’t working one day?
Or it disappears?
And no, I’m NOT saying it’s the death of Facebook. Far from it. But…
theoretically if it did vanish tomorrow, where would all your leads
You wouldn’t have any.
See, the great thing about the email list is that it’s yours.
It’s your most valuable asset – a list of paying clients and
unconverted prospects who’ve expressed an interest in what you
offer AND have given you permission to email them.
That IS your business, pretty much.
If you lose EVERYTHING tomorrow, what would you do?
Let’s say your facility burned down, or all your clients left town
What would you do?
Yet, if that happened to my business, I would not fret one bit.
All I’d need to do is send out one 300-word email to my list of 10,000
local subscribers and I’d have a brand new client base overnight.
Can you say the same, with that much confidence?
If not, then it’s worth $20 a month just for the insurance, no?

3. “Isn’t this like spamming people?”

You may be wondering, why would anyone want to hear from you
via email?
Isn’t that spam?
The way all your competitors are doing it, yes it probably is.
But you my friend are better than that.
You’re in an entirely different league.
And when you write emails in the style I show you, people will LOVE
Sounds crazy right?
Yet, I write an email newsletter 5 days per week in multiple industries
and if I miss a day from being too busy, I’ll always get some
responses in the morning.
Responses such as,
“Where was today’s email? I really enjoy them ”

You might not believe me now, but you’ll become a believer soon,
trust me.
In fact, only this morning I was speaking at an event and one of the
attendees came up to me and told me,
“I LOVE reading your daily emails! I actually collect them all in a
folder and I’m going to share them with everyone in the industry
that I know!”
And comments like this are NORMAL.
By the end of this guide you’ll know what to do and you’ll start
building a tribe of raving fans that you have a super strong bond

4. What the heck do I write in these things anyway?

It’s pretty simple actually.

Your daily email will include 3 key things.
#1: A story to kick things off (it’ll encourage you to lead a more
interesting life, if anything)
#2: Some tips or ‘content’ that educates & inspires your reader to
help them with the biggest problem you are in business to help
them solve. This content will be inspired by something that
happened in your story (i.e. what happened to you gave you the
idea to send the readers a lesson from it that applies to them)
#3: A call to action (an offer of even MORE help, usually). At the
end of every email you can tell the readers what they can do if
they’d enjoyed the tips & would like to learn more.
There are a variety of things you can do here, but for now keep
things simple.
In most cases you’d probably want the call to action to be to see
you in person or on the phone for a chat.
This ‘chat’ of course would be your sales consultation where you
see if you have a paid solution that will help that reader.
Simple stuff, right?

5. And why should I bother doing all this?

Glad you asked.
So, you’ll have 2 primary lists.
One for unconverted prospects.
Then a second for converted prospects once they’ve paid you
(you’ll move them across so they don’t see the ‘unconverted list’
emails any longer).
You’ll send daily emails to the unconverted list to achieve a couple
of things:
 Frequency & familiarity: it actually positions you as an expert
when they hear from you repeatedly. People grow a bond
with a newspaper, blog or TV show they watch every day, and
your emails can have the same effect
 Expert positioning: you are always helping them and sharing
tips, so they will see you as the expert with all the answers. Even
if they aren’t ready to buy right now, when they are ready,
guess who they’ll come to first?
 You’ll develop AMAZING sales copy skills so you can sell your
way out of a paper bag for the future (written sales copy is
probably the most valuable skill one can possess in this
century, not even joking).
Once a person on the list upgrades and becomes a current client,
they’ll be moved to a separate list.
I don’t usually email my paying customer list every day, since you’ll
see them at your work too. But maybe you can. It’s an individual
Otherwise, 2 times per week to your paying customer list should be
You’ll send the paying list offers to UPGRADE to your premium
Or to refer friends.

So now you can see clearly why email marketing should be a top,
top priority for you.
You’ll be building a non-spammy list of targeted, interested
prospects who need a bit more trust or convincing.
Once they are on your list, and you write emails well, those people
will NOT be going anywhere else.
What will happen when YOU have a giant list of thousands of local
(or international) prospects that are responsive, qualified and LOVE
hearing from you?
And they even collect and SHARE your marketing messages?
How awesome is that?
Yes, this document is going to reveal how to be THANKED for your
advertisements and have them SHARED willingly.
Damn, we are crazy.

Alright, time for the ‘meat’

Good, so now we’ve covered the reasons WHY you should be
doing email marketing ASAP, let’s give you some epic tips on how
to become awesome quickly.
Let’s go through each of the main big tips.
After that, I want you to simply start WRITING. It’s the only way to get
good at this.
Not just studying or learning, but doing.
It’ll be a bit tough at first, but persist and you’ll crack this in no time.
You’ll find your ‘voice’.
So, here goes – email marketing tips:

 Be yourself
Don’t try to copy or imitate anyone. Be yourself and give YOUR
candid opinions on things. If you do this you’ll gain more trust and
respect from the list. If you don’t you’ll get a lot of unsubscribes and
build no connection.

