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Holi is a festival of religious origin that is celebrated mainly in India. The event is also known as the
Spring Festival, as it celebrates the end of the winter season.

On the first day, people will gather around a bonfire and celebrate good triumphing over evil. But on the
second day entire streets and towns turn red, green and yellow as people throw colored powder into
the air and splash them on others. Each color carries a meaning. Red, for example, symbolizes love and
fertility while green stands for new beginnings. People also splash water on each other in celebration.
Water guns are used to squirt water, while balloons filled with colored water are also flung from
rooftops. Later in the day, families gather together for festive meals. It is also common to distribute
sweets among neighbors and friends.

Holi is considered as one of the most revered and celebrated festivals of India. It is also sometimes
called as the “festival of love”. I think that it’s beautiful to see that explosion of colours and the joy of
the people.

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