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Application of System of Linear Equations to

Traffic Flow for a Network of Four One-Way

Streets in Sampaloc Manila, Philippines

Traffic Flow is the analysis of the movement between two points by individual drivers
and vehicles and the connections they make with each other. Unfortunately, it is difficult to
research traffic flow because driver conduct with one hundred percent accuracy cannot be
predicted. Fortunately, drivers tend to behave within a fairly consistent range; thus, traffic
streams tend to have some reasonable consistency and can be mathematically described
roughly. Relationships between the three main features have been developed to better reflect
traffic volume: (1) flow, (2) density, and (3) velocity. Such relationships assist in the preparation,
construction and execution of road installations.

A vertical queue assumption is used in some mathematical models of traffic flow, where
the vehicles along a congested link do not spill back along the length of the link. Calculations are
more complicated within congested networks, however, and rely more on empirical studies and
extrapolations from actual road counts. Since these are often urban or suburban in nature, the
optimal conditions are also dictated by other variables (such as road-user safety and
environmental considerations).

This study will focus on traffic conditions in Manila, the capital city of the Philippines,
the center of the country's economic, political, social, and cultural activity. In which based on
the 2015 Global Satisfaction conducted by Waze, Metro Manila has the "worst traffic on
Southeast Asia”. There are several causes for traffic on the specified city, these include
Infrastructure problems, which is one of the primary causes of traffic density within Metro
Manila. Overall, there is a shortage of quality facilities, which means that there is inadequate
mobility. Road network, the roads are of poor quality and do not receive maintenance, the
railway system, Road-based Public Transport, Urban planning problems, Urban area expansion,
Traffic congestion, High population, Growing number of private 4-wheel vehicles, Public
transportation system, and Road accidents.

Traffic have several negative effects on both the citizens and the city itself and these
include effects on society. On the road, the congestion of vehicles is not completely harmful for
society. From a more specific point of view, congestion between vehicles within a particular
area enables other vehicles to circulate. In highly urbanized sectors, congestion eventually
arises when the ratio between the population of people and the given region is not
proportional and where demand is high. The main social effects that occur due to the
congestion of vehicles are namely: wasting of time (non-productivity; opportunity cost), delays,
frustrated drivers/motorists/passengers, encouraging road rage. It is necessary to perceive the
time spent in traffic as unproductive or, normally, a waste of time. Especially for individuals
who have other places to be instead of being stuck in traffic, the concept of opportunity cost
comes into play. Traffic congestion in highly urbanized cities can be a major drawback to the
distribution of goods from one location to another, contributing to the lack of confidence
between parties who, for the benefit of their own businesses, rely heavily on these regular
deliveries. In the context of "Road Rage" the most widely recognized impact of heavy traffic
congestion will be. Road Rage is an automobile driver's violent conduct that involves offensive
actions, such as face clapping, verbal insults, and malicious reckless driving, which can endanger
the lives of both the drivers and the people around them.

The current study therefore aims at applying a system of linear equations to traffic flow
for a network of a four one-way streets in Sampaloc Manila, Philippines. It also aims to
determine the number of vehicles that should be allowed to route the four one-way streets
under study in the model in order to reduce traffic congestion in the area of focus.
Mathematical Model

A system of linear equations was used to analyze the flow of traffic for a network of four
one-way streets Sampaloc Manila, Philippines. The Data was collected by one of the members,
Sheena Duardas. The variables X, Y, Z and W represent the flow of the traffic between the four
intersections in the network. The data was obtained by counting the number of vehicles that
travelled around the four one-way streets between the hours of 2pm to 6pm during which is
the mid-week peak traffic hour in Sampaloc Manila. The arrows in the diagram indicate the
direction of flow of traffic in and out of the network that is measured in terms of number of
vehicles per hour. The diagram in Figure 1 below describes the four one-way streets in
Sampaloc Manila, Philippines under study in the model:

Figure 1: Diagram of the four one-way streets, in Sampaloc Manila

The system of equations for the model was formulated as follows:

 At intersection A: Traffic in equals X + Y, Traffic out equals 650+550, therefore, X + Y

equals 1200.
 At intersection B: Traffic in equals 300 + 180, Traffic out equals X + W, therefore, X + W
equals 480.
 At intersection C: Traffic in equals Z +W, Traffic out equals 300 +2300, therefore, Z + W
equals 2600.
 At intersection D: Traffic in equals 2,500 + 820, Traffic out equals Y + Z, therefore, Y + Z
equals 3320.

The constraints were written as a system of linear equations as follows:

 X + Y = 1200
 X + W = 480
 Z + W =2600
 Y + Z = 3320

We then used the Gauss-Jordan elimination method to solve the system of equations. The
augmented matrix and reduced row-echelon form of the above system are as follows:

1 1 0 0 1200 1 0 0 1 480
1 0 0 1 480 0 1 0 -1 720
0 0 11 2600 0 0 1 1 2600
0 1 10 3320 0 0 0 0 0

The system of equations that corresponds to this reduced row-echelon form is:

 X + W = 480
 Y – W = 720
 Z + W = 2600
Expressing each leading variable in terms of the remaining variable, we had

 X = -W + 480
 Y = W + 720
 Z = -W + 2600

If we take a construction limit on Loreto St. to be 300 VPH, then the values of X, Y, and Z will be;

 X = -300 + 480 = 180 VPH

 Y = 300 + 720 = 1020 VPH
 Z= -300 + 2600 = 2300 VPH

Figure 2: Traffic Simulation MATLAB Coding

Figure 3: RREF Coding Using MATLAB

Discussion of Results

There are many solutions to the process of modeling equations, and thus many traffic
flows are possible. A driver, due to the design of the model, has a certain amount of options at
the intersection. In view of the DC stretch, along this stretch of road it is beneficial to have as
little traffic flow Z as possible. The flows can therefore be controlled along the various branches
by the use of traffic lights. According to the model, the third equation in the system shows that
Z will be a minimum when W is as large as possible, as long as it does not exceed 2600. The
largest value can be assumed without causing negative values of X, or Y is 480. Thus the
smallest value of W is -480 + 2600 or 2120. Therefore, any road work on the network of the
four one-way streets as a whole in Sampaloc, Manila should allow for traffic volume of at least
2120 VPH to minimize the traffic congestion on the focused area. In which 2300 VPH must be
routed between D and C, 180 VPH between A and B, and 1020 VPH between the intersections A
and D in order keep the traffic flowing. Therefore, we have established how to minimize the
traffic congestion at the four one-way street linking Loreto St, Lacson Ave, G. Tuazon St. and M.
Francisco St.

These suggestions listed are hypothetical in terms of minimizing traffic congestions and
in guaranteeing free flow of traffic in Sampaloc, Manila. These are not necessarily the direct and
definite solutions to the said problems and goals of traffic flow and is still subject for verification
of a professional or expert in this field. Here as follows:

 Establishing of active traffic management system; providing traffic counts, live

GPS view, etc.
 Incorporating technological applications of traffic reporting into more usage or
mandatory usage.
 Establishing of traffic control system.
 Establishing of new routes through infrastructures.
 Furnishing of separate lanes for public transport vehicles.
 Optimization of the timing of the traffic signals.
 Improving capacity of lanes.


Manila traffic. (2021). Retrieved from


Traffic in Metro Manila. (2015). Retrieved from

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