 Be entertaining
You’re aim is to give a good mix of education and entertainment.
Some call this ‘info-tainment’.
The entertainment simply comes from being yourself and showing
your real personality.
The education comes from giving solid advice and expert tips.
If you are a true expert in your industry you should be able to find
something to write about every single day with NO problem.
If you can’t, you shouldn’t be selling that thing.
 Write conversationally
If your high-school English teacher would give your email a good
grade then it probably sucks for marketing purposes.
Marketing pieces need to be written as if you’re writing to your best
Nice, smooth, conversational sentences like this work well.
You won’t build trust by writing like a strict, rigid, professional
I KNOW everybody tells you that you need to ‘look professional’
and you can’t send emails out with curse words or improper
And they all full of crap.
How do I know?
Because they’ve never made a penny writing emails.
And I bet they’ve failed to make money from ANY of their adverts
or websites too.
I’m still waiting for one of the critics to prove me wrong.
So if your emails don’t sound like you, then just loosen up and relax.
People WILL find you interesting, trust me.
Most people have BORING lives.
It sounds bad, but they really do.
The 9-5 job, the rate race.
They are always skiving off to listen to their favourite radio host every
day, or read a popular newspaper column.
At least with your email newsletter they can get valuable advice,
expertise and some entertaining stories to boost their day.

 Make it easily readable

Consider ‘how’ people read emails.
They are going through their 264 new emails that day, and want to
scan something. They aren’t looking for a new version of War &
So keep your sentences short.
Make sure your paragraphs don’t go longer than 4-5 lines.
And mix it up by having a couple of short lines of text after using a
larger block of text. So If I was to show you an example right now,
you’d finish this paragraph about here.
Then you’d write a short line.
Like that one.

 Keep it short & simple

Do you know what defines an expert?
It’s not the person who knows the most complicated stuff.
It’s the person who knows the most complicated stuff… who can
also communicate it in the simplest terms that anyone can
Don’t bog down your readers.
They’re real people.
And they don’t have the same day job as you.
As for email length, 400 words maximum should do the trick.
If you end up writing a bit longer than expected, just cut it in two
and keep the second half as a ‘part 2’ to deliver the next day.

 Study fiction
If you want to get really good at telling stories, study writers like the
guy who wrote the Jack Reacher novels.
He’s awesome.
Can’t remember his name… I think its Lee Childs or something?
Anyway, he writes cool stories and keeps you hanging on every
The guy who wrote “The Da Vinci Code” is also good.
Arrggh can’t remember his name either. Can’t be bothered to
research but I’m sure you know the book.
(It sold about 10 zillion copies).
These books are great because they are made up of very short
chapters that keep you reading ‘til the end.

 Talk about your clients’ biggest problems

The point of you writing emails is to help your prospects see that you
are able to help them solve the biggest problem they face.
And it makes sense, because the easiest way to get engagement
with other people is to talk about them.
You can talk about yourself afterwards, but get their attention first.
Also, write this wisdom down….

“People only care how much you know, once they

know how much you care.”

 Have your own special language

“Double mocha-Frappuccino skinny and extra hot.”
Yeah, I have no idea what that means either.
But that’s because I’m not a regular at Starbucks.
That place is creepy to me. Full of people (usually students?) all
talking some crazy language.
I’m a Costa Coffee guy.
So I’m comfortable in that place, and I understand their language.
I am a tribe member.
And every decent tribe has their own language to communicate in
that oh-so special way with their members.
Think about it…
Harry Potter fans have their own ‘language’. (“Quiddich”)
Technology whiz kids have their own ‘language’.
Golfers have their own ‘language’ (birdie?!)
This is critical in your marketing & how you position yourself.
By creating names, words & themes that only you and your email
subscribers share, you’ll have a special relationship going on.
Outsiders will want to get in, and insiders will wear your badge with

 Learn to craft good subject lines

The most important line you’ll write in your email actually isn’t in your
It’s the subject (heading) line.
Its’ the most important line because if it isn’t compelling enough, no
one will open your email.
Then it doesn’t matter how snazzy your writing is.
So, you might think that the best thing to create a good subject line
might be something desirable to make them want to click…
And it’s a very good shot.
But it will tend to miss.
Here’s why.
In my experience writing emails (and I’ve done a fair few of ‘em),
I’ve found that curiosity beats desire.
That means, it’s better to create intrigue and leave the reader
needing to open the email to see what comes next.
In storytelling, this is a called a ‘loop’.
When you ask the reader something, it opens a loop.
For example, “Do you want more clients?”.
Now they’re interested.
But, most marketers KILL that desire by ‘giving the game away’ and
closing the loop to early.
If your subject lines give the ‘solution’ away you’ll destroy the
tension you’re trying to build.
Let’s use an example to show you what I mean:

