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Letter of Appeal


The Director

National Service Training Program Diliman



Dear; Director,

I am writing this letter to formally request you as an organization to be an ally for the

change of our youth from the usage of drugs. Drug use has been a rampant problem and

primarily to our youth in this regard.

The use of alcohol or narcotics is the most common reason for expulsion from school.

Students who are disabled for a significant part of the week would struggle in classes, putting

their college futures in jeopardy. On the other hand, students are understandably unable to accept

that alcohol or substance addiction is to blame for their academic shortcomings. Students are

more likely to blame low academic results on home troubles, mental wellbeing concerns,

roommate problems, sex issues, attacks, concussions, and other causes than heavy college


There are some possible explanations for this rejection. Students may be concerned that

agreeing to use illicit substances would harm rather than support their appeals. When it comes to

tobacco, minors enjoy the same privileges as adults. Furthermore, individuals who are addicted

to alcohol or medications often lie to themselves and others about their condition.

Drug usage among young adults in school has seen most of them being dismissed from

school due to poor grades. Also, drug use among schoolboys and girls has contributed to most

suicidal cases reported every day. Once these students are expelled out of school, they then go

home, and they realize the mistakes they have made, and they find no time to reflect on what

they can do with their lives and end up killing themselves.

It has come to my attention that through your help, we may be able to help our children

and have a bright future. I am always hurt when I hear in newspapers and magazines every day

that a school-going child has terminated their lives, and upon my follow-up, I realize that they

have been introduced to drugs. They cannot get themselves out of such a situation. The most

contributing factor that has made most school-going teens involved in the use of drugs is the

absence or even lack of supervision given by the guardian or the parent. Parents nowadays have

become so absent in parenting, and they do not discuss the issues they are going through and

minding on how they have been fairing in school. This has given the children the to use whatever

they want and also to die inside with deep secrets of the pain that they may be having. With the

parents and guardians being absent in their roles, the teens have adopted drugs to sinking their

problems. However, this has not been of any help to these children as it has led to addiction and

thus affecting their academic performance. Our schools have also not been doing so well in

advising and controlling drugs within the school, and I wish to get help from your organization. I

have a strong belief that together we will achieve this dream.

One of the approaches I recommend is developing a program to aid in reducing the

current divide between parents and children. The authority must put this plan into action. This

session would look at how parents communicate with their children in order to engage them in a

conversation around some of the issues they are dealing with. This scheme may also provide free

counseling for teens when few can afford to pay for treatment on their own. One of the steps I

advocate for reducing opioid usage is allocating funding to recovery services for the most

disadvantaged populations, such as juveniles, teens, and caregivers.

Furthermore, I've noticed how a shortage of community resources that can encourage

these kids to join rather than sit at home or with their friends has affected the substance addiction

crisis. Drug misuse has never been a problem because young people have too much voluntary

work to do. The climate is changing as a consequence of technological advances that have made

it possible to perform certain activities online. As a result, several teenagers have access to

videos and photos of opioid users, which has inspired them to start consuming opioids.

I recommend that we improve the application of voluntary programs aimed at diverting

people's focus away from opioid use and toward physical activity with your assistance. As a

result, initiatives such as baseball, soccer, football, tennis, and other well-known cultural events

can be launched. Many of these athletic events need funding, and I am confident that we can

change our youth's lives if we all work together.

Furthermore, I suggest that we adopt programs in which young people meet at least once

a month and tell their stories of how they overcame challenges in their lives while they were

younger. In this regard, they give hints to those who are addicted to drugs, implying that they

would be able to overcome their issues through the use of substances. Local bodies will control

all of these programs in order to track the progress of teenagers and young people in terms of

opioid abuse prevention, elimination, and eradication.

Finally, although the majority of opioid addicts are teenagers and young adults, the rest of

the blame can be placed on those "arm pushers" who, expressly or indirectly, urge individuals to

use opioids to worry about their issues briefly. Instead of pushing them to hurt themselves, we

should keep them occupied by teaching them life skills. Please do it. Accepting our own family

is important. Should we take what is theirs by right? They've put their hearts and minds into all

we've got. Furthermore, God owns one-tenth of all we have or get. How would we know if we're

using our capital wisely? We should take time to reflect and pause as we get older. We are

defending the existence of someone's child or grandchild since it is unquestionably a child of

God. In this respect, I propose that the city council strengthen local regulations relating to all

dangerous drugs in order to assist society in dealing with the opioid crisis. They would obey the

strict laws of the law when intervening with opioid addicts and assisting them in healing, as well

as arresting and punishing drug lords and smugglers. The strict enforcement of the rules, which

would be subject to the state's due process, would prevent individuals in the city from trying to

market narcotics to juveniles and others in this manner.

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