Which of the following do you think would get more people to open
the email?
Subject Line #1:
“Why Chocolate is The Worst Food for Your Health”

Or, Subject Line #2:

“The #1 Food you MUST avoid if you want to save your health…”

If you chose email subject line #2, well done! You’ve got the point.
Number 1 gives the game away and the reader doesn’t feel they
need to read the email anymore.
But number 2 makes them desperate to open the email and see
what comes next.
This is a basic sales copy writing skill that your competitors will NEVER
learn. It will also help you boost your open rates. And that means
more clicks to your website, and of course more sales and clients.

The Email-Creation Formula

I already mentioned the email structure briefly. But let’s get into
more detail and give you an actual template.
Here are the 6 steps to writing a winning email every time…
1. Subject Line That Gets Opened
2. Open With a Story
3. Teach Through The Story
4. Bring it Home
5. The Next Step
6. Open the Loop

Let’s explore each of these points so you can begin practicing.

1. Subject Line
We just covered this in the last section. Just remember that curiosity
beats desire.

2. Open With a Story

You should NEVER start an email with “Hi (name)”
It’s generic, boring and everyone else does it. Let’s be different.
You’ve got a few seconds to grab the reader by the throat and get
them engaged in your email.
So we need to go BOOOM straight into a story.
Think of a James Bond film. It always starts with an intense action-
sequence or a car chase.
From the first second you’re on the edge of your seat, before the
opening credits start.
Do the same with your emails. If it works for multi-million dollar
Hollywood movies, it will work for you.
The story, by the way, can be ANYTHING. It doesn’t need to be
anything crazy or unique. As long as it ties into a lesson that can be
applied to the reader to help them in their struggle.
If you be more aware you’ll find situations every single day that can
lead into a teaching point.
Here are some examples I’ve used (or I’ve seen other successful
writers use):
 You went to a shop / restaurant / service and they did
something disappointing (that you would warn other business
owners NEVER to do…)
 You saw someone working out in the gym doing the WRONG
exercises (that you would warn people trying to lose weight
never to do…)
 Another reader or a client of yours got a great result (and you
want to share what they did with your readers)
 Somebody gave you some negative criticism or shared an
opinion that you think is wrong (and you want to explain to
your readers WHY you believe that)
 You are doing something that you’ve worked hard to achieve
(and you want to inspire the readers that they can do the
same IF they apply a few steps or principles)
 You made a big mistake and you want to warn your readers
how to NOT do the same (this shows humility too)
 A celebrity or influential figure made a statement that you
agree or don’t agree with (and want to state why)
The possibilities are endless when you stop worrying about what to
write and just START WRITING.

3. Teach Through The Story

We learn best from stories.
Jesus used stories to teach people and create a tribe thousands of
years ago. That seemed to work for him.
Almost every good seminar opens with a story.
People watch stories every day – they’re called films and TV shows.
We love stories.
We learn best from stories.
That’s because learning comes from creating an emotional link with
the content. When we can relate what’s being said to an
experience in our own life, we create a neuro-association. And it
Another thing that happens when you tell stories, is that people go
into a ‘trance mode’.
You can control people’s focus with stories, using this tactic.
For example, if I want to make you think about your weight, I just
need to start telling you a story about my weight.
If I want you to think about your sister, I’ll tell a story about my sister…
or someone else’s sister.
You’ll relate the story to YOUR experience. It’s your filter for learning.
When you’re in that emotional state, you’ll connect more with what
you’re hearing. You’ll be more engaged and attached to the
So if you want people to think about their financial struggle, or their
failing marriage (or whatever pain you help them end) then start
telling a story about it.
You need to include:
 What was the problem, and for who (was it YOU struggling
with this problem, or a client of yours, or maybe a public figure
your reader knows?)
 What was that problem costing the person?
 What did the person do to END the problem and move to
pleasure? (you could mention 3 steps they took for example)
This is how you TEACH through your story.
Here’s an example of this in action…

“Let me tell you a quick story…

Mary is one of my longest serving clients. When she came

to me 3 years ago her life was a mess.
She was 20kilos overweight and she hated her life. She
had no confidence to go to the beach, and her sex life
was extinct.
(NOW the reader starts thinking about their personal
Anyway, 3 years later and she lost 25kilos so far, has a
GREAT relationship and turns mens’ heads wherever she
I asked her what were the 3 biggest lessons she’d
learned to end this problem and transform her life.
Here’s what she told me:
1. You need to focus on your goals – this is simple but very
important. We get motivated to start a new fitness
program, but quickly fall off track. Mary told me she
focused on her goals every day by sticking them up
on her fridge.
2. You must push your comfort zone – so many women
fail to lose weight because they repeat the same
workout over and over. If you’re not challenging your
body to do new things, you won’t stimulate your
metabolism to burn more fat. Mary would advance
her workout by lifting an extra kilo of weight each
week. She got stronger and her body kept changing.
3. You need to live a little – Mary decided that it would
be easier for her to stick to the nutrition plan if she
allowed herself one cheat meal per week. This helped
her to stay on track because she knew that she only
had to resist the sweets for a few days, not
(Now you’ve taught the reader through Mary’s ‘tips’)”

4. Bring it Home
After you’ve given your expert tips disguised in the form of a story,
it’s time to ‘bring it home’.
This means you need to wrap the lesson up in one main point.
We call this the ‘take away’ point. You want the reader to at least
remember one key statement that they can apply in their life.
Here’s how we might do it in this example...

“So, those are the key steps Mary used to lose over 20 kilos
of fat.
To summarise, the main points to remember are that you
need to focus on your goal, push your comfort zone, and
don’t be too strict on yourself.
If you keep these in mind, you’re sure to achieve the same

5. The Next Step…

This is a VITAL part of the email.
And it’s also the one that most coaches FORGET.
This is your call to action. The whole point of someone reading your
email is so that they can get the opportunity to solve their problem
for good.
Don’t assume that your emails will change people’s lives.
They won’t no matter how good they are.
That’s because less than 10% of people act on information they are
given, whether it’s free or paid for.
You should know that the best, most effective way to help someone
out of their pain is to have YOU as their coach, mentor or consultant.
Therefore if you don’t offer the reader another chance to get more
help, you’re being selfish.
You’re letting your fear of ‘asking for a sale’ get in the way. And
your fear is keeping that prospect STUCK in their pain for longer.
Take responsibility and HELP your market.
You simply do this by suggesting the next step.
We do this by using a Transition. This is where you clearly break from
giving content to asking them to take an action that will benefit
Here’s how we can do it…

“If the tips in this article helped you, and you’d like an extra
boost to get some real results, you might be interested in
I’m opening up 3 spots for a 1-1 coaching call this week
We’ll get on the phone for 1 hour to chat about your goals.
I’ll also help you identify what’s been preventing you from
getting results, and we’ll create an action plan to move
you forward.
If you like the plan, and you want me to help you
implement it with my coaching, we can talk about that
But there’s no obligation. I’m just looking for 3 women
who’d like to chat this week and get some clarity on their
situation. This call is 100% free, and again, there will be no
pressure at all to purchase anything.
In fact, I won’t even mention my coaching services unless
YOU ask me about what I offer.
Does that sound fair enough?
If you’d like to apply for this call, just click the link below and
you’ll be taken to a short form. I need to get some very
basic information from you so I can be best prepared for
our call.
Here’s the link:
Look forward to helping you reach the same success as
Talk soon,

6. Open the Loop

This is another huge component that amateur email writers never
learn about.
The goal is to get your emails opened, right?
So, to make it easier to get your emails read, we want to build desire
for your NEXT email, before you even write it.
This is where we use the “P.S” section.
The P.S is used to open a loop – or create some intrigue as to what’s
coming up next. This will get your readers excited to read more, and
will have them waiting expectedly for your next email.
Think of ANY good primetime TV show (especially the American
drama shows) like Lost, 24, Sopranos, or Walking Dead.
These shows finish every single episode with a cliff-hanger. Always.
Without exception.
They always set you up to want to watch the next episode, before
this one has even finished!
You want to create the same effect in your emails.
Here’s the example….
“Talk soon,

P.S – I have a FUNNY story to tell you tomorrow.
You won’t believe what happened to me on the way to work. It
taught me a valuable lesson – one that YOU can benefit from too.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s email, I’ll tell you all about it…”
If you hadn’t guessed by now, a lot of my email writing skills come
from studying the Hollywood movie and TV industry. These are the
best people in the WORLD at creating intriguing content that makes
people GLUED to their screens.
This is a secret tactic that 99% of coaches and experts will never
catch onto. But YOU can use these tips, strategies and proven
tactics to get the highest open rates, the most amount of clicks,
and create a huge following of fans that LOVE your emails and
can’t wait to read more.
I’ll say it one more time – the ONLY way to get good at this is to write
You don’t have to send an email every day like I do. But make sure
you write one every day.
Practice creates mastery.
Your competitors will never take the time to study and master this
Take advantage of that and build a loyal following of people who
love your emails (your adverts) and share them with friends.
You are making a great contribution by helping people with your
expertise every day – without asking for a cent in return.
I firmly believe that when you act like this – helping as many people
as possible, over and over again – the universe can’t help but send
good things your way.
To your email-marketing success,